Chapter Sixteen

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It was a Saturday night and I was waiting for Louis to arrive and pick me up so we could go to the Cinderella Ball together. He told me it was a charity ball arranged by his mum to raise money for cancer-striken children. It was such a sweet thing to do, I just wasn't sure why he asked me to come with him.

"So, you're asking me for a date?" I asked.

"N-no! I just asked you to be my date!" he scoffed, "W-why would I ask you out?" he said, not meeting my eyes.

"That's not what I said!" I exclaimed.

His head snapped up to me, "But y-you-"

"I asked you if you were asking me, so you can atleast have a date. Why would you think I thought you were asking me out?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I didn't!" he shook his head.

"You did!" I accused while giggling, the thought of him asking me out made me do so.

"Well too bad, it isn't funny." he said, huffing while crossing his arms with a pout.

My giggled stopped as I snapped my head to his direction, "What?"

"What's so funny about me asking you out?" he asked bluntly.

"W-what?" I stammered. It seemed like that was the only thought my mind could muster.

"I'll pick you up at seven PM. It's a formal event," he said while standing up, "See you tomorrow." then he walked straight to the door, out of my house, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

There was a knock on the door so I stood up, straightened my dress and walked towards door, guessing it was Louis. I opened the door and suddenly, my breath got caught in my throat.

"Hey El--"

Indeed, it was Louis.

Wearing a formal suit with his hair slicked back, smelling like a luxurious perfume, looking so good that caused my jaw to slack.

There was a minute of silence before my eyes fell on his face again and I was surprised to see that he looked blown away as I was. He cleared his throat before a smug look took over his features, "Like what you see?"

My lips tug up into a smirk before responding, "I could ask you the same thing."

I expected him to let it go since it was just a rhetorical question but my stomach fluttered when he shrugged and said, "Well, I do."

And with that, he smiled and offered me his elbow to hold on to like two highschool kids heading to prom.


When we got outside the car after we had arrived, tons of flashes suddenly went off that practically blinded me, I was seeing white for a while. Apparently, paps knew about the event (of course they did) and like the nosey, hungry-for-celebrity-scoops-to-tell-the-world people they were, they arrived here faster that lightning could.

"Look here, Louis!"

"Here, Louis!"

"Louis, can we have a quick interview?"

"Louis is she your girlfriend?"

"Are you guys secretly dating?"

I was being overwhelmed by all the camera flashes and attention they were giving us. I was squirming, hopefully, away from them, but they were blocking the way to the venue. Louis noticed me cowering away so he put an arm around me and leaned into my ear and whispered, "Sorry, El. Just ignore them, yeah?"

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