Chapter Thirty Five: Pacifica's P.O.V. Blue Fire

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey!" says Bill's voice. It seemed distant but getting close.
"Bill?" I call out.
"Llama," he says, appearing out of the black and gray scenery around me.
"Llama? Did you just call me a llama?"
"The deal is off. The parasite is coming for you. They kicked me out of Mabel's body. The deal is off."
  "What do you mean?"
  "I don't have to keep you safe from the parasite anymore." His eyes glows red and his voice deepens."Have fun dying." He disappears as suddenly as he appeared.
  So now I'm alone in my mindscape with a deadly mind parasite.
  "Dipper! Mabel!" I call out. It's no use. I'm stuck here. I'm slowly dying. I feel it. Nothing can save me.
  Then everything goes silent. Until there are footsteps.
  I turn toward their direction."Hello? Mabel, is that you? Dipper?"
  It comes out of the shadows, and I can tell you one thing - it is not human. I screech at the top of my lungs as a big black creature with dead white eyes comes barreling towards me at high speeds. Blood pours from its mouth.
  I guess I've met the parasite.
  "Prepare to die Northwest!" it announced in a deep voice as I run from it.
  I dash through the vast area I'm in - basically a black and white forest similar to the one in Gravity Falls. Soon I come up a hill - and I realize that my mindscape is a weird, funky version of Gravity Falls.
  And, of all places, the hill leads to none other than my own house. The Northwest Manor. I haven't been here in what feels like years. It's hard to tell time in here.
  The mansion is just up ahead. Are my parents in there? Will they be in color like Bill?
  I push in the code to open the gates, and fiercely push open the doors to the inside. I nearly fall into a deep, dark abyss that the floor would usually take place in."Whoa!" I shout, losing my balance. There's only a beam of flooring in which I'm standing on.
  Suddenly, stairs appear, leading down to three hallways: dreams, fears, and memories. The mansion is the base of my mindscape.
  I walk down the stairs into the memories hallway. Soon I'm surrounded by doors. They're all closed. Can I open them?
  I try a knob. It opens with a harsh pull. Inside is a memory in color. I watch what happens, and I close it. I begin to understand why these doors are shut.
  I don't want to see these memories. I don't want anyone to.
  I continue walking through. Maybe some doors will be open. I find more modern memories: newer and happier than the old ones.
  Finally I find one open door - when I met Mabel. Every memory after that door is open. Colored. There were laughs and kisses and smiles. I feel empty now - the thought of her makes me miss her even more. I wonder where she is or what she's doing. I wonder if she misses me too.
  I finally come to the end - a mirror. There I am. In color. I look worn out and tired. Pale. Slowly coming to an end...
  A figure comes up behind me. Dead white eyes. Bloody.
  The parasite lurches to attack, but gets stuck. Its breath hitches. It falls frozen. It then disintegrates.
  I gasp and begin to run back through the hallway to what would usually be the main room, but is now a unattached staircase with what looks like a bottomless pit below it.
  I run up the unstable stairs and out the door where the whole valley and town of Gravity Falls is in flames.
  "Oh no!" I yell. Is this happening in reality or only in my mind?
  The fire rapidly spreads towards the hill and mansion. I can't run. I have nowhere to go. Am I dying? Everything slowly fades. Everything I know... it's going away... I can't remember... where am I? What's my name?
  Everything goes black.

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