Angels in the Night: Chapter Fourteen

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“The Sight is a power only the Iris can possess.” Dane begins quietly.

“Ok, well why don’t I have the sight?”

“Because the only way one can attain the Sight is by combining the elements to form the ultimate power.” Nicky answers.

“That’s it? The ‘Ultimate Power’ is combining all the elements? That’s easy.” I scoff. Nicky shakes her head.

“Think about it, Lucia.” Hailey begins. “How do you combine water and fire? Fire and earth? Wind and water? Wind and earth?” I thought for a second, remembering what Nicky had taught me.

Fire beats earth.

Earth beats air.

Air beats water.

Water beats fire.

Spirit? Well I’ve got no idea what Spirit does.

“But how the hell can all those elements combine? They’d just eliminate each other, and I’d be left with nothing!”

Hailey read my distressed look and gave me an I-told-you-so glare.

“So how did Mai do it?”

“Lots of hard work and concentration.” Dane says. I gave him a look that said he better tell me more. “Ten years of training in the mountains.” He smirks and I groan.

“There’s gotta be another way! I can’t go off into the mountains! It’s not the 1500s.” Dane gave me a wary look. “I’m Mai’s reincarnation! Doesn’t that mean I get some of her abilities?!”

Nicky and Dane exchange glances and shrug.

“It’s a possibility.” Nicky answers.

“So what does the Sight even do?” I take a seat on the couch next to Hailey.

“The Sight is the ultimate way to kill a person who is possessed or kill a Demmonan.” Nicky begins.

“What about a regular demon?”

“No. Demons are too powerful for just the Sight.” Dane responds.

“Just the sight?” I repeat.

“We’ll get into that once you master the Sight.” Dane says quickly.

“Anyway,” Nicky brings us back to topic. “When you use the sight, you not only can automatically sense the Demonian’s weakness. You then say a sacred prayer.”

“What’s the prayer?”

Nicky’s eyebrows furrow as she tries to remember. “This isn’t the formal prayer, but this is a version of it.”

Water, wash away the darkness

Fire, burn away the thoughts

Air, release negative energy

Earth, root a new soul

Spirit, restore them.”

The atmosphere of the room shifts into something…magic. My hair along with everyone else’s lifts by some wind. I glance and see the windows are shut tight. Looking at the others, I see the amaze spreading across their faces, too. A burst of energy hits my head and spreads through my body. the energy stops, and my body feels unnaturally warm. Like I’m in a hot tub or something. Suddenly, the warm sensation leaves and is replaced with a cool serenity. Water. It feels like a tidal wave crashed over me. Then the smell of a meadow gathers my attention as the rush of water ends. Finally, it all stops.

I look at the others who are just as dazed as me.

“Is that the Sight? “I ask, breaking the silence.

“In a way.” Nicky answers.

“How am I supposed to master that?!” I motion to the air around us.

“Well, first you completely master Spirit. Then, you work on combining pairs. Water and fire, earth and air. As your power increases, you work on more combinations.”

“When can I start working on these combinations?” My head began to spin, thinking of being overwhelmed with school and being an angel. Plus, I had these mission things that Hailey told me happened about twice a week. Oh, and not to mention the fact that some 500 year old psychopath is hunting me down,  just because I “stole” her Iris powers.”

Not like I asked for this.

But I’d just suck it up. That was the angelic thing to do, right?

I stand up and stretch, ready to get some sleep. Nicky joins me and Dane gives us a weird look.

“What? It’s 12:30 at night. I’ve got school tomorrow.” But Hailey was sitting next to Dane, giving us that same funny look.

“We don’t have regular school tomorrow,” Hayley says slowly.

“What do you mean? Of course we have regular school!” I give her an exasperated look that said just let me go to sleep.

She and Dane just smiled devious smiles.

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