Angels in the Night: Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: Hey lovley little readers! I've uploaded another chapter for you all to enjoy! I'd really appreciate it if you could PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, TUMBLR, INSTAGRAM, ETC. PLEASEEEE!!! I'm not getting any feedback, which I really do like to get from you guys! Introduction of a new angel today! I hope you guys like this chapter, sorry for all the POV switches, I just wrote it that way xD

Enjoy <3

Hailey and I were sitting in our first class, geometry, when the door opened. Hailey had been intently watching me for the past couple days, after I told Dane it would be a good idea to invite Ace with us to the concert. I didn’t understand why Hailey hated him so much. Either that or she didn’t trust that I’d keep my mouth shut.

“Remember, if Ace finds out your true identity, you’ll turn into dust. Or so the old love tales say...” She whispered. I rolled my eyes. Yup, she didn’t believe that I’d keep my mouth shut.

“That won’t happen.” I hissed. Miss Taru walked in, accompanied by a beautiful girl. She was obviously a new student of some sort. I felt kinda bad. It must’ve been hard to move away and have to make new friends and adjust yourself to a new life. Anyway, this girl was beautiful. She lad long brown hair, a think, curvy figure, and silver eyes.

“She looks like a model!” A girl whispered angrily to her friend. I rolled my eyes, disgusted by how catty these girls would probably be to her. The new girl just gave the class an icy stare. I was astounded that such a pretty girl could appear to be so harsh and cold. She hadn’t even gotten to know any of us yet and she already seemed judgmental of us all.

“Must be a transfer student…” Hailey whispered. I nodded, my eyes still glued to hers.

“From this day forward, our transfer student, Riley, will join us.” She turned to Riley. “You can sit over there.” Silently, she followed the teacher’s directions and plopped down in a desk in the back of the classroom. 

“I knew she was a transfer. Good luck trying to get along with her.” Hailey scoffed to me in the middle of class. I furrowed my eyebrows. She couldn’t really be that mean.

After class, I decided to approach the girl, like any other normal person. “Hey, Riley. I’m Lucia.” Hailey was then at my side, in almost an instant.

“And I’m Hailey. It’s nice to meet you.” She said, stretching out her hand. Riley just stood up and left us alone in the back of the classroom. Hailey was pissed. Steam was practically coming out of her ears.

“Jeez! How rude!” Hailey grumbled, walking back to her desk to gather her things.

“She’s probably having a bad day…” I tried to reason.

“Her face was blank and unemotional! What was I thinking, wasting my time talking to her!” Hailey scoffed as we parted ways.

It was then that I decided I was going to become friends with Riley.

Grant POV

Grant stood, looking into the crystal ball in front of him. There was no mistaking it. It had to be the green Nephilium. Erin and Lisa were also by his side, their tension filling the air around him. He knew why they were so tense, and he thrived off their fear. They had every right to fear him right now. They had both failed him. He should’ve killed them on the spot, but Mai had convinced him to spare them, for now.

“First the pink and aqua, and now the green?” Erin asked, puzzled by the images in front of her.

“It’s possible she’s the third.” Lisa responded. “Please let me take care of this, Grant.” She begged, touching his arm. Normally, he would’ve taken a liking to her touch, but tonight, he was too upset with her recent performances on the tasks given.

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