Chapter six: Up high and down low

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The falcon flew through the the air quickly as they where in a rush. Emile holsters his knife on his shoulder pad, after he hade just finished whipping alien blood off it. Seven was checking how much ammo he has left and if his DMR is reloaded. Kat was messing around with a device she brought with her. Seven then found himself being looked at by Emile. Emile was looking at his armour and not him, thought seven understood and pretended not to notice. Kat then looks up at seven " alright Seven you got a moment to spare? " she asks him. Seven shakes his head yes seeing as he hade nothing better to do. She hands him a upgrade for his helmet. " all of noble team has a com link expect you, so that if where stuck and the covenant are blocking signals, will still be able to communicate" Kat points out as she drops the piece in his hand. Emile was still looking at his armour as their was something writing on it. As seven saw what he was really looking at it made sense. Seven hade carved out the word honour out on his left shoulder pad. " thanks" Seven replies to Kat, he wasn't going to take off his helmet for three major reasons. One he didn't want to get shot in the head, two he needed space to put it in his helmet and three, he almost never took off his helmet for anything. Emile laughed at this attempt " Hey Kat you know when we get their? I don't know how long I can go without shooting something "  Emile asks in a joking manner, although Kat did not find this amusing. Meanwhile with Carter and the rest of noble team." alright noble team lets go help those marines" Carter order not liking what Jun hade said. West had caught up with them, earlier on their civilian vehicles witch now acted like warthogs. They arrive at the sight of marines holding off a dozen grunts and a few elites. Hunt stumbles off the passenger side as they arrived," Hunt check if their are any wounded marines that need your help , Jorge has your back" Carter orders out to Hunt. Hunt went to the bunker where their was one wounded marine. He was shot in the bottom torso with a needler rifle. It stuck out like a giant blister. He was holding down around that area with a white cloth, now covered in red blood. The marine looks up. Hunt noticed he hade sun glasses with a balaclava, on the side of his helmet their was the ace of spades." well hell I never thought that I deserved a medical spartan "he laughed in pain. Hunt shook a bit " yea well here I am" he said nervously. Hunt walks over to the wounded marine as he can hear the non stop gun fire, behind them from Jorge firing his huge machine gun. He kneels down to the wounded marine. " alright this is going to sting a bit" he says even more nervous the before. The marine grunts in pain as Hunt pulls out the needle from his bottom torso. Hunt reaches for a medical patch he carried with him always, out of it he took a canister of bio foam. Hunt spays it on rapidly on the marines wound. The marines clenched his fist. Hunt gets up relieved and through the canister to the floor. He puts out his hand to help the marine up. The marine grabbed his hand, " thanks spartan I owe you one" he grunts in pain. Hunt now less nervous ," you should sit down and wait for the evac" The marine sits down by a nearby crate, the marine took out his magnum and every now and then took a shot at the aliens. West shoots a elite with a grenade launcher just finishing his shield. The elite yells at him and shot went right threw its head that shot hade came from Jun. West waves up at him. " we need a transport to the relay outpost" West pretty much implying that Jun should ask the pilots to land. A little time before this. As Kats team arrives at the station, she looks over to Emile who was almost dozing off of how bored he was. The falcon stopes a few inches off the ground inside the courtyard of the station. Seven was the first to jump off Kat and Emile fallow. Kat waves off the pilot to go get the rest of noble team. As the falcon left they walk to the entrance of the relay outpost. " damn wish their where covies to kill here" Emile sighs" alright Emile scout and search the area for any enemies, seven cover my back while I open the entrance " Kat orders. Seven walks to the door witch Kat was trying to open. Seven turns around and scanned the area in front of him. " ha got it!" Kat exclaims. Emile says in disappointment" damn no covenant" he starts to walk to the door with his shot gun in his hand. Kat got up from kneeling " wi'll wait out hear until the rest of noble team gets here " Kat orders in a voice that sounded just like she was chatting. A hovering noise could be heard in the distance." that ours?" Emile asked. " look out! " seven yells out to Emile who hand his back turned to the drop ship. Emile jumps out of the way of a plasma shot it hits the control panel instead." shit" Kat yells. Emile and seven shoot at the covenant who are unloading, luckily sevens magnum wasn't out of ammo as he shot down the shield of an elite. Kat got inside the building trying to fix the controls" Emile,seven cover me while I fix the controls " she yelled out . Emile jumps inside the building doing a barrel role as he enters. Seven shoots the last shots of his magnum and throughs it to the ground. He jumps inside the relay outpost where Emile and Kat where. " hope that Carter and the rest get here soon" Emile exclaims historically as he was reloading his shot gun. " but I thought you wanted a fight" Kat replies. Seven takes a DMR from the back of the room. He quickly turns off the safety and takes precise shots at the enemies head. " wow didn't know you where that good with aim, guess that's a perk of being hyper lethal" Emile reminding seven. A sound of a falcon was getting closer. A Falcon lands in the courtyard and Carter, Jorge,Hunt and West jumped off. Another falcon circulars around them With Jun and Amber inside, taking shots with their snipers when ever they could. Carter and the others finish the covenant off. They run to the