Chapter Nineteen

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"Thank you for driving me home, Louis," she said, her teeth chattering. Her arms were around herself, trying to protect her soaked body from the cold and conserving any warmth left in her. I furrowed my brows in concern. "Take care driving yourself home."

But I stood still, staring at her. This girl's unbelievable.

She awkwardly cleared her throat when she saw that I wasn't moving, "Well, goodbye now..." she spoke and attempted to close the front door right after.

But I slipped my foot in the doorway to stop her from shutting it. She gasped and opened the door again in surprise. "Louis--"

"Now, now, Eleanor. That's not how you treat a visitor, is it, love?" I smirked.

Her brows furrowed in confusion and I almost grinned my widest if it wasn't for her biting her bottom lip to stop her teeth from chattering.

I hastily took her hand, walked in, closing the door behind me and led her inside her own house and practically inviting myself in.

I said I'd look after her, didn't I?


After I prepared Eleanor a warm bath, I ushered her inside and went downstairs to make her tea to warm her up while waiting for her to be done. I also went looking for a thermometer to look at her temperature if ever she caught a cold. I also looked for medicine just in case she did. I heard a creek of a door, indicating she was done but I waited for a few minutes downstairs so she could have time to put on clothes before I go upstairs.

I put everything in a tray, that I spent forever looking for by the way, and carefully made my way back upstairs. I knocked at her room to announce my arrival and waited for her permission to go in. I faintly heard her croak a "who is it?" and my brows creased in confusion.

"It's Louis, who else would it be?" I asked, still standing by the door. But then I remembered that guy. The guy that was probably her boyfriend. My heart dropped at the thought. Was she suspecting him today?

"Oh," she said, surprise evident in her voice. "Come on in."

I went inside and set the tray on the nightstand. When my eyes fell on Eleanor, I almost cooed. She was laid in the center of the bed, tucked under a blanket and looking so soft and small. Her hair, I presumed was blow-dryed, was fanned above her head and her eyes so droopy like she'd fall asleep any second. I almost cooed.


But then I remembered she was probably expecting someone making the growing smile on my face disappear altogether. "Right, so I should probably go. You're expecting someone and I--" I was about to turn around and walk out when she cut me off.

"What? I'm not." she protested.

I was dumbfounded. "But a while ago, you asked me who I was when it should be obvious it was me because it's just the two of us here." I explained.

"No, I just - I thought you already left," she confessed, looking away.

My eyebrows automatically shot up, "Why would I leave?"

"I - I don't know. I thought it was kinda your thing now--"

"Kinda my thing now?" I asked, confused and amused at the same time.

She flushed but shyly nodded, "I know, it's stupid but last time you just disappeared without even a goodbye and you were about to leave just now."

My eyes softened and I literally supressed myself from cooing because her being shy and all just made her look small and fluffy at the moment. "Eleanor, I was about to leave because I thought you were expecting someone."

She slowly nodded but then looked at me dead in the eyes and asked, "what about last time?"

I stiffened but quickly relaxed as I thought of a way out, "We'll talk about that and why you're walking in the rain later, yeah? For now, drink your tea before it cools down and rest. We'll talk when you wake up."

I walked towards her, took her tea and waited for her to be settled in a sitting position before passing the tea to her.

She pouted a little but drank the tea anyways while I took her temperature. She was warm, not enough to have a fever but close so I made her drink the meds too.

After drinking, she lied down again and I made her scoot a little bit so I could sit beside her. Then she turned to me and looked at me with those doe amber eyes looking like she wanted to ask something.

But I placed my hand on top of her head and stroked her hair gently, "Get some rest now, sleeping beauty."

And with that, she fluttered her eyes closed, her feather-like eyelashes casting light shadows on her cheekbones.

I waited for her breaths to even before whispering, "I can be the prince charming to kiss you to wake you up, if you let me, my princess."


In the middle of the night, I woke up because of Eleanor's whimpers and a constant tugging on my torso. I guess I fell asleep and the thought made me more alert because, I slept beside Eleanor! I squinted through the dark and saw her body pressed to me and her hands tighly clinging to my shirt.

She was sweating and literally hot but judging by the way she was constantly shivering and that she didn't take the blanket off her, she was feeling cold.

I stumbled out of bed and walked into her en suite to look for a towel and a small basin. I filled the basin with water and soaked the towel in it before walking back to Eleanor who was still shivering in bed. I wrung the towel to extract the excess water before gently taking hold of Eleanor's arm. Then I damped the wet towel all over her arm to cool her down.

"Cold," she whined.

"Shh, I know baby, I know." I cooed but then my eyes widened. Did I just call her 'baby'? She was probably half awake and wouldn't remember by tomorrow so I shrugged.

After finishing one arm, I walked around the bed and did the same to the other arm. Then lastly her neck and her face, and surprisingly, she was calmer all throughout, before I let the towel stay on her burning hot forehead for a while. I went back into the en suite to dispose of the used water and put the basin where I got it from. I also went downstairs to fetch a pitcher of water and a glass. When I walked back inside her room, I headed towards the tray I prepared earlier and took a tablet before gently sitting beside Eleanor, who was still shivering but just a little bit. I knew she was in state of being between asleep and awake so I coaxed her to a sitting position before I put the meds on her hand and told her to swallow it. I poured her a glass of water and gave it to her immediately after swallowing. After downing a glass of water, she lied down again but now a little bit close to the edge of the bed and facing me. She tapped the space beside her and opened her closed eyes when she felt nothing. She squinted at me before pouting. "Louis," she whined.

I cocked an eyebrow in amusement and lied down beside her but also close to the edge opposite her so there was enough space between us if ever she was uncomfortable. She just continued pouting but closed her eyes nontheless making me think that she was contented with our position. But she proved me wrong when she scooted closer to me and pressed herself on my torso, gripping tighly on my shirt. Pretty much like how we are when I woke up. I placed my hand once again on top of her head and stroked her head to coax her to sleep. Finally, she went pliant as she fell asleep. I lightly pressed a kiss on her still warm forehead and she sighed contently and her lips tugged up on one side. Maybe it was because she was already far away in a place she always went for an escape of reality or maybe it was because of what I did.

A smile crept on my face. I could get used to this.

A/N: Elounor being cuddly and cute y'all. Just want to give you feels bc I miss my parents a lot :( No offense to Louinelle or Lounielle (or whatever they're called) shippers but everytime I see a pic of them my heart breaks bc all I see is not Elounor or that could be Elounor and it hurts.

Anyway, quick update because why not? How are y'all? You fine? You good? You can tell me :)

Leave a comment bc I love reading it (except for hate comments). Love you friends! Really, idek why you're reading my fic but I'm grateful for you all. :) take care peeps! X

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