Angels in the Night: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Of course, Bree was talking about the note at lunch.

“And it said ‘the latter spirit rejuvenation with its infinite capabilities’ like where does she get that from? I know Looch and she is not one of those writer geeks.”

For some odd reason, it bugs me that Bree is saying the verse. Like it shouldn’t be coming out of her mouth in the first place. Everyone in the group silences as I take a seat, except for Bree, who’s chattering away with some senior guy. How mature. A few kids have the nerve to whisper and stare. Hmmmm, wonder what they’re talking about. Too disgusted to even look at these kids, I pick up my tray and walk away.

I slam into another kid who is getting ready to sit down. Oh my God. It’s Hailey Hackett! She’s the most popular freshman of us all! President, head cheerleader, and the prettiest girl in our grade. She’s even Bree’s role model, and that’s saying something. Instead of snapping something totally bitchy, like I’d expect, she smiles warmly and hands me a neatly folded sheet of paper.

What the hell is this?!?!?!

Sitting at a table by myself, I scan the note. It’s probably a used tissue or something she was too lazy to throw away. I think running a finger over the paper.

But something in my gut told me that wasn’t the case.

Biting my lower lip, I unfold the paper with such delicacy that it seems like I’m handling a bomb or something.

It was a note.

And it was for me.

Hailey didn’t run into me on accident.

No, she planned this.

Dear Lucia,

4270 Versailles Ave. 3rd house on the left.

3:30 pm SHARP. Come alone.


Sigh, I know, I know, this chapter is rather short. But don't worry!!! They shall get longer soon!!!

wow I just realized that that is a perverted comment.


Anyway, I just wanted to let my faithful little readers know some interesting things!!!!

For example:

I shall have a co-writer who shall be working side by side with me on making this as awesome for you guys as humanley possible. We will put our blood, sweat, and tears into this fantassy novel!!! And now, without further adieu.....

The new co-writer of Angels in the Night is...................................

*drum roll*



That's right kids!!!! One of my best friends on this site shall help me greatly!!! <3 I seriously cannot wait to work with her!! Oh, but she won't be helping for a few more chapters because...well I already have sixteen chapters finished....haahha but I hope you enjoy!!!

The next few chapters will be up shortly because I'm gonna be out of town for a couple of days :)

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