Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ever looked at someone and ask yourself whether they are real?

She looked so damn beautiful and she doesn't even try. She was simply wearing a tight black pants and a grey jumper, She didn't have any make-up on and her wild curls were tamed by a- wait, was that my beanie?

As soon as the other boys appeared, her eyes lit up and her lips broke out into a smile. Aww, poor El didn't know I wouldn't appear soon. I'd be teasing her for a while.

I watched intently as she anxiously bit on her nails beside mine and the boys' family (except Niall's family who obviously were in Ireland) while the boys walked towards their direction. As soon as she noticed I wasn't there, she looked back towards the direction where the boys just came out from to see if I would be popping out anytime soon. My mum -who was the only person waiting for me there except Eleanor - was so used to me and my mischievous self, probably caught on to what I planned to do so she wasn't that worried about my whereabouts.

Eleanor waited for the boys to finish greeting their families along with Liam's girlfriend, Danielle. Little Mix had some show on Australia so Perrie wasn't there to welcome Zayn back. Eleanor stood beside everyone, watching as they exchanged a couple of how are yous but one could easily see that she was getting impatient. I had the boys to get onboard with my plan so I knew they were stalling her on purpose.

As the group chatted away, they started to walk slowly towards the exit while the boys wheel their suitcases away with. Eleanor took a wary glance on my direction - where the boys came out from earlier - as if she didn't want to miss me walking out of the corner if ever I did, before finally blurting out her concern.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about but as all of them stopped talking and turned to her, I knew she had just asked for me. Niall started talking to her and recited the little script I had told them to tell her. Liam faked a worried look and Zayn had a poker face on. Harry had this smirk on his face like he was trying not to smile, and he only looked like that when he knew something but couldn't tell it. I swear I would've smack him on his head upside down because the smirk was giving it away.

I saw Eleanor's worried face turn into a sad one, almost like she was about to cry, making a tad bit guilt rush to me. So while they were still talking, I finally walked out of the corner I was hiding in and tiptoed my way towards them all the while I had a finger on my lips, gesturing for the others to contain their excitement of seeing me and be quiet. Since Eleanor was facing Niall the other way, I sneaked my way behind her before covering her eyes with my hands.

She let out a little squeal before asking, "L-Louis?"

I felt wetness on my hand so I uncovered her eyes and turned her around to face me only to see her crying, "Aww, why are you crying?" I said with a little laugh.

"Louis! I really thought I still have to wait for another month to see you!" she lauched herself to me and hugged me, practically strangling me to death. I made a chocking sound and she laughed through the tears, "I hate you. You planned this, didn't you?"

I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers, a position I've decided was my favorite, "Sorry El, but you look cute when you're worried."

She looked up to my eyes through her eyelashes and smiled, making me do the same. We stayed like that for a while, just getting lost in each other's eyes.

Then we heard a coughing noise making both of us pull away and turn to whoever it was. Who turned to be my mother.

"I don't know, I mean I went here to welcome my baby boy back but I guess he's too busy snogging his girlfriend to even notice his own mum, yeah?" she sarcastically told no one in particular making everyone laugh.

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