Chapter five: put your money where your mouth is

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The Falcons were coming to a decent, Carter looked at the burning vehicle and told the pilots " set is down her pilot " the pilots dropped noble all but Jun and Amber who would be their eyes in the sky. Seven jumped down to where the rest of noble teams was. " alright five, six and nine go down to our left. Two, four and seven fall behind me " said, Carter, as everybody followed his orders they arrived at the scene. Emile moved some pieces of wood out of the way and found something. He tossed it to Kat who had a brief look and dropped it " looks like the beacon, also signs of plasma damage " Kat said and Jorge replies " no it can't be. On Reach" Carter ordered " everybody stay on alert you have permission to engage but be selective with your targets don't want to harm the locals " Seven moved towards a building which he assumed was part of the farmland here " Seven enter the building quietly were right behind you. " Carter declared quietly. Seven walked through the building not making one sound and as he came out of the building Jun yelled out. "there are heat signatures in the building ahead. Noble seven walked in the front of the door aiming at the door. Jorge walked in front of Seven and quickly opened the door, to only find a bunch of farmers. Seven put his gun down and looked to the sky where Jun and Amber sat on the falcon. Amber was looking for any sign of people having passed by but she couldn't find anything. as she was too far up. Seven sat down on a cold black rock. As he sat down he heard a tinging sound that came from his helmet, it reminded him of the sound that metal made when the water hit it. He looks up only to have another drop of rainfall on his visor, " Great " he murmurs to himself. Kat who saw seven trying to clean his visor without taking off his helmet went over to him." Having troubles their seven " she asks playfully Seven almost jumps up in surprise, as he had let his geared down. He faces Kat who was looking down at him. " I'm fine why you ask ?" He says in a tone that sounded playful but as a question too. Whatever Kat said he was happy she asked, though he was hoping he wouldn't blush too much so that his helmet would turn bright pink. " Just curious. Wouldn't it be easier if you just took off your helmet and cleaned it like that? " She replies. As rain continues to fall, seven points up in the rain. Kat laughs a bit " what you afraid your hair will get wet" she says in a joking manner. Seven didn't know what to do, how would he continue this conversation without making it awkward. He just hoped that Carter would give them orders soon." uhm... Yea sure, I guess" he laughs a bit as he answers his face was blushing like crazy. Kat just laughed at seven's answer" alright seven, it bugs me I know everyone's name but yours, so... " Seven felt a chill go down his spine as he almost never told anyone his name. He thought for a moment before talking. " you read my file ". Kat blushed a bit she had read more of his file then she should have. Though she couldn't find his name, she knew that seven didn't know that and was talking about the parts that's weren't covered. " well... Your name and plenty of other information were blocked out. " she says implying that she hadn't read all of it which she hasn't. There was plenty of things she didn't read about him. " well then, guess that will be just one decryption that will take more time to decrypt" he smirks as he tries to flirt. Kat was blushing but she was happy to have her helmet on. " Captain I'm reading more activity in the building ahead." Jun says from his mic in his helmet. " alright noble team double time it to the building ahead. " six dashes his way to the front of the group somehow, as he arrived at the front of the building, he drops his grenade launcher in the sight of the marines that were interrogated." Poor souls that just brutal" Jorge said as he arrived behind six. " Nine go check if any of them are still alive " Carter ordered. Hunt went to go see if any of them had a pulse. He was one hundred percent sure they were dead but orders were orders. " negative commander they have been dead quite some time ago. If whoever did this was smart they would have left already." Hunt says in disappointment . " alright six cover our backs, the rest fall in behind me " six picks up his grenade launcher and looks out in the field, with the wall against his back he felt a little more relaxed. The noble team entered the building. They hear footsteps " Jun, Amber what do you see," Carter asks," nothing though I am reading heat signatures around you" Amber replies. As Noble team exits the building. Seven swore he saw something move. " my god I'm going crazy I think I'm seeing things, " Seven said quietly. Noble team entered the next building, they heard a scream from a jackal skirmisher, Carter looks over to see it and yells out " Contact! Contact!" Seven pulls up his DMR rifle and with one shot the alien was silenced." Seven clear out the basement Hunt fallow him " Carter yells out as they were getting shot at and shooting back. Seven ran down the stairs and saw three jackals in the basement. He slides and picks up a grenade with his left hand, as he through it towards the aliens, he aims with his DMR in his right hand and shot the grenade before it hit the ground. Before the three aliens had time to react the grenade had blown up . Seven got up and here's Hunt say " How the 'hell' did you do that" he stood there amazed. " alright Hunt let's kill these covenant, then after I'll teach you." Hunt shook his head. He barely heard seven speak at all and when he did it was short and got to the point. Hunt runs down the ramp and took cover on the back of the wall that the door was. Seven runs to the other side and took a quick look, he looks back at Hunt "there are a few grunts out their not to hard. So let's show Noble team what was made out of." Hunt nodes his head in approval. " wait for Seven just to let you know, that Amber has a beat going on who will kill the most at the end of this mission." Seven's face went from friendly to hyper lethal. He walks out of the door with quick reflexes. The grunts shot every hoping to hit him. He took aim with his DMR and in the blink of an eye they were gone. Hunt steps out after " eh... More guys down there." He points to the bridge where a dropship had just unloaded some covenant. Seven reloads his DMR and looked down to the bridge." Seven waits to engage the next targets, until they get closer wait till my mark"Carter said as they were going to shoot them from the top altogether." got it sir " Seven took cover behind a wall, he waited till Carter gave the signal to engage. Hunt was taking cover behind a hay bail. He thought to himself *damn I haven't even used a bullet*, he looked down his assault rifle waiting for the aliens to show their ugly faces. A bunch of grunts walked by seven and into Carters trap. " Mark!" Carter yells out everyone on noble team let out at least one full clip on them. There was a pile of dead bodies as they walked down the ramp to the basement. " six what's your static " Carter said using the com on his helmet ." I'm a bit busy right now. " West says in an exasperated tone as if he had run the ten K in a minute . " do you need back up six, " Carter asks as he signals seven and Emile to continue forward. " No I'll be fine commander six out " West said over the mic as they could hear the explosions from here. Carter turns around and sees's that Emile and seven were long gone, as he had ordered them to. Seven sprints up to a group of the covenant, by the time Emile had arrived they're where only bodies on the floor. Seven looks back at him and moves his head giving the sign for him to go first. Emile ran up to a hay barrel where he saw three elite ultras. Seven slides behind the one next to Emile, as he loads his DMR silently, Emile pulled out a grenade. Seven shook his head in approval. Emile launched the grenade at the three elite ultras, they roared as it explodes. Seven and Emile come out from behind the hay barrels and they unload their clips into their bodies. One ultra was still standing he had used his dead elite brother as a shield from the bullets, he through the body to the ground and pulls out an energy sword. Seven went to reload but Emile throughs his shotgun to the floor, he quickly pulls out his knife and charges at the alien. The elite roars and slashes at Emile but Emile was too fast before seven finishes reloading the elite was on the ground. Emile put his foot on the elite, as he bent over his body to pull out his knife from his skull. " yea that what you get when you mess with a Spartan." Emile says to the dead elite. The noble team arrives as seven and Emile were sitting down on the dead bodies of the elites " what took you so long " Emile exclaimed. They laughed for a moment then Carter spoke" alright Kat I want you at that relay outpost asap Emile Seven go with her. the rest were going to wait until six gets here and continue on" seven nods his head yes. A falcon lands I front of them. Kat jumps on and sits down, Emile sits across from her and seven beside her. The falcon lifts up in the air and flew off toward the tower.

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