Chapter Seven

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I already downed a couple of drinks and was feeling the buzzing effect of it. I also felt much more lightheaded and hype was radiating off of me causing me to be more giggly and giddy, so I guess it was safe to say that I was pretty tipsy. Not that I wasn't planning to, I mean I was in Taylor's party for pete's sake! Although I still didn't know why she threw a party in England, not everyone gets the chance, I was just making the most out of it.

I continued swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music that was currently blaring off the speakers, my arms linked loosely around Louis' shoulders while his hands were on my sides, gripping my hips. I felt eyes watching me and I see Louis glaring towards something behind me but I was drunk enough not to care. And besides, he was doing that pretty much to everyone who dared lower their gazes on my chest or farther down my behind. His grip on my hips tightened then he tugged me closer to his chest. I giggled for no particular reason and tightened my arms on his shoulder just because I could. Then I quickly turned around so that my back was on Louis' front but I kept my arms on his neck, still swaying my hips. I didn't mind dancing with him this way, he had become a close friend anyway so I believed he wouldn't try on something with me.

As I danced with my back on Louis, I heard a very familiar obnoxious laugh from our left side. When I turned my head towards that direction, I saw Niall dancing with some blonde petite girl while holding a taco in his hand. Really, Niall?

Then not too far from him, I spotted two other familiar faces. Liam was dancing with his girlfriend, Danielle that apparently became a friend of mine, too.

"Heeeey guys!" I cheered happily as I tugged Louis closer to them. They all snapped their heads towards our direction. And by 'they', I mean them and a few random people. The three of them looked shocked as they saw me but quickly recovered. I was drunk enough to shrug it off.

"Hey Eleanor, didn't know you were coming!" Niall nervously said.

"Eh, it's Taylor's party, who wouldn't want to come?" I replied nonchalantly. What was with people always expecting me not to come? Well yeah, because I wasn't invited.

"Ofcourse, I almost forgot you're a fan!" Liam yelled over the music.

"Who isn't?" I replied, starting to dance again when I realized I looked ridiculous just standing in the midst of the dancing crowd while talking to people.

Louis scoffed, "I'm not." I stuck my tongue out at him like the mature people we were and then turned to Niall.

"Really, Niall? Taco while partying?" I asked him. The blonde girl laughed indicating she didn't really mind and Niall just shrugged and even took a bite. I rolled my eyes.

"So where's Perrie?" I asked while scanning the crowd, in case I just missed her face among them.

"Sitting by the bar. You know Zayn hates dancing and wouldn't let Perrie go anywhere without him." Danielle rolled her eyes and I laughed. "Like, just date already!" she exclaimed.

"How about... Harry?" I grimaced slightly, hoping they wouldn't catch any tone in my voice other than casual when really, that was what I wanted to ask in the first place.

All four of them stiffened, including Louis and they all didn't say anything for a while. I just patiently waited so I wouldn't look as eager as I was.

"Flirting somewhere," Louis vaguely answered. "As always." he added.

I just nodded and ignored the pang I felt. I mean, should I be surprised?

I started jumping around and yelling the current song on the top of my lungs. Niall just watched me while shaking his head and Danielle and Liam watched in amusement. Louis started laughing and it was contagious that I couldn't suppress mine. Soon, I was in hysterics but that didn't stop me from dancing.

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