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I was inlove, you were hurting. I took care of you and afraid you'd run away, you were falling inlove and scared I wouldn't stay. Now things happen, people make mistakes yet life goes on. You run away, I didn't chase. You were inlove, I was hurting.

Third Person

One month back.

He impatiently huffed as him and Harry sat on one of the booths of the cafè where they would be waiting for Harry's friend. Louis never wanted to come but since Harry was annoyingly persistent and Louis loved him (although Louis wouldn't admit), Louis did. And it didn't help when the person they were meeting with wasn't on time.

He always hated waiting.

"Haz, she stood you up. C'mon let's just go home and cuddle." he hurriedly said. All he wanted to do was go home and be the slob he was.

"Shut up, Lou. It's just five minutes past the call time. Girls are always atleast thirty minutes late. You have sisters, c'mon, you should know that." Harry rolled his eyes at him.

"I have four baby sisters. I wouldn't know, they don't date yet." Louis responded.

"Lottie is fifteen, Lou. She's already a teenager, she might be dating someone behind your back. You never know." Harry argued.

Louis never thought about that until Harry brought it up. And now that he did, he was certain he'd talk to Lottie when he got home. "That little sh*t, I swear if she -" he whispered to himself, "No, Harry, she's not allowed to date yet!" he scowled at the boy beside him for giving him the idea.

Harry just shrugged at him making him grow more annoyed. So he faced forward and crossed his arms and his thin lips formed an adorable pout without him noticing. Just as he was about to convince Harry for them to go home yet again, the glass door of the cafè jingled, indicating somebody came in. Two girls with sun glasses on, just like the both of them when they arrived (although for a different reason, paps), walked towards their direction. Louis looked beside him wanting to ask why there were two girls only to see Harry already locked eyes with one of them and grinning his usual cheeky grin. Both girls sat across them and Louis uncrossed his arms and straightened his slouched posture. He watched intently as the girl infront of him gracefully took her glasses off. Her eyes fluttered and through her long lashes, she looked up.

And for the first time, his blue ocean eyes and her bright hazel eyes met.

"You both knew each other? How?" Harry asked the other girl infront of him with an amused smirk.

"Well since I resigned from the bakery I never really paid a visit again, so I thought, why not? And last month I did, only to meet this new pretty girl and I guess you could say we became close." the girl across Harry explained. Louis tried hard to rack his head for the name Harry mentioned when Louis asked him of who they were meeting with. Alana, he thought but wasn't really sure.

"And she said you guys were pretty close, too so I guess you don't mind me bringing her." she added.

"Of course not," Harry sent a smirk at the girl infront of Louis causing her to blush but she didn't back down as she smirked back. Louis furrowed his brows, he didn't quite catch what that was about.

The girl across Harry rolled her eyes knowingly at the gesture with a smile, "You never changed, Styles." then the three of them laughed.

Louis decided to hint Harry of an introduction by clearing his throat and slyly nudging Harry's foot under the table because the three of them seemed to be comfortable talking to each other while Louis sat watching, confused to who was who.

No, he really just wanted to know the name of the girl across from him.

"Right," Harry chuckled. "Girls, this is Louis, my mate. Louis, this is Alana and Eleanor." he introduced but didn't really help as he didn't clarify who was who. Louis almost smacked his head.

But he didn't need to.

"Eleanor," the girl infront of him offered a handshake, a sweet smile pulled on her pouty full lips.

She looks like the Eleanor, anyway, he thought.

He accepted the handshake except he didn't shake it. He pulled her hand and brought her knuckles near his mouth and press a light kiss on it.

She laughed at the gesture before he spoke, "Louis."

"I've been told." she sassily noted.

Louis just smiled for he was already captivated by her eyes. They enticed him for they were bright with confidence but he knew there was more to it. He was so captivated, he didn't even notice a pair of eyes watching him intently as he adored Eleanor's beautiful orbs.

He just wanted to find out what were hiding behind her hazel eyes.

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