Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: Eleanor looking at Louis like he was her whole world.

Anyway, we are going to have a lot of time skips starting this chapter.


By the end of September, Louis have gone to and back from Australia for their scheduled concert there. He looked so happy as he engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug as soon as he saw me in the airpory. He always looked so drunk in enthusiasm whenever he came back from their shows -- seeing lots of fans who were always behind them, supporting them in everything they do, making him feel so loved.

I, on the other hand, was the lucky one who always get to witness that.

"I missed you," he mumbled, face buried on my hair.

"It was only two weeks, Lou," I responded despite missing him myself.

"Two weeks is so damn long without you," he whined making me flush.

I heard someone uttering 'sap' in between fake-coughs behind him making me smile.

His head snapped quickly towards that direction to glare whoever that was, "What was that, Liam?"


"Nothing. Just what I thought," he spat, his eyes narrowing into slits making me erupt into giggles. Louis then turned to me and gasped, "Did you just-"

"No!" I denied although I had no clue what he was about to say.

"Harry!" he cried out and ran towards a still sleepy Harry who just got out of the plane, with Niall trailing behind him. Louis, apparently had no care of his mate's groggy state as he continued to cry out, "Eleanor and Liam are teaming up on me! Help!"

"Hmm," Harry rubbed his heavy-lidded eyes before realizing Louis was talking to him, "What?" he asked in a thick voice.

"My girlfriend's loyalty is no longer to me. How cruel has this life become?" Louis dramatically wiped a fake tear.

"My loyalty is always to you, Lou," Harry said in a tone that obviously shows he had no idea what was happening.

"First of all, Harry, that was my line," I told Harry but his eyes were barely open; he was still half-asleep. I shrugged before turning to Louis, "And second, I'm still not your girlfriend. Not yet, atleast." I raised a brow at him, remembering his words about dating needs an actual date.

So yeah, maybe I was asking for a date.

Louis groaned, "Can we skip that part already?"

"I was up for it before but no, 'we wont be dating if we dont go on an actual date, wont we?'" I said, mocking him.

The four other boys laughed.

"Fine," Louis shot back, "Besides, you're going to be my girlfriend soon, anyway."

"We'll see about that, Tommo," I smirked.

"Uh guys, you might wanna go now before those approaching fans reach us. We don't want them swarming our sleepy Harry right here," Niall pointed to the fastly approaching group of girls while struggling to keep Harry from planting his face on the floor.

"I think," Zayn spoke up for the first time, "That we should make a run for it now."

"Oh my gosh! One Direction!" we heard screams getting louder at a distance.

"As in now!" Zayn yelled.

And we took off, running.


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