Chapter Twenty Two

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"I should probably make you pay for your stay. You practically live here."

Another three months passed and July came; it was the fifth month after Louis and I was introduced to each other, five months since one of those nights I ran away utterly broken from Harry and Louis ran after me for the first time, five months that I had someone beside me for once. He and I had gotten so much closer since then that he went to my house everytime he got. Max had gone back to uni three months ago and all I had was Louis. Again. I was still in the process of healing but I was gradually moving on, and I felt like I was almost there.

"Considering I make you actual food whenever I'm here, don't you think you should pay me?" Louis said, glancing at me over his shoulder while he continued making breakfast. "Good morning, love." he greeted.

"Good morning, peasant." I greeted back with a giggle, rubbing my eyes to rid of my post-sleep sleepiness.

He gasped, "Hey, that's my line!"

"Not anymore." I stuck my tongue out. "What are you cooking anyway?"

"My mum told me to cook soup for you." He shrugged.

"Your mum? Your mum knows you go here?"

Since his back was facing me I couldn't actually see his reaction but I knew he was taken aback because he suddenly stopped his actions then scratched his neck, "Um, well, yeah."

"Oh." was the only thing I could say. I was confused, why would he tell his Mum he always went to my house?

"Here ya go, your highness." he served me the soup with a wink.


"Um, Louis do you know what date it is today?"

"July sixteenth?" he hesitantly asked, his eyes not meeting mine as we settled in the living room, sitting beside each other, watching on the telly.

"Correct. And don't you, by any chance, remember something special with today's date?" I asked, hoping he would finally get the hint. I was waiting for it for a while now.

"Nothing that I could think of," my immediately stomach dropped and my eyes widened, he finally turned to look at me but I looked down on my lap so he couldn't see the tears brimming in my eyes, "Should I have?"

I just whispered a low "no".


I went upstairs to my room for a bit to answer my phone since it had been going off for a while now. (Well, to my room because I wouldn't want Louis to remember just because he had heard it from others.)

I answered couple of calls from Niall, Liam, Perrie (who got Zayn in the background to greet me) Danielle and to my surprise, my Mum and Dad. I also replied 'thank you's to some texts from relatives and other people then to Max's text saying he'd call me later.

I was about to go back down when my phone went off once again. I looked at the caller ID but it was an unknown number. Apprehensively, I answered the call.

It was Louis' mum, Jay ("Eleanor babe, if you don't call me by my name one more time, I'm afraid I'm gonna force you to call me 'Mum'."). She called to greet me and to make sure Louis cooked the recipe she taught him in which I confirmed and complimented. There was too much noise in the background and she told me it was Louis' sisters who were fighting who'd get to greet me first. I was very endeared, they had yet to meet me but they excitedly wanted to talk to me. The four of them wished me to have a blast and I thanked them, telling them how I'd fancy meeting them soon. They were talking all at once, all giggly and hyper and they were so cute I wanted to hug them.

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