Chapter eight: hyper lethal?

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Noble team was just entering the cafeteria to start eating. Seven waits in line to get food, in front of Seven was all of noble team and two marines." alright food I'm starving" West declares loudly as he picks up a tray. Amber was the first out of noble team to be served. As Amber has her food she looks back to see a nearly empty cafeteria, the only other people that weren't in noble team were two marines in the back drinking coffee. She sits down at a table that could fit five people. Carter after being served sits beside Amber and removes his helmet " won't be needing that to eat" Carter laughs. Amber then takes off her helmet embarrassed that she had to forget to take it off. Jorge pulls a table next to the table where Carter and Amber are sitting. Jorge sits across from Amber and removes his helmet. To Amber, she had not seen any of their faces expect Jorge's and Jun. West sits down next to Jorge facing Carter," best smell I've smelled all day" West laughs as he takes off his helmet, they all agree on that smell of the food. Although none of them knows what was the food. Jun sits beside West removing his helmet" good aim six"Jun remarks." thanks, but please call me West " West replies. Emile sits beside Carter. Emile puts down his food and drink as he finishes he pulls off his helmet. Kat sits beside Emile her robotic arm putting down her food. As Kat sits down and takes off her helmet to eat. Hunt puts his plate down beside West and sits down. Hunts helmet was already off and he was starting to eat. Seven was the last to be served. He takes his tray and starts leaving the cafeteria. Before he gets any further Kat questions him " where are you going? join us to celibate our first successful mission" Seven stops at the door. A million things ran through his head. He just needed to say anything that wasn't yes. He was blushed a bit under his helmet every one now looks at him," I'm good, thanks for the offer thought" Seven replies coldly. Kat felt a bit hurt but doesn't want to show it. As seven was about to leave, another voice continued Kats thought" Even a Spartan with the rating of hyper lethal needs to celebrate" Carter says almost ordering him to sit down. Seven stood immobilized not knowing what to do. All eyes were on him as if he had broken something. This time he couldn't just answer the same thing over and over," thanks for the offer but I'd prefer not too" Seven finishes and quickly leaves before another question arose. Carter looks over to Amber," say, Amber, where did you get you're tracking skills" Carter begins to make conversation. Amber looks over to Carter who has all his attention on her. She looks down to her food trying to hide her face," Uh... I trained as a sharpshooter but a friend showed me how to track" It had been a while since Amber had talked about. Carter notices a change in Ambers' voice when she said, friend. Carter drops the subject," West where did you learn how to make explosives" Carter asks. West looks up from his lighter in his hand. A cigar points out of his mouth like a toothpick, " uhm... I'm not on a mission" Carter looks at West with a stern glare in his eye," you could at least have the courtesy to take your smoking outside" Amber could tell that Carter was mad but not at West but at something else. West nods his head yes. West puts the lighter on the table and the cigar in his tactical hard case," so do you still want to learn how I'm the best at blowing stuff up" Carters look was still mad but not getting any worse. West turns his frown to a cocky smirk," well before I go talking about myself my favourite subject, let me tell you why I'm the best at what I do. First of all, I'm the best looking man in the galaxy" everyone's look was now that B.S look," second of all I was trained by one of the best explosive experts named Dustin. And third of all, I'm single" his eyes went over to Kat and Amber. Kat rolls her eyes and Ambers attention was on Carter. West chugs down the last sip of his water," seems I've been out on the wrong team to hook up" Emile laughs at the last comment," you got that right "

