Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I can't believe you didn't tell me you're coming home," I whined, "I could've made something for you."

We were in my room lazily laying down on my bed - him on his back and my head on his chest while his arm was draped around my back to my waist - because Louis said he missed doing just that. I insisted we go out for a walk or something but I guess he was still tired. His work requires jumping and running around almost every night afterall.

"It was supposed to go that way, love, that's how surprises go," he smiled then cocked en eyebrow at me, "What something, anyway?"

"I don't know. Anything I think you would like," I shrugged.

"Babe, I told you, you don't have to get me anything. Just being with you already makes me happy."

"Ugh," I groaned, pulling a pillow and lightly hitting him with it.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked in a muffled voice because the pillow was still on top of his face.

"Stop making me blush."

He removed the pillow from his face in a quick motion before leaning close to my face, "What can I say? I'm a charmer," he winked.

"Shut up," I laughed. "But seriously, I want to give you something back."

He sighed, "El, I give you something because I want to. Not because I expect something back, okay? Stop worrying about it."

I pouted, but I want to give him something just because I wanted to, too.

"Unless, it's nudes," he said seriously.

"What!" I gasped in surprise, hitting his chest with my hand.

He started laughing uncontrollably, "I was just - you should've seen your face! - I was just kidding!"

I pouted.

"Awe c'mon, don't pout babe."

I sighed, letting go of it, "How long will you stay, anyway?" I asked.

"Management gave Liam and Niall one week to celebrate their own birthdays however they want," he shrugged, "Which Niall will spend throwing a party and Liam, since his birthday already passed, I don't really know. He'll probably gonna go home and see his mummy," he teased even though Liam wasn't in the room.

"Niall's throwing a party?" I asked, drawing nonsensical patterns on his chest with my fingertips.

He hummed, "This weekend, yes. Oh, and he invited you."

I nodded, "So, how was Asia and America?"

Then he started telling me some of the events from their concerts. He told me funny moments consisting of silly things that was thrown at them (by silly, I mean condoms), lyric changes that would make the crowd laugh and a lot of falling and slipping on stage. Apparently, One Direction isn't a very coordinated boyband.

Then he started talking about how sick the crowd was, and I immediately saw how his face lit up on the subject. He told me how hilarious the signs they were holding up during concerts and how loud and crazy they were, in a good way.

I knew the boys and him always tell the fans this much too many times but it was only because they couldn't have said it enough times: they would be nowhere without their fans, and Louis loved them because of that. He owe them most of the good things that was happening in his life.

I listened with a smile on my face all the while he talked. I decided I loved watching him like this -- talking about the things he loved. He looked so passionate talking about it like it was the greatest thing in this world and I knew that to him it certainly is, and seeing him talk about it was just fascinating and I felt myself fall inlove a little bit deeper.

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