Chapter Twenty Nine

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It was like I was taken back to when Harry completely crushed me; only this time it was twice the pain. This time I was entirely sure I was inlove with the person ans he loved me back; atleast that was what he said.

I ran away from him. I scurried out of the room, down the halls and downstairs; all the while, a lump was forming inside my throat, causing it to close up. I sobbed and hiccuped as I ran, suddenly feeling like it was so hard to breathe. My head was pounding and I felt dizzy with how fast I was moving and how fast everything was and the music blasting out of the speaking all throughout the house didn't help with my distressed state either. I reached for the front door desperately, like if I was to stay inside the dark and heated surroundings of the house a second longer, I'd pass out. As I finally made it out the door, I stumbled into someone's hard chest but I focused on gasping for air with tears still falling down my face.

"Whoa, easy there-" the stranger who smelt like cigarettes put a hand on my shoulder to steady me. Once he recognized who I was, he suddenly jumped into alert mode as I heard his voice laced with worry, "-Eleanor? F*ck, are you okay?"

The voice sounded familiar but I didn't have much time to think of it as I continued wheezing.

"Okay, calm down. That's it, slow down. In, out. In, out," the voice said as he tried calming me by rubbing my back. "Better?"

I nodded my head once my breathing calmed and became regular before finally looking up to him, "Thanks, Zayn."

"Don't mention it," he smiled, "What happened?"

I was about to muster a lie when I heard a familiar voice that made my blood run cold.


My eyes widened as I turned to Zayn in a rush, "Will you mind giving me a ride home?" I said, fidgeting with my fingers in an anxious manner.

"Eleanor!" Louis finally busted out the door to where Zayn and I was standing. "Please. You have to listen to me-"

Fresh tears blurred my vision as I tried ignoring the crack in his voice like he was the one hurt. Why does he sound heartbroken?

"Zayn," I breathed out.

"Eleanor, please," Louis begged, "Please, El, just hear me out."

"But-" Zayn said, his eyes flickering from Louis to me.

"Please," I pleaded him.

Zayn's eyes were still back and forth between Louis and I confused as to what was happening so I finally cut him some slack and gave up.

"Fine," I wiped my tears harshly, "I'll walk home." I said with finality as I started walking away.

"El, wait!" Louis protested. There was a short pause before he finally sighed, "Please take him home, Zayn," he said in a small, defeated voice.

I stopped in my tracks to look back at him; he was turned to Zayn, like they were having a silent conversation before Zayn nodded and started walking towards me.

Louis stayed standing on the porch with his shoulders down, defeated. His eyes were misty, but it was dark so I wasn't that sure. He concealed his depressed state with a hopeful look before speaking, "I-I'll call you later," he said, althout it sounded more of a question.

And although all I wanted to do was hug him and shower him with kisses and tell him we were okay, especially when he looked so sad, I didn't. Because I was hurt, too.

It might not be the smartest idea not to hear him out but I couldn't even look at him in the eye and not be reminded by what I had just saw. That blonde on top of him snogging his face off.

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