Chapter Twenty Four

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I didn't mean to tell her because I knew it wasn't her fault she didn't love me back. I loved her and it would mean the world if she loved me back, but I wasn't asking for the world. I wasn't expecting her to love me back. I was just inlove with her and that was it. I didn't want to tell her because I knew she wasn't ready to love yet and it might cause the bond I made with her to break. She might push me away and I wasn't ready for that yet. If friendship was all she could offer then I'd gladly take it and be contented. All I wanted was be there for her.

But when she told me I was just staying by her side because Harry f*cked up and I was just there to fix his sh*t, I lost it. I yelled it at her face and deeply regretted it.

After five months, I told her I loved her for the first time.

And probably the last.

I came by to inform her of something I was awfully saddened about, but I figured it was best not to tell her. Maybe it was for the best.


For a moment there, I thought the world stopped. My mind flashed thousands of thoughts that it went blank. My stomach flipped and was in knots and I couldn't even tell if it was a good thing.


"You didn't see that one coming, huh?" Louis blankly asked, still gripping the doorknob then twisted it open. I wasn't able to form a coherent thought inside my mind, let alone a reply. I just stood there, staring at him. Completely and utterly stunned. "Just what I thought." he said before stepping out of the door and walking away.

I heard the roaring of the engine of his car until it sped off and faded away. And although the sound of his car left me in disappointment, I released the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

What was that? One moment we were fooling around, then the next he was halfway out the door?

"F*ck I love you, El!"

I blinked once. Twice. Thrice. Nope. Not dreaming. I put a hand on my chest and felt the rapid beating of my heart now starting to slow down.

Louis Tomlinson, what trick are you pulling on me?


The next day, I hadn't heard anything from Louis; no calls, no texts, no anything. I should've expected this. I practically stared at him without saying anything after he told me he loved me, why would he bother talking to me?

But in all honesty, I really didn't know what to feel. I didn't know what I do feel since it was the first time someone told me they loved me, except my bestfriend Max but that was another case. Even my parents never told me they loved me as far as I could remember, so for someone to tell me they did for the very first time, I didn't know how to react.

I pushed all my thoughts away and continued my day that for some f*cked up reason, was missing something I couldn't quite put a finger on.

Shut up, Eleanor. You know very well what that is. Or who that is.

I decided to call Max because it had been a while a while since I had talked to him (I talked to him the other day) and even though it might be a bad idea (Max was never a love guru, it took him forever to tell a girl he liked her), I'd ask his opinion about this whole thing. Then maybe I'd know what to do.

"Hello to my most favorite person in the world!" he cheered.

"Hello to you too, assh*le."

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