Chapter Eighteen: Pacifica's P.O.V. Lies

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  "How could you do this to me?!"
  I feel my heart smash as Mabel Pines breaks down into tears in front of me.
  "You lied! You lied to me! Why?!"
  I wish I could reassure her, but her angry and/or sadness is directed towards me. I lied? I didn't lie! I would deny, but I don't want her to feel worse.
  "You and your family knew about the haunting! But you let me do your dirty work instead!"
  I gasp."I didn't know about the haunting..." My family. My stupid family! They knew and didn't tell me, and ordered her to capture him.
  My mom and dad stand behind me, and I do not want to look back and see how they're reacting. Tears fill my eyes.
  "You could've just opened the gates like nice, ordinary people!"
  People in the room gasp.
  "Listen, girly," my dad says sternly."Look who you're talking to. These are some of the most important and famous people in America. I don't think they'd like to be here with your kind."
  "My kind?!" Mabel cries out. She glances towards me and shakes her head. Then she walks out in the pouring rain.
  I glare at my parents, who I would currently like to scream at, then I run off. I don't care where I'm going. I just run. Through the mansion. Guests of the party stare at me as I dash in my heels and fancy purple dress I wore just for Mabel. I'm full on sobbing now.
  I reach the room covered by curtains that her and I fell into earlier.
  Why? Why are my parents such assholes?

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