Chapter Two

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"El, wait!" I shouted as she continued to make her way out of the bar. She didn't stop but after few long strides, I caught up with her.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked her as I grabbed her by the elbow.

"I don't know. Somewhere that isn't here?" she said while still walking and wiping her tears. "Why did you follow me anyway?" she asked me, voice still strained. Then finally she stopped walking and faced me.

I let go of her elbow and took a step back. I didn't know what to say.

Yeah, why did you follow her?

"Hm?" she expectantly looked at me and crossed her arms. Her formerly expressive eyes piercing at me. Yet now they seem blank, cold.

"I- I-" I stuttered. I didn't recall grabbing drinks earlier. I was sober yet I couldn't think straight!

Way to go, self.

"You pity me, huh?" by now, she was starting to shut out and cover up her emotions.

After all the watching, I already knew how her emotions worked.

This pretty girl would walk into the same room as Harry and would be so vulnerable after he would let her down. She would walk away and shut everyone and everything out and mask her emotions with sass and proud smiles. This made her look strong when the real thing was, she was so close to breaking down.

And that just made her stronger that what she think she was.

"I don't." I finally managed to say.

I actually look up to you.

But she didn't believe me.

"I don't like sympathy, Tomlinson. I am good and I won't back down. Not anytime soon. Not without having a great fight. Not without making him realize what a loss I would be." she told me with confidence. She stuck her nose up and continued walking.

I walk along. "I know." I agreed.

"That would make you stay awake for a week." I told her.

We were at a nearest Starbucks, just a few streets away from the bar. I thought she would go to another bar when she said she would grab some drinks. Never had I thought that the drinks she was referring to were over-priced coffee.

"Don't overreact, I'm just having my coffee. Like an ordinary person does." she told me while she sipped on her choco chip frappe.

"Overreact? Eleanor you're sipping on your fourth cup and we've only been here for two hours!" I noted.

"I'm aware." She simply said.

"Jeez, do you plan on being awake your whole life?" I asked her. Maybe if I hadn't noted that it was her fourth cup, she would order another one.

"Being awake all night is way much better than waking up with a hang over. Aren't you supposed to be happy I wasn't getting drunk? F*ck off, Tomlinson." she flipped me off while opening the lid of her cup and scooping the whip cream with the straw. After successfully scooping a strawful (she wasn't using a spoon so spoonful wont be appropriate), she licked it off and even bit the tip of the straw to get the cream and bits of chocolate that was stuck inside.

She's freaking adorable.

"Staring is rude." she said without looking at me. She was busy repeating the process she just did.

I looked away.

D*mn Louis, could you be more obvious?

At my peripheral vision, I saw her stiffened. Eyes wide, mouth parted and her hands were still up in the air like a paused movie. I looked at her wierdly and traced where she was looking at, which was behind me. And there, at the entrance of the store came in Harry Styles.

I looked back at Eleanor and observed her reaction. She flushed and looked away while trying to fight the smile that was creeping up on her face.

My shoulders dropped as I looked back at Harry. She would always get this behavior whenever it came to him regardless if he would notice her or not.

He just kissed a girl infront of you! I wanted to remind her.

"Hey mate." I greeted Harry who was now standing beside me.

"Bro." he greeted back then looked at Eleanor for a second then back at me.

"What are you doing here?" I turned my whole body to face him. I wondered how he knew we were here and why he still approached us when he knew I was with Eleanor. Why he still came after us after what happened.

I look back at my shoulder to see her. She was silent and focused on her frappe. I sighed.

"I was looking for... you." he answered. And when I looked back at him, I thought I saw him glanced too on my shoulder for a second but returned his look on me after I turned to face him again.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just wondered where you went. You just disappeared. But I see you have company then I'll go home by myself then." He told me.

My brows furrowed. He saw me ran after Eleanor.

"See you on Thursday." he said then started to walk away.

I was watching him until he walks out the door but before he did, a girl winked at him. He walked towards that girl's table and I figured she was alone. They talked for a moment, and minutes later, I saw the girl put her arms around Harry's biceps and they both walked out of the store together.

I immediately turned to look at Eleanor. I was worried she'd be crying again but she was just staring at the entrance like Harry and the girl were still there.

"You wouldn't fight another b*tch tonight?" I joked.

I never called anyone a b*tch and I respected every girl who deserved my respect. But for the sake of making Eleanor feel good about it, I did. But let's face it, that girl earlier didn't deserve it.

"Nah, one's enough. Too drained to be all catwoman on another one who would be just another b*tch. She should consider herself lucky tonight but tomorrow's another day." she said smoothly.

I knew she wanted to cry. I knew that what happened hurt her. But she wouldn't show it.

Everytime she had been crushed, she would try to glue the pieces back together at the end of the day. Atleast the next time Harry would hurt her, he would have something to break. Because if she let her crushed heart as it was, he would be taking away pieces of it. Until there would be none.

But that night, before she even had time to glue herself together, he came to crush it more and took away few pieces with him.

I caught her wiping a tear that she was refraining from falling when she thought I wasn't looking.

She would never feel whole again. Yet she was sitting infront of me, pretending that it wasn't killing her.

"Let's call it a day. Thanks for the company, Tommo." she told me, faking a smile. She stood up and started walking towards the entrance. I watched her back as she completely disappeared in the dark of the night.

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