Chapter 17: A change of plans

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Hiccup's POV

It was a gloomy morning. Toothless and I were out flying.

"Shall we try that thing we have worked on?" I asked Toothless. He rolled his eyes and sighed as he got into position.

"Ready? Go!" I said as I stood up on Toothless. It was really cool to stand on Toothless' back. I breathed in the fresh air and smiled. Flying with Toothless always got my mind off things.

When we landed in front of our house, we were greeted by dad.

"I need to talk with you, son" Dad said.

"But, dad..." I was stopped by a hole opening in beside me. And out of the hole, came a boy with brown hair and blue eyes wearing some weird clothes. And following him, came a blonde girl with a small ponytail on the side. The girl also had blue eyes and some weird clothing.

"Where are we, Percy?" The girl asked. The boy looked around.

"I don't know, Annabeth" The boy named Percy said.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go back now, you seaweed brain!" The girl named Annabeth said as they jumped back into the hole.


"What was that?" I asked dad. He shrugged.

"Anyways, I want to talk to you about your responsibilities " Dad said as he turned around to get something. And as he turned around, I ran away from him.


"Hiccup!" Dad yelled.

As I heard dad's voice, I immediately hid in a bush two meters away from me.

"Hiccup, come out of the bush" Dad said as he stopped in front of the bush I was hiding in.

"Fine... What do you want dad?" I asked him.

"I want you to help decorate the town for Snoggletog!" Dad said as he smiled.

"Decorate for Snoggletog?" I said.

"Yes! And you'll start right now!" Dad said as he quickly ran home.

After a couple of minutes, dad came back with a basket filled with Snoggletog decorations.

Dad handed the basket over to me.

"Here you go, son. Now start decorating!" Dad said happily as he walked away.

I sighed.

"Great. I'm going to decorate the town for Snoggletog"


After a couple of hours of decorating, I decided to finish tomorrow with the other Vikings.

And as I walked home with my basket, I saw Astrid and Eret walk hand in hand as a happy couple.

And their baby is just a 'bonus'.



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