Chapter Thirty One

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look at his smile. He was so proud. :))))


We entered the poorly lit room and as soon as the door was closed, darkness together with silence engulfed the whole atmosphere. He was leaning by the wall beside the door and I stood a couple of feet away from him. No one was saying anything and all that could be heard was our intake of breaths. I waited for him to start speaking; I may or may not expected him to explain. Nothing was said though; he just simply flipped his phone out of his pocket and started tapping.

I sighed. Guess I'll be the one to start the conversation, then.

"So," I started saying, "What are we supposed to do the within the next seven minutes?"

I looked at him, waiting for a response but all I was rewarded with was a small shrug.

A pang of hurt shot through me as I gaped at him, "Seriously?"

That got his attention as he snapped his eyes from his phone to me but still didn't say anything.

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now?"

"I don't know, will you hear me out this time?" he asked sarcastically.

I was dumbfounded. He was acting like I was at fault and he was the one who caught me snogging another guy's. The nerve.

"Excuse me?!" I spat out harshly. "I was the one who walked in on you, snogging another girl's face off!" I yelled.

We probably could be heard from the outside because of how loud we were being but right now, I didn't even care. I looked up to have a talk with him and clear the matter up but all I ever received was this - him turning the story around and make it seem like it was my fault.

"I was not snogging her face off!" he shot back.

"Are you hearing how ridiculous you sound just now, Louis? I saw you with my own damn eyes!"

He got away from where he was leaning on the wall and towered over me with a pained and mad expression mixed together, plastered on his face.

"Will you f*cking listen for once!"

I stared at him wide-eyed and listened for what he was about to say.

"I did not kiss her, alright? She kissed me!" he yelled.

I scoffed, "Ofcourse-"

"No, listen! That was my ex back there, okay? The break up was mutual so I believed we were on good terms after that. That night, she was completely wasted she had no idea what she was doing. She kept taking her clothes off infront of many people f*ck's sake! So I decided to take her to upstairs so she could sleep, but when I tried putting her to bed, we ended up falling on it together then she crawled on top of me and kissed me. And that's when you came in. I swear I never kissed back, not when you're all I could think of that moment!" he said; his eyes were boring on me -- cold and hardened. "That's the same thing I was trying to tell you when you decided it would be best not to hear me out, by the way. But really, what's the difference? You probably don't even believe me, seeing as you trust me so little," he smiled bitterly.

It wasn't the most believable reason ever and if someone would've told me the same thing, I would've never believed them, but the way Louis looked so hurt by the fact that I didn't trust him made me think twice.

"No, Eleanor, you don't just get to blame all this on me. You act like it's all my fault when really, you haven't even heard my side of the story," he added.

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