Chapter Six

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She flipped.

Like literally flipped.

I knew better than to tell her but I still did. How stupid could I be?

Worse than you think, which means worse than I am. My subconscious mocked me.

But we're the same person.... I replied.

Yeah, but you're talking to me which implies that not only you're stupid, but also mental. He teased.

Hold the f*ck up. What?

"Sometimes I think I'm not normal and I get weirder and weirder everyday." I said absentmindedly. I wasn't even conscious I had said it out loud.

Not that anyone took notice, though.

"Are you even listening to me?!" El snapped that brought me out of my daze.


"I said what do you mean it's Taylor's?" she asked.

Then it dawned to me that she knew the real score.

Uh-oh. Hell's about to break lose.

"It's her celebration party-"

"You're going to Taylor Swift's party?!"

"Yeah, but I swear-"

"And you're planning on not telling me?!"

"That was the plan. I'm sorry but I just figured you didn't want to see her-"

"You figured I didn't want to see her?!" she seethed and I flinched.

"Look, El. I just didn't-"

"Louis," she inhaled deeply before shooting daggers my way. I quickly shut my mouth. Scary. "I didn't know you are that selfish."

I pursed my lips, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you, and probably the other boys, going to Taylor's party without telling me." she drawled.

"I know! And I told you, I'm sorry! I didn't know-" I started saying when, for the hundredth time today, she cut me off. Ofcourse.

"I'm gonna go change." she said and before I knew it, she was sprinting her way upstairs.

"Wait- what?! No! El!" I tried stopping her.

Why the f*ck does she still want to go? F*cking insane.

"What?!" she stopped halfway the staircase.

I scoffed, "You're not-"

"Tomlinson, I swear I'll stick your own foot up your little ass if you tried to stop me one more time!" she glared.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

Something's not right.

I was about to ask her why she insisted on coming with but she beat me to it.

"Would you just let me go? I'll just take a picture or two, it's not like I would attack her! I mean, it's Taylor Swift! She's like, legend. Dude, don't keep her to yourself." she rolled her eyes.

That was it.

The thing that wasn't right.

She didn't know.

"So obviously I can't just crash in so you're going to take me as your date, yeah? Everything settled? Okay? Okay."


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