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Just as Red said the letter about the Court hearing was sent to my house. It also gave me more information and shit about when I needed to come in and what time it starts and all that. It's been two weeks and it's my time to step into the court room. I didn't plan on every coming back to a room like this.

The last few times I was in court I had a seizure while people recorded it and if was broadcasts world wide for millions to see. I told myself I'd never step into a court room again and here I am.

I asked the judge to make the court a private kind of thing. She allowed that and now the only people in here are Rico, Corey, them two dumb fucks, and they're bitch ass lawyer, the Judge, my lawyer, and I. Sya has a wedding to plan since her and Rakim are getting the married next week and I told her to stay in New York. I don't need her to get stressed over me when her wedding is way more important than this petty shit.

"Let's start off with what happened the day of May fourteenth of 2016 at 10:12 in the morning when the police were called at the home of Ms. Montes and her boyfriend Mr. Lamin. Ms. Montes let's start with you." Judge Liza adjusted her glasses and turned toward my lawyer.

"My client Ms. Montes says the two defendants here broke into her home." I bent him down and told him what to say. "Excuse me, correction. Raykeeduh Smith broke into the home armed with a gun and Jamal Reeves acted as a distraction."

"Objection." Their lawyer said.

"Denied. Continue Mr. Carmen."

"That's all."

"Okay, now it's your turn to speak for your clients Mrs. Newman."

"My clients didn't break into the home. They knocked on the door to Ms. Montes' home and she became hostile and drew a weapon on them."

Judge Liza squinted. "Elora may I have you come to the stand." I stood up and walked around the wooden table and stepped up onto the platform next to the judges stand and sat down in the chair.

Third person

"Can you tell me about that day?"

"Yeah. Imma warn you now, I'm a cusser." The judged smiled.

"That's fine. Continue please."

"Okay so I'm making breakfast and there's a knock at the door and I'm like who could be knocking on my door this early in the morning? I look through the peep hole and this nigga is standing on my porch. I run to the kitchen and try to look for my phone and I ain't see it. I have a prior history with with Jamal-"

"What's that history?"

"I used to work at his club took he fired me."

"So you all know each other."

"He don't know shit about me. He just some broke boy who used to take my money." Elora said tapping her nails on the arms of the wooden chairs.

"Thank you." She wrote notes down on her ink pad. "Continue your story."

"I take the knife from the drawer just incase the nigga tried to break into my shit. Because he's known to put his hands on people." Elora said getting mad. "I got my phone and crawled all the way to my closet where I keep my gun. I told his fuckin ass to get the fuck away from my mothafuckin door or I was gonna kill is ass." A large vein appeared on her neck as she spoke.

She was making eye contact with Reeves the whole time. She was so angry that she was even scaring Rico and the judge.

"He talking about he just wanna talk. Usually talks ain't talking when it comes to him. I warned him to leave a few times and he didn't. I called the police so they could hear everything that was going on. He kept knocking so I blew the first warning shot. It's a bean bag shot it feels just as bad as bullet with less damage. I shot that first one to let him know I was serious. He kept knocking so i opened the door and kicked his ass to the ground. Next thing I know the damn magicians assistant here." She held he fingers out like a gun and pointed them at Rakeeyduh. "She gets in my house some way and starts talking about how I owe her money and I don't owe them damn a crumb. She keep talking crazy so I shot that second warning shot by her head and she start rolling around screaming about her ear. The police came right on time and took they ass out my house."

Elora - SquealWhere stories live. Discover now