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"So... that's that... the story of how Reach fell... We lost a lot of good men and women those few days. *Sigh* of course none of that matters anymore I guess just another War for the history books." A cold and scratchy voice said. "How do you know all of this then you weren't there for half of it." A much younger and energetic voice asked."Cause I knew the people whose story this was about... Seems like all anyone cares about anymore is the Masterchief... Bet you he doesn't even know the people who saved his life.... funny eh... the silent hero's the ghosts working in the dark. Only a few will ever know they're stories" The old man smiled and rocked back against his vintage lazy boy. "Well, Knox what did happen to the rest of Noble Team," The child asked curiously."Well... ill start from Carter... He was Kia, Kat uhm... she 'retired' after that her prosthetic arm was getting in the way of her job she moved to an island with someone. Emile continues work as a Spartan for a while but then got too old and also retired. Jun helped shape the newest Spartan program still doing it I think. Jorge was Kia in the battle of Reach, West Kia, Seven.... barely survived his last encounter with the covenant critically wounding him and destroying his lower spine he and Kat moved to a nice Island not to far from here. I think Emile isn't too far from them too. Well anyhow... Amber is Mia but presumed Kia and finally, Hunt was Kia." Knox coughed hard into his shoulder,"All right maybe tomorrow ill tell you about Foxtrot or maybe my battle for earth or something" He messed up his grandchild's hair and sent him off to bed. 

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