Chapter 2: A clue

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Astrid's POV

I sighed.

"Have you found anything yet?" I asked Ruffnut who was reading the letters.

"Nope" she said as she shook her head.

I sighed again and read the first letter again. And as I read it, I finally understood that last part.

"I found a clue, Ruff!" I yelled in victory as I held the letter up.

"What? What is it?" Ruff asked excited.

"At the waterfall, behind a rock, a rock you sat on, you'll find another piece" I read. Ruffnut looked at at me in confusion.

"And that means...?" Ruff asked confused.

"There is another letter at the cove! Because at the cove, there is a waterfall, and I sat in a rock there once sharpening my axe!" I said to Ruffnut as I waved the letter in front of her.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Ruffnut said as we ran down the stairs and went to Stormfly.


We landed at the cove and hopped off Stormfly.

"Okay, let's search behind every rock!" Ruff said as she's tarted to search. I shrugged and started searching.


After a short while, I finally found it behind a big rock.

"I found it, Ruffnut!" I yelled in victory as I waved the brown piece of paper in the air.

"Oh! Let me see! Let me see!" Ruffnut said excited as she jumped over to me.

"Calm down, Ruff! It's probably five years old and damaged by weather so it could break if we use too much power!" I said to her as I carefully opened it and started reading.

Dear Astrid...

The first time I saw you, my heart whispered "that's the one"

And not a night goes by when you're not in my dreams.

Many dragons were killed there, and at first it was a place for violence, but now it's a place for training, inside of a cage, behind a brick, you'll find the next piece.

"Okay, now we SERIOUSLY HAVE to find out who this person is!" Ruffnut said.

"Well, first we have to find out where the next piece is" I said as I read the last part a thousand times.

Dragons used to get killed there, it was a place of violence, but now it's a place for training with cages. Hm..

"I got it!" I said as I raised my finger.

"Where is it?! Where is it?!" Ruffnut said as she jumped up and down.

"It's in the academy" I said to her.



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