She's a little Different [Part 1]

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"Well what do you expect?" With the instant reply also came a smirk on that flawless face of hers. Her hand raised and pushed back some loose strands of hair over her shoulder as her composure relaxed to one of confidence. "He was always going to end up liking me. I knew that from the beginning." The urge I had to land a nice clean punch, spread throughout my fists; I had to keep them controlled by my sides.


The day I hand my homework in is the day I lose all senses and should probably go check myself in to see a doctor. In saying that, I shrug at the question fired at me before pulling my bag strap over my shoulder.

"So you haven't done it?" My true -truly annoying- friend asked as he came by my side and accompanied me to our next class.

"When have I ever done it?" Though his eyes stay focused as we pass into the school hall, his confidence had people step aside or stare; or both. And out of everybody he could spend his lunchbreaks with, he chooses to spend them with me. Personally, I think I'm too much of an idiotic dumbass to hang out with but he obviously doesn't think that way.

"Suppose your right." He shrugged, his muscles adorning his chest flexing as he did so. All the girls that walked around us gave Harry the googly eyes though his emerald gaze only turned down to me. We exchanged a cheeky smile between us before I found his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we walked into our first selective class.

Some of our class had already let themselves in as I made my way to an outside desk. Setting my feet up on the table and pulling out my phone was the normal as Harry seated himself beside me and took out his football form his bag. It was that point that we waited a solid ten minutes for our class and teacher to enter the hot room.

"Hey!" Harry bounced the ball from the side of my head as I looked over and narrowed my eyes at him.

"What the hell Harry?"

"You weren't answering me." His pout would be considered attractive and adorable to most; but I know this boy very well and I also know that he will never manipulate me with that face. Ever. "Or were you day dreaming about him again?" My eyes widened at his accusation as I punched him in the shoulder causing him to laugh in hysterics.

"Do you always think I think about him?" His right eyebrow rose as he smirked teasingly over at me. Rolling my eyes, I took his ball and put it on my desk before leaning my chin on it. "Well I wasn't."

"Not this time." He nudged as I waved him off. So what I have a crush? It's not like I'm his type anyway. "You know I could put a word in for you. Him and I being on the same football team and everything." I shook my head.

"He doesn't see me that way and he probably never will. He's too focused on the perfect girl in the school." It was true. I had a crush on the blonde headed goal keeper in the team and he had eyes for the blonde headed, big boobed girl of the school.

"Niall will come around with some persuasion." Leaning up, I went to reply to the naïve friend of mine until she entered the room. The one and only girl I was just bad mouthing in my head.

"Hey Harry." She waved at him, stopping beside his table as my eyes rolled. I had to look away from her so she wouldn't see me mocking her as I mouthed every word she was about to say. It was a habit.

"Hey Holly," Harry replied coolly, leaning back into his chair as he stared up at the girl.

Everybody knew Holly had a thing for Harry and even he knew. But he said he would never date a girl like her. He likes girls who keep it real; who don't act like a complete princess all the freaking time. So I like Niall and Niall likes Holly but Holly likes Harry but he's my friend that has no interest in her.

Well shit. I can see why I wouldn't want to get involved and fuck around with that little problem.

"And (Y/N)." Did I mention that she hated me? Well she did; with a passion. Probably because I hang out with Harry and always have the attention she wanted from him. Life is sweet yet sour at the same time.

Choosing to ignore her, I spun Harry's football on my finger and watched it until I could hear her voice no more.

"Wow, you're so rude." Harry exaggerated as he flicked his wrist at me. I threw back his ball, hitting him square on his head like he had with me before causing him to whine. Just then, our teacher had arrived, late as always. He pulled his cuffs back and gave us a quick apology before beginning to write on the board. "Poo head." Harry whispered and lightly kicked me under the table as I bit back a smile and pulled out my notebook.

"So rude." I chuckled as a knocking came to the door. The teacher answered it and I looked up for my smile to drop and my heart race to instantly pick up.

"Sorry I'm late." His foreign accent that excluded him from these parts was all I heard as the stunning boy stepped in and made his way to one of the remaining seats. Unfortunately it was across the classroom where a small handful of his and Harry's team had sat; Niall being welcomed instantly.

"Poo head." I replicated Harry's words and focused back onto the work ahead of me; wishing that the blonde for once in his life took the advantage and sat next to Harry so I could get a good look at him.

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