Chapter Twenty Nine: Mabel's P.O.V. Sick And Sinking

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  The next morning I wake up and find Pacifica puking in our toilet.
  "Pacifica!" I gasp.
  She stops for a moment and looks towards me. She opens her mouth to say something but goes right back to hurling.
  I rush over to her and pat her back. I notice that her eyes are red. She must've been crying."Are you okay? Do you need anything? Do you want to go home?"
  Her puke flow ends and she sinks to the bathroom floor. I bend down to her, feeling the cold tile on my bare feet.
  "I-I d-don't think I'm ok-kay," she stutters. Sweat lightly covers her forehead."I had the dream ag-gain. The d-danger one." She gasps for air and then continues,"It's hot in here."
  I study her and answer,"Pacifica, honey, you're shivering."
  "Am I?" she asks, looking down at herself. Goosebumps rise on her arms and legs."Oh."
  "Dipper!" I call.
  The old wooden floor creaks. Dipper walks in."Whoa! What the hell happened in here?"
  "I'm sick," Pacifica manages to say.
  "She had the nightmare again," I explain.
  "It's a parasite, I know it," he informs."Demons can't do this to you."
  "Did Bill do this? Did he order one of his parasite demon friends to do this? Why?" I feel myself begin to cry. It all comes rushing out. How he could he do this? To her? To me?! What the hell does he want? To torture us? Make our lives miserable? It just isn't fair!
  Dipper sighs."The only way we can find out is to..."
  "Oh, no," I deny. I know what he's going to say and I don't like it."Oh hell no. I am not letting you do this. He'll never leave us alone!"
  "You want answers, don't you?" he adds.
  "We all do."
  "Then it's settled. I'll go get the second journal. We're summoning Bill."
  I help Pacifica up and we gather in the TV room. Dipper chants the ancient summoning phrases until the world goes black and white and we were left in screaming color, along with the evil isosceles triangle.
  "Hey! Haven't seen you kids in awhile! Where have ya been?"
  "Bill, tell us what you've been doing. Making deals with parasites to haunt my girlfriend's mind?" I snap.
  "What? Parasites? No way! I don't deal with those guys," Bill answers matter-of-factly.
  "Don't play games with us, Cipher," Dipper threatens.
  "Oh, I'm not. You'd know when I want to play games. Because when I do, I win." He backs away as if he was going to leave and our little chat was over, but I'm not finished. He can't leave until we know more about this parasite.
  "Listen, Bill, I can't just let you leave while we're no step closer to helping Pacifica. You hate parasites too, right? Can't you help us? How powerful are they? What's the most powerful one? How can we stop it?"
  "Chill, Shooting Star, I can help you. Don't even worry about it! I'll get rid of the little guy for you for a small favor."
  Dipper turns to me."Don't do it!" he warns."This could all be a sick trap."
  "But I need to help Pacifica! Dipper, she's my girlfriend! She's the only real friend I've had besides you! I need to do this for her!"
  "Tick, tock, kid!" Bill throws his arm out and his hand engulfs in blue flame.
  Dipper shakes his head no. I look at Pacifica, who looks pale and ghostly.
  "I'll do it," I announce.
  "No!" Dipper shouts.
  "M-Mabel, please... n-no..." Pacifica whispers.
  "This is for you, Pacifica." I shake Bill's hand.

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