Angels in the Night: Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Thirteen

The whole drive home is spent in silence. Until we step inside, then Nicky starts talking.

“What the hell was she talking about?!” Dane stays calm as we walk through the front door and he sits in a seat.

“You know how it takes seven Nephilium to defeat the Demmonan?” Dane asks. I nod and Nicky remains silent. “The only time they came really close was in 1538. And that’s because we had the Iris.”

“But who’s Mai? Why do I look like her?!”

Dane stood and left. “HEY!” Nicky barks. “You didn’t answer her!” but he’s back, holding a painting and a mirror. The girl—er angel—looks exactly like me.

“See the similarities?” Numbly, I nod my head. “That’s because you’re the recantation of Mai. You look exactly like her, share the same powers,” Oh my God. “We need you to defeat the Demmonan.”

“But you don’t need me as in life or death! You need all of us!” I frantically shout back. Hailey is sitting across from me straight-faced.

“Your friend Nicky knows what we’re talking about. She’s the one who stopped Mai the in the first place.” Hailey says; her voice has no emotion.

“All seven Nephilium are vital to our mission. If one is eliminated, it greatly weakens the rest. But,” Dane turns to Nicky to let her finish.

In every group of Nephilium, there is one power that is crucial. If one kills the Chosen power, it incapacities the rest, and they might not be able to fight. About fifty or so years ago, the chosen power was visions. That girl was able to see our every attack before it even happened.” She finishes, turning back to Dane.

“A lot of people consider it a gift; others consider it a curse.

Why I wonder, you’re the best in your group. How is that a curse?

“Because the second Satan knows who the Chosen one is, he’ll send every Demmonan he commands after you. And once you’re dead, the rest of us are screwed” I chuckle. Dane, a Trainer, saying something like screwed.

“Well what’s so great about me being the chosen Iris?” this was all becoming way to complicated way too fast.

“It’s been over five hundred years since the Iris has been reincarnated.” Nicky says in an exasperated tone.

“Ever one of our powers has been reincarnated in the past 150 years. You name it, someone’s had it. Except for you, Lucia. The Elemental Iris has only been gifted to one other besides you.”

“And that’s Mai,” I say, finishing Nicky’s sentence. “But who is she? When did she die? How—,”

“Mai never died.”

“To our knowing!” Nicky said after Dane.

“WHAT?!?!!? I thought you said she…”

“Was eliminated? Yes, she was.” Dane interrupts me for the second time.

“But not killed. I was able to convert her to…our side. I made her fall in love with a human. When he broke her heart, she was shattered. Obviously, I took advantage of this and slowly began tor poison her heart with hatred. As the years passed, her hatred not only for him, but humans grew. Then on e day, it broke. Every ounce of goodness inside her soul was replaced with evil. She was no longer accepted as a Nephilium, and she converted to the Demmonan.” Nicky looked heartbroken as she finished.

“Where is she now?” I wonder out loud.

“From what I know, she is still there. About fifty years ago, while I still was with the Demmonan, she was with them. Mai ranked as one of Grant’s favorites. Next to me, of course. Then, about fourteen years or so ago, the word of your birth reached our ears. And Mai’s powers were gone. Well, her Iris ability was gone. She  still had certain powers, but from what I know, she’s looking for her Iris to be returned to her.”

“Which means if she wants it,” Dane says quietly.

“She’ll have to kill you.” Hailey says, finally speaking after the fight.

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