Angels in the Night: Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to Margie Tamblyn

Chapter Nine

“When fighting a Demmon, you use Spirit to find their weak point.” Great. Spirit is the one element I haven’t mastered yet.

“But I can’t…” I  began nervously.

“yes you can! I want you to imagine the essence of each element. Now have those elements senses come together. Concentrate, Lucia.”

And I did; the spirit cast from my outstretched hands and landed directly on Nicky. The energy slammed into her gut and knocked her onto the wall.

“NICKY!!!” I screamed, rushing to her side. Oh crap. Is Nicky dead?!? She was sitting up, completely unharmed.

“Hello? Why aren’t you passed out?!” she was fine while there as a gaping hole in the wall. “How are you ok?!” I stared at her, disbelief spreading across my face.

“Oh that’s simple. I cast a healing spell. Majick mend ak balen boule. Maldi fin, bon santé retou.” She said with a shrug.

“And what does that mean?”

“Majick mend and candle burn. Sickness end, good health return.”

“I think we’re done, Nicky.”

“No! ok well, we can be done if you show me each element.”

“Nicky…there was a loud crash and…”


As quickly as I could manage, I showed Nicky that I could master each element. She nodded and we quickly ended our majick session.

*                                       *                                         *                                     *

“LUCIA!!!! WAKE UP NOW!!!” Nicky shouted. I groaned and rolled over. “NOW!!!!” she ran to my bed and started jumping on it.

“What could be this important?” I mumble under my cocoon of blankets. This better be pretty damn special if she’s waking me up on a Saturday.

“There’s a guy. And he wants you!!

“TELL HIM I’M DEAD!!!” I said, trying to fall back asleep.

“No! He’s cute, Looch! And he has a British Accent!!!” Quickly, I sat up. British accent?! No, it must me another guy.

“Damn! I forgot his name.” Nicky began to babble. “Umm, no wait! I’ve got it! B-Bane? No. that’s not right. No wait! Dane!!” She snaps her fingers and I jump out of bed.

“Dane’s here!” I yelp, running through the hallway.

:*:                                                        :*:                                                        :*:

And that’s where I am now. In Margret’s office. Impatiently waiting for her to help him fill out the adoption papers. Dane’s taking me home!

“Why don’t you take a walk with her?” Miss Margret suggests. I bolt out of my chair, and drag Dane out of the room with me. Nicky is waiting for us. Pouting. Oh no. I’ll be leaving her. Forever.

“Hey.” She said quietly. Dane glanced at her, and a look of guilt flashed across his face.

“Oh yes. This is Lucia’s best friend, Nicky Greenwitch.” At the sound of her name, Dane protectively stepped in front of me.

Nicky smirked and arched her back. “Long time no see, Daniel.”

“I should’ve known you’d attach yourself to her.” Dane spat.

Miss Margret and I exchanged worried glances. She was confused. Hell, so was I.

“People change.” Nicky responds.

“Not ones like you!” Dane snapped.

“Don’t you think she’d be,” Nicky closed her eyes mumbling some spell. Right in front of my eyes, Margret collapsed. Nicky straightened her back and met Dane’s fierce glare. “Don’tcha think she’d be dead by now if that was my intention? And I bet that you were surprised to see how well she can control the elements?” Dane fell silent. “That’s cause I’ve been training her.” Her face softened. “People change, Daniel. And I’d like a chance.”

:*:                                :*:                                :*:                                :*:                                :*:

“The adoption papers are in…” Nicky yanked one of Miss Margret’s desk drawers open. “Here.” She ripped them out, and threw them at Dane. “Fill these out quickly. She’s gonna wake up soon.” She cautioned. If you haven’t been paying attention, Nicky my witch best friend, cast a spell on the adoption center owner. Now, we put her at her desk chair, making it seem like she fell asleep as Dane, my new adoptive angel dad thing, filled out our adoptive papers.

That’s right! Dane’s taking Nicky and me. Finally, we were out of the office, and on our way home.

The whole car ride there, Dane and Nicky argued. I just sat in the back seat, smiling. The car pulled into a long driveway.

“Welcome home, Lucia.”

“And Nicky!” Nicky added.

Dane chuckled. “Yes. And Nicky.”

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