Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: This is a boring chapter, I'm giving you a heads up. I'm sorry guys. :/ just need to get this out of the way lol


He was here.

Why was he standing in the doorway of my hospital room? What was he doing here?

I continued looking at him, my face devoid of any emotion while the rest of them were shifting gazes between the two of us. I blinked and turned to Louis, who was still looking at me guiltily, and gave him a questioning look. I told him everything, why would he think that I wanted to see Harry?

Liam cleared his throat and spoke, sensing the palpable tension, "Uh, we'll just go outside and uh, do something. We'll leave you guys to talk." they all walked towards me and gave me hugs before going out.

Louis was about to follow them out the door when I called him out, "Where are you going?"

He stopped in his tracks, surprised that I acknowledged his presence, and turned to me. He cocked his head to the side, "Um, leaving you two to talk?" he said, almost goofily.

But I wouldn't have it, I didn't want to be left alone with Harry or I might just lose it, "But you just came here." I noted, an undertone lacing my statement telling him to stay.

He scratched the back of his neck, thinking of a way out, "But you--"

I was quick to cut him off, "No. You stay. Whatever Harry wants to say, he can say with you in here." I ordered. Or he can just go away and never tell me.

"El," he protested.

"No." I responded sternly, cocking an eyebrow.

"It's okay, Lou. You can stay." Harry sighed. I looked at him with a brow still cocked upwards. Did he think we were asking for his opinion? I was going to make Louis stay whether he agreed or not.

Louis sighed, giving up, and remained standing by the door. Harry, on the other hand, was staring at something and I followed his gaze to see that it was at my bandaged wrist. I moved it and placed it on my stomach in uneasiness, catching his attention.

His eyes flickered back at me and he breathed out a quiet "Eleanor," before he slowly walked to me and stood on the side of my bed, scanning my whole being. I writhed under his scrutiny, feeling insecure. I was, after all, in my vulnerable state, but although I didn't want him to see me in such state, I didn't back down and fought on his game of staring competition. I wanted to appear strong even though my entire being said otherwise.

Looking at his eyes, I felt my heart race, just like what it would always do. He looked so beautiful, so stunningly beautiful that the faint flutter of my heart didn't go unnoticed. Or maybe it wasn't faint at all- it was just overpowered by the aching of my, still, shattered heart. I haven't had the time to prepare myself for this encounter, it was too soon. I haven't even had started on picking up my pieces so seeing him standing infront of me, looking so simply breath-taking, just intensified that ache.

But I endured the pain, still staring straight at his emerald eyes. I ignored the dropping of my heart, daring myself not to show any sign of pain, not letting him see through my façade. He might see how weak I was but I just couldn't let him see how I really was defeated. He couldn't see how I, once again, awfully longed to feel completely numb. No, I couldn't let him win.

"You went here to stare at me?" I snapped. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." and even though my voice sounded hollow and humorless, I forced a smirk.

His fake worried demeanor didn't crack though, as, once again, he was eyeing my wounded wrist.

You inflicted me more pain than that, I wanted to say. But I didn't. "What?" I impatiently snapped.

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