Chapter Three

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Everyone might pity me for begging Harry to love me back but I just simply didn't care.

I loved him and I couldn't help my feelings. No matter how hurt I got, it just wouldn't die down that I needed to fight for it.

I was born a fighter and no matter how difficult Harry was with me, I wouldn't back down. I needed him to realize that I was worth his love. That I was worthy of him.

All people might have been wondering why I fell inlove with Harry when all he did was kill my hopes, hurt my feelings and break my heart. But... That wasn't the Harry I fell inlove with.

Harry was once this sweet, charming, curly-haired guy with drowning green eyes who was all smiles and acts fifteen years younger that what he really was.

He used to talk to me about how loved animals and I loved how his eyes lit up everytime he did, like he was talking about the love of his life. He used to ride a scooter, obviously size too small for him, but still ended up falling his ass on the ground. And that was just a few things that added to why I fell for him.

We were getting along pretty well before. So well that I thought we had something. Before I confessed my love for him. Because all of a sudden he... changed.

And I didn't understand why.

He started pushing me away, telling me that I should stop whatever it was that I feel. But I was deep. Too deep that I couldn't help myself out.

Then he stopped talking to me. He started ignoring me. But I didn't give up. I needed him to feel it. I needed him to feel it that he would mirror it back to me.

That was when he started to hurt me. He started hooking up with girls infront of me just to rub it in my face. Although I always reminded myself that it was done to purposely hurt me, I still couldn't help myself not to.

I was ready to give him my whole heart yet he broke it. Nonetheless, I still wanted to offer it to him.

But the endless cycle of mending my heart after he would break it, crushed me slowly. The bandages I put to hold the pieces together was wearing down. Then I realized, I was slowly getting tired, getting too hurt from all the begging.

Why doesn't he want me? What am I lacking? Why is he acting this way towards me when all I do is love him? Why? I questioned myself.

I said I wouldn't give up without having a good fight. And I was fighting so hard.

But not good enough.

Because the man whose love I was fighting for, didn't seem to want me to fight his battle.

And its useless to fight when you have nothing to fight for.

"Harry, talk to me. Please." I plead. Shocker.

The night had only started but Harry was already starting to break down the walls around my heart. It wont be long until he destroy my heart itself, just like what he always did.

We were at a party held by one of the boys' friend. Dark place with streaks of neon lights striking everywhere, booming and blaring music, intoxicating smoke and alcohol, and swaying bodies. Most likely the environment whenever I plead Harry to stop rubbing it in my face.

He was sitting on a stool by the bar and I was there beside him. Everything was the same with the last time this happened, and the time before that. The only difference was he didn't have a girl with him. Yet.

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