Seven sits on the bottom grey bunk, it was his resting area now. As he lays his tray down with steam still coming out seven removes his helmet that brushes against his hair. Seven lays down the snow-white helmet beside him and places the hot tray on his laps. It had been a long time since Seven had some time to think. Although that he likes the company of noble team especially one, in particular, Seven needs time to think. Seven sticks his fork into the food of god knows what. Seven begins to eat a few minutes passed and he thought * after this theirs no way I'm going to be able to pull that off again, maybe they'll see that my skills have got worse and remove me from noble team. That would make stuff so much easier. Carter is very president with me being part of the team. Kat at some point will end up reading my whole profile that's going to be a disaster. Jun talks way too much for being a sniper. Emile is good to watch you're back in a firefight but is kinda an ars. Jorge is a bit too sentimental. West is cocky as hell. I'm a horrible ally. Amber is annoying and Hunt is to FN that's the first to die* Seven puts the tray back onto his bunk and he grabs his helmet by his side. Seven looks into the helmet one last time, reminding him of what he's lost and what he needs to be. Before putting it on. Seven almost jumps up and hit his head against the top bunk as a knock comes from the door. Seven walks over to the door. Seven opens the door slowly to see who it is. Carter stands at the door his helmet in his hand, " can I come in?" Carter asks. Seven shakes his head in approval. Carter walks in the room walking over to a chair leaning against the wall. Seven leans himself against the wall facing Carter. Carter sits down facing Seven," well what's on your plate Seven?" Seven tilts his head in confusion. Carter rolls his eyes," obviously there is something bugging you so what's wrong?" Seven looks down to the metallic floor where he can see his reflection. Carter intensifies his look. Seven knows Carter was not going to drop this subject, "just... Needed time to think" Carter wasn't going to buy it," come on Seven you think I'm going to buy that" Seven looks up and shook his head No. Carter saw this was going nowhere," alright Seven I'll ask a question you answer and you can ask a question deal" Seven really doesn't want to do this right now. Seven shakes his head no. Carter laughs at how little Seven could say, " alright Seven at least answer these three questions" Seven doesn't like to talk about himself or his past," alright but doesn't mean I'll tell the truth" Carter is surprised that he answered at all," alright I ask three questions if you don't want to tell the truth don't. One, what's with not removing your helmet?" Seven was never chastised about not removing his helmet before," like not to get shot in the head and regret not having my helmet on" Seven's words were cold and almost a whisper. Carters head tilts a bit to the right then returns his face to a stern look," your profile reads hyper lethal got a story there?" Seven stands there like a statute. His head turns a bit to the right looking to the bunks, "I don't know what to tell you, the truth or the stories" Carter only knew that there where two Spartans with the rating of hyper lethal, the Master Chief and Seven. Master Chiefs files thought aren't covered in black ink. Carter places his helmet on the floor next to the chair," well you decide which ones fit to tell" seven opens his tactical hard case and pulls out an article in the newspaper. Carters face is surprised when he sees this," the year 2550 November 24th. I was assigned to destroy one ONI base. I was with a squad of four other Spartans. Let's just say the mission went sideways, my captain made the call to finish the mission at all cost. We had no idea why it was so important except the captain who said it was classified. I was the only Spartan in that team who came back from being M.I.A. I walked through the cities of harvest witch where already glassed. Story says I destroyed three scarabs. A thousand elites. And a Corvette, all in one week" Seven days like he was not there. Carter laughs a bit," yea sure, alright the last question. What's with the name thing" Seven's body was frozen. Not many people knew his name anymore. Seven some who manages to say," why do I need a name?" Carter is astonished by Seven's remark," thanks for your time Seven" as Carter stud up. Seven asks," I got one question for you Carter" Carter picks up his helmet," alright shoot" Carter replies curiously to what Seven's says. Seven pushes himself off the wall walking towards his bunk," I'm not stupid so I figured out that, you and Kat have or hade a relationship. And don't trie to lie cause I know" Carter stud motionless about to put on his helmet," that's between me and her got it Seven" Carter says angrily as he leaves. Seven knew he pushed Carters buttons but he did it on purpose. Seven walks over to his tray and picks it up quickly and heads out to the cafeteria. As he opens the door he was hit in the head by someone about to knock on the door. Seven drops his tray and takes a few steps back and a metal ringing noise could be herd, Seven runs the top of his helmet where he was hit. Seven looks up to see Kat her face is a bit red from blushing," I'm so sorry Seven I didn't mean to disturb you" Kat apologizes quickly and anxiously. Seven picks up the tray replies," no it's fine. It's just I wasn't expecting anyone else tonight" Kat's blushing face now turns into curiosity," well then who else was here?" Kat asks curiously and also a bit of sass in her voice. Seven takes no time to reply," just Carter having a friendly talk with me " Kat's face was now more relaxed. Kat is about to say something as she is interrupted by Emile," Hey Kat! You coming over to have a drink with us or not?" Emile asks and sees Seven standing at the door," you're welcome to join Seven if you want " Emile says in a Joie even knowing that seven wouldn't join them. Kat then turns back to seven," yes you should come Seven it will be fun" Kat says enthusiastically. Seven looks at Kat desperately Seven then shakes his head agreement. Emile gestures them to come over to the cafeteria. Kat smiles at Seven and walks over to the cafeteria. Seven follows behind her and before entering is stopped by Emile's arm," Hey Seven ain't going to be me paying for the drinks" Emile laughs. Seven shook his head," I got this " Seven replies. Emile turns his head in confusion," I meant Carter's paying for the drinks man "Emile clarifies. Emile walks into the Cafeteria where they still sat most of noble team, they're where drinks on the table covered on top with foam. Emile sits down at his original spot beside Carter who was standing. Seven looks at the seats and two remaining one beside Kat and two over from Kat,* a great* Seven thinks " Come on Seven we don't have all night!" Amber exclaims. Seven sat beside Kat. They all had their helmets off but him. Kat looked over to him " well aren't you going to take off you're helmet or not?" Seven knew this outcome was inevitable. Seven then remembers he doesn't drink alcohol very often," sorry I don't drink, but I'll stay to say cheers" all of Noble team look at him questionably. Seven turns his head towards Carter and see's Kat staring at him. She quickly turns over to Carter after noticing that Seven had noticed her. Both Seven and Kat where blushing very lightly. Carter starts his speech as he lifts his drinks up," to our new members! And a successful mission!" They all reply happily" Cheers!" all but Seven chugs down a giant sip and lays it on the unexciting grey coloured table. Seven after hearing the speech slides his drink over to West. He swiftly looks at the time. Carter gives him a strange look and continues talking with West. Seven stands up rapidly and before he could leave the table a hand grabs his arm almost removing a shotgun shell he had equipped on his arm. Seven looks over to see Kat. Kat looks at Seven with both a curiosity and disappointment as she asks" where are you going? " Seven replies with an anxious tone," was just about to hit the hay" Kat's face turns unimpressed. Though she doesn't know what had he done for the past two days. Seven decides to stay and sit quietly. An hour passes quickly for them. As noble team was already in their assigned bunks. Seven had drifted off on his bottom bunk still in his armour his head tilted a bit. West asks exhausted," well that was fun wasn't it Seven?" Seven doesn't reply as he was sound asleep." how the hell does that guy fall asleep in armour?" West pronounces curiously. Emile who was sharing their room startles them as he says shakily," the same guy that had the rating of hyper-lethal" west jumps in the air and turns around to face Emile " jeez you scared me " Emile laughs lightly and threw his helmet on the top bunk of where seven was sleeping. West was already installed on the opposite side of where Seven was asleep. West drops lazily a medical kit beside West's and his bunk. West takes out a lighter as Emile and Hunt were settling in. West plays around with it before Emile says annoyed," no smoking in this bunker" West then answers annoyed again that he couldn't smoke" got it"

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