Chapter Six: Pacifica's P.O.V. The Mystery Shack

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It was five days until my parents released me of punishment. And I know my first mission.
  "Mom, please!"
  "No! Why would you even think to do that?" my mom argues."We're not going into the dirty old shack. And we're most definitely not conversing with that gross Mr. Pines or his family."
  I furrow my brows.
  Okay, mission failed. But I've never felt this way before: this awfully strong urge to apologize to someone. Especially someone I've just met?
  I ditched Mabel. I have to say sorry.
  "But Mom, his family is kind of... nice! And I have to a-apologize to one of them... please, Mom!"
  "Apologize?!" Her eyes narrow."The Pines should apologize for being a disgrace to Gravity Falls."
  I stomp my foot.
  Mom gives me the death stare.
  Soon enough, we're all in bed. My parents are sleeping but I'm not. I lay awake, regretting everything.
  I'm trying to be nice. I'm really trying. My parents are just... ugh!
  I look out my window.
  Well, my parents are sleeping...
  Ten minutes later, in dressed in a fuzzy navy sweater and high waisted black shorts. I grab my backpack, all ready with water bottles, a bag of goldfish, my phone, and a flashlight. I slip on my flip flops.
  And most importantly, I unlock the window, and jump out.
  Yes, I made it. No, I didn't break any bones. Luckily.
  I run around the mansion to the front and run down the hill of my driveway, praying my parents won't wake up and see me scurrying to the Mystery Shack.
  What do they have against that place, anyway?

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