Angels in the Night: Chapter Three

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So this goes to one of my best wattpad friends there is. She is uber nice, super talented, and has been so supportive of me. And I am dedicating my next Unspoken chapter to her . But as of right now, I think she deserves a dedication. She is one of the two people on wattpad who have shown me the most kindness, who have been the nicest to me. So this one goes to you friend!!! <3


Chapter Three

I still wasn’t too sure if  I should even be going here. It could be a prank Hailey and her friends have plotted. But, it’s too late because I’m already on my way there now. Tom and April approved, but only because I told them it was for a freshman meeting. Wonder what they would do if they saw me now, walking in a bad neighborhood to God knows what.

The house looks abandoned. Paint is peeling from around the door, and the windows are broken in, the shutters in shambles on the fragile frames. To be honest, it looks like crap. This could not be the place Hailey wanted me to come to. Some feeling in my gut told me to go inside, so I followed my instinct.

Inside, the house looked even worse than outside. If that’s even possible. What seemed to be of value had been stolen, and now lay dusty pieces of furniture, torn and tattered. A light was flickering in a nearby room, and I followed it. Nothing. A cold gust of wind brushed up behind me, and I knew it was time for me to leave.

I began to spin on my heel to leave, but a voice stops me.

A familiar voice.

Hailey’s voice.

It stops me dead in my tracks. No, she couldn’t be here. This was all some prank.

“It’s not a prank, Lucia. I know you know I’m here.” Gulping, I turned around and was face to face with the most popular girl in my grade. And it wasn’t a prank.

“No it’s not, Lucia.” A British voice echoed from the hallway. Whoever this kid was, his voice had me swooning already…

“What is this Hailey?” I demanded, fear settling in my gut.

She doesn’t answer; she just reaches her arms around me to my back. My body tenses. If she feels my wings, she’ll know. I jerk away and head to the door.

“Lucia.” I turn around and to my surprise, she looks exactly like me. Hair, eyes, outfit, curves. It’s all identical. How is that even possible?!

She takes a step towards me; I automatically move back. This wasn’t right.

“You know it is, Lucia. I know you know that. All you’ve wanted is to find someone like yourself, right? Well, here she is.” She semi-throws her hands in the air. In the blink of an eye, she looks like normal Hailey again.

And then I see it. Her wings. They’re white like mine. Surprisingly, they make her look more beautiful. To my amazement, my locket begins to glow. Just like her identical one…

“I know Lucia,” Hailey assures.

What should I do?

Something nearby tears, and I see a boy ripping holes into my shirt.

“Hey!” I protest, but he ignores me and steps to Hailey’s side.

Oh. My. God. He’s even cuter than his voice sounded!!!!!!!

“Go ahead,” He encourages. Even though my mind tells me not to, I knew Hailey was like me, so what the hell. My wings unfold and Hailey and the boy gawk at me.

“The Iris,” the boy murmurs.

The what?!?!?!

Hailey takes a seat next to the boy.

“Sit down, Lucia. This might take a while.”

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