Angels in the Night: Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the switching of POV's a lot, but I have given you a break recently! Anyway, I'm getting to the end of this book, and soon, the next book in the series, Night Flame (which is mostly in Hailey's point of view) will be uploaded on here soon! READ, COMMENT, VOTE, FAN, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, TUMBLR, INSTAGRAM, PINTREST, ETC. Love you all!


Grant POV

“An impatient face doesn’t fit you well.” Maria said, approaching him.

“I trust you, Maria.” She then pressed herself against him and laughed.

“If the pink Nephilium really loves that boy, she’ll be drawn to another one of his events tomorrow. And I will freeze them with my cold love.” Grant smirked.

“What a frightening girl.”

“Could it be that you don’t like me?” She teased, kissing him.

Lucia POV

So far, all the other competitiors had fallen early on. It was between Ace and some other guy. And yes, if any of you are wondering, Ace invited me to cheer him on at another one of his competition things. He said that I’m his “good luck charm” or something like that. How can I deny a guy like that? Besides, I do bring him good luck after all.

I was watching the water in the lake, making sure that nothing weird would happen like last time. However, with my luck, I noticed a silver bolt appear and disappear so quickly, I almost had missed it. The guy who was currently wakeboarding and doing crazy tricks and jumps began to awkwardly dart all over the place. And then, he fell.

“That was weird, wasn’t it?” I asked Riley and Hailey. Of course, Dane refused to let me go alone, so he forced Riley and Hailey to come along on what I was hoping to be Ace’s and my third date.

“It looked like it froze for a second.” Hailey answered.

“Could it be their doing?” Riley said under her breath.

“Finally, it’s up to last year’s champion!” He had started wakeboarding when the strange silver streak appeared again.

“Ace watch out!” I yelled. He somehow heard me and maneuvered around the ice.

“I knew the sky was acting strange.” Riley said to Hailey.

“I knew it was them.” Hailey added.

“No doubt about it. Lucia, Hailey, come with me.” Riley ordered. We followed her to the forest not too far away from the shore. Here, we were able to safely unleash our wings without anyone seeing and freaking out on us.

“C’mon guys let’s—,” Hailey began before Riley cut her off.

“Wait!” she barked. “Since I can trust you both, give me your hands.” Obediently, we put our hands in hers. “It’s only a stupid power, but close your eyes, and when I tell you, fly.” She instructed. Hailey and I nodded, following her instructions and closing our eyes. “Now.” Riley whispered, and we took off flying straight up into the sky. I never heard us crash through the branches or people gawking over us. In fact, it was as if we were almost…

Holy crap! We’re invisible!

“Open your eyes, quick.” Riley announced.

“Riley! Why didn’t you tell us your power was invisibility?!” I inquired, feeling a little hurt that she would keep something so awesome a secret from us.

“That doesn’t matter now!” Riley hissed. “Look!” I followed her finger and about twenty feet away from us was that Demmonan we fought the other day! It was her! She as hidden behind a cloud, so the people couldn’t see her. Finally, the girl raised her hands to try to freeze the water around Ace again.

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