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Dr. Francisco in the picture.

It has been a full two weeks since the interview at the home of Oprah Winfrey and the story of Elora Montes was booming. Pre-orders for her book were coming in like crazy. Magazines and talk shows all wanted a piece of the action. 

But Elora had another thing to worry about. She sat on the edge of the bathtub in the master bedroom of their home. She looked at the brand new Mabel floors and trying to find anything to calm her nerves.

Rico had to go back to school since he hasn't been since his spring break ended a couple days prior. Elora spent her time distracting herself by getting the house remodeled instead of shopping. She felt her and Rico were opening a new chapter in their lives and decided all the negative energy had to go.

Her main focus was the bathroom.

That's how her house project got started. She noticed the blood on the old white tiles stained. Knowing that was a constant reminder of what she went through, she called the best home renovation company in Atlanta to fix the problem.

Fist the bathroom then all the bedrooms, next came the kitchen, and then the rest of the house. But even though that was a great distraction from the craziness of her life she had one thing that had been keeping her awake for the past three days. She had missed her period and figured it had been late. But after a week and a half it never showed up.

The ten minute count down on her phone played a short song to let her know that the time was up. Dismissing the alarm, she slowly walked to the bathroom counter and looked at all five tests.

I bought all the most expensive pregnancy test on the shelf and they all read positive.

"Baby I'm home!"

Shit! Of course he would come home early.

Elora didn't know what to do. She wanted to throw them in the trash and hide them but she knew he'd find the tests since he took the trash out.

"I'm upstairs!" She took her previous spot on the edge of the tub that sat in the center of the bathroom. The sound of him coming up the stairs made her nervous.

She wiped her sweaty palms on her bare thighs.

Rico took his uniformed scrubs off and put them gently in the hamper that sat on the back of the huge walk in closet.

He left on his boxers and noticed the bathroom light on.

"Baby you in here?"

"Yeah, come here real quick." He followed his girlfriends words and saw her sitting there in one of his t-shirts looking at the floor.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, sort of." She stood up and picked up all the test and held them in her hand.

He walked to her and looked at the pink and white objects in her hand. He remembered seeing them on TV in a commercial once.

"What's this?" He asked in a worried tone.

"There tests. I took five pregnancy tests." Elora said getting to it.

Rico looked up at ready for what was to come next. "And....."

"They're all positive." Elora watched the expression on his face. He looked at the floor just as she had and tried to find his words since they were caught at his lips.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes. You are."

He looked up at her and a smile spread across his face from ear to ear. He picked her up and kissed wherever he could.

Elora - SquealWhere stories live. Discover now