Chapter Twelve

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I was still lying on the hospital bed wondering why they wouldn't let me go home already since my wrist was already fixed. I told Max to go see his family in the meantime but I promised to see him once I got out of the hospital. My boredom was getting the best of me and I suddenly regret sending Max home.

But there was a knock on the door, ending my misery. A nurse peeked in and asked, "You have visitors. Would you like me to send them in?" she smiled, showing her perfect set of pearly white teeth.

My brows creased. Who would like to visit me?

I hesitantly nodded my head at her and she disappeared after closing the door. Moments later, there were muffled noises coming from the other side of the door.

"C'mon Danielle, just one."

"Niall, shut your face. This is for Eleanor!"

"Leave Dani alone, Niall, Liam looks like seconds away from jumping at you."

"I do not! Shut up, Zayn or I'll tell Perrie!"

"Tell me what?"

"He's scared of asking you ou-"

"Liam! Don't you dare!"


"But- But please, Danielle? Please, please, please? Just one, I promise."

"Oh God, Niall, fine! Just one! Jeez, does Maura starve you?"

"Yes! I mean, no - F*ck! This muffin tastes so good!"

"Now shut up, would you? We're probably disturbing the whole floor because of your whines."

Then the door opened.

"Eleanor!" Perrie gasped with wide eyes before running straight to me. The rest remained standing in the doorway just looking at me. At first, I was afraid Harry was with them but as soon as Liam gently closed the door without me seeing a lanky figure coming in, I let out a huge sigh of relief. Although I still frowned when I didn't see Louis with them.

"Why are you all standing so far away? I don't bite. Grr." I asked, but Niall didn't even call me out on quoting him. He just stood there, face stuffed with what I heard was muffin but not moving a muscle. Zayn, Liam and Danielle looked the same. "Oh, c'mon. That bad? I look like sh*t, don't I? Ugh!"

"El," Perrie sniffled beside me.

"Pez, don't cry like I'm dying." I chuckled.

"You almost did." she pointed out.

"Almost. Now stop crying, we don't want that smokey eyes ruined, do we?" I smiled when she nodded her head.

I admit, I didn't expect them here but now that they were, I felt cared for. It was a foreign feeling, but it was a feeling I would very much welcome.

"Now, you guys," I faced the others who was just standing across the room looking at me oddly. "You're going to stand there forever or...?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Niall who seemed to snap out of his daze, cried and ran to the other side of the bed across from where Perrie was, with his hands outstretched forth before throwing his upper body on me for a hug. "I'm sorry!"

"What are you sorry for?" I laughed.

"I took one of the muffins Liam and Danielle brought for you." he sniffled, mouth still full of food.

"Hey! Don't stain the sheets with your spit," Liam sternly warned.

"I wasn't -"

"Gosh, Niall don't talk, pieces are flying everywhere!" Perrie whined and Niall just pouted.

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