Chapter Eight

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I froze on my spot.

I didn't hear him correctly, right? There must be a mistake. I was probably drunk more than I think I was. I... He...

This isn't happening.

Louis pulled me in an embrace and that was when it all fell. Tears, pain, and frustrations. I struggled to get out of his arms and just disappear. I didn't even understand everything that was going on.

"Louis let me go!" I tried prying his arms away from me.

"Shh, love, calm down." he whispered as everybody around started to cheer and applaud.

"No! This is absurd!" I pushed him away but it didn't even move him an inch.

"El, you promised me, remember?" he gently said.

And that was when I gave up trying. I let my hand fall to my sides and my tears fell freely but my mind still couldn't accept what my ears heard.

"Louis, there must be a mistake! Tell me this is just a bloody mistake!" I sobbed on his chest.

"Babe, calm down. C'mon, let's go get some air outside." he said before putting one arm around my waist for support and then he walked me out of the club.

My mind was clouded with thoughts about what just happened.

Harry didn't want relationships. But he and Taylor were dating. He even threw this party for her. And announced to everyone she was his girlfriend.

I didn't even know they knew each other then she was suddenly his girlfriend. It just didn't add up. I still couldn't understand.

Maybe this is just one stupid joke.

"El, love." Louis gently caressed my arm.

"Louis, I can't understand! He said he- he- then I- f*ck!" I stammered while tugging at my hair then once again, Louis locked me in his embrace though it wasn't what I needed. I needed an explanation. I tried pushing him away again but he just kept tightening his arms around me. "Let me go!"

"I'm sorry, love." he cooed and still didn't let go.

I cried out loudly to let some weight off my chest but it still wasn't enough. "Would somebody make me understand!" I yelled while struggling out of Louis.

"El, what's the problem?" A voice I knew by heart asked behind me. Suddenly I felt my knees buckling so I gripped on Louis' shirt. I didn't even need to turn around. Harry walked towards us and turned to Louis. "What did you do?"

"Wow," Louis breathed, losening his arms around me, "What did I do." he repeated then he chuckled bitterly.

Harry ignored him and turned his gaze on me, looking concerned.

You have no f*cking right.

He took one step forward and I felt Louis' arms no longer surrounding me. He took another step forward then I took one back, feeling unguarded.

"Don't." I warned.

"El, what did he do?" he asked me from a safe distance.

A humorless laugh escaped my lips. I shook my head and wiped the tears that were still pouring out, "This can't be serious." I whispered.

"I saw you struggling to get away from him. El, did he hurt you?" he continued asking.

"Did I hurt her?! Are you sh*tting me?!" Louis shot back exasperatedly.

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