relay outpost, as they enter another drop ship lands. " just what we needed. " West says as he reloads his grenade launcher. " alright noble team cover Kat until she finishes fixing the door." Carter commands. Jorge now unloading devastating fire power on the enemy. " how long till that doors closed Kat?" Carter asks with a voice that sounds demanding. " finished" she replies as the doors starts closing. seven chucked a grenade out at the last remanning covenant. The door closes and a explosion could be heard and screams of the aliens. Carter looks over at West, Hunt and seven, "good shooting out their, glad your aboard the team" Carter compliments them . As the door opens up behind them Carter moves his hand showing them to scan the area before investigating. Seven turns a corner to see a older man lying dead in a pool of blood on the flour. Carter gives them the all clear signal and seven starts to check the body, he looks over to see Carter talking with a wounded marine he took for dead. Hunt walked over to the marine and starts patching him up. Kat walks up in front of Seven in front of a console," damn, plasma damage " she says. Seven flips the body and a device falls out of his lab coat. He picks it up." found something " Seven declares holding it up to Kat. Kat turns around and grabs it out of his hand immediately," I'll take that seven not your domain " She says interested to what Seven hade found. Kat looks at it as if it where unfamiliar to her. Jorge yells out " I got alive one here" as Jorge pulls out a young woman with one hand and the other on his machine gun. Carter gets up and let Hunt continue with patching up the marine. seven looks over and stood up himself. " Jorge!" Carter implying for him to let his gun down. " I got her"he replies as he put down his machine gun, picking her up with both hands and standing her up. " stop struggling and I'll release you " he says in a soft but strong voice, the girl stops struggling and says something Seven didn't understand. And before any of them could ask an elite Zealot jumps down a slashed his sword at Jorge, Jorge ducks down covering the girl. Carter yells out'" contact,contact" as he shoots his DMR at the Zealots. One of the Zealots ran at Kat and swung his energy sword at her. Carter pushes her head down just in time, another of them jumps on Seven knocking him to the ground. The elite tries to stab Seven in the face but Seven caught his hand, the elite yells at him and Seven punches him in the face forcing him to drop the sword. West kicks the elite off of Seven and Kat shoots her magnum into the elite. West kicks a DMR Seven hade dropped to him. Seven picks it up and stood up to see the elites using the marine as a human shield, Hunt hade luckily gotten out of the way. " permission to engage" Emile says arrogantly to Carter, " negative four stay on the entrance, five, nine, six fallow them " Carter orders as he moves his hand for them to move out. West, Hunt and Jorge walk into the room the elites where in. Jorge slams the door behind them as the entered. Six shot out a grenade into a bunch of jackals and grunts. They flew through the the air while gorge and Hunt shoot at the elite Zealot in the back trying to escape. The elite fell to the ground will trying to fire back at the Spartans. West drops his grenade launcher seeing as he had no ammo for it, he took out an assault rifle that hade the word carved in it *glory*. Hunt reloaded his assault rifle and looked over to Jorge" guess you don't have to worry about ammo do you ?" Hunt laughed nervously a bit. Jorge laughed a bit." I guess not " Jorge replies. They continue down and saw one of the elites run to the back room. " go flush e'm out I got you covered from here" Jorge says as he aims his machine gun at the door. Hunt fallows behind West who jumps behind a box." alright Hunt shoot them from here when I give you my mark." West orders Hunt around like he was the captain," alright " Hunt replies nervously. West runs down to a side entrance to the room. He gives the mark by moving his hand into a fist and down. All Jorge was seeing was a bunch of ammo flying out of Hunts gun. When it was all finished the Elites Zealots where lying in a pool of their own blood, bullet holes all over the elites bodies. " good work Jorge,West and Hunt, Kat needs you to activate a control panel back their" Carter orders and felicitates them.West activates the panel and all three of them start walking out. "How long ?"
Carter asks Kat who's fixing some device," question of my life, want to know how long till the station is back online, a month two weeks tops" Kat replies as she looks up at him. " two minutes is two long!" Carter knowing Kat can do better," I know that's why I'm splicing you into the main frame, to give you a direct link to colonel holland." Kat replies and then continues " your in my light commander " Carter who was leaning over her steps back. Carter impatiently waiting turns to Jorge," find out what she knows " Carter demands Jorge. Jorge walks over and knelt down by the girl he hade found earlier. Seven looks over at Kat who was patching them through the to colonial Holland. She looks over and see's him staring, they both blush and Seven looks away and thinks to himself *awh..what have I done*. He looks over to Emile who says to West " big man forget what he is sometimes" Emile implying Jorge was soft. Jorge almost elbowing him," she just lost her father" Jorge then looks over to Carter,"she needs a full psychiatric workup " Jorge explains. " she's not the only one" Emile replies, Jorge looks over at Emile." lock it down both of you!" he yells out and points at Emile and Jorge,then continues to say" The body stays here" Jorge thanks Carter and helps the girl who was sitting down. " it's their but it's patchy" Kat says quickly after," I'll take it" Carter replies" don't touch anything, we wouldn't want to ground this place" Kat almost ordering him, Kat stands up and starts to walk out. Carter begins to explain what happened to colonial Holland. The last words Seven heard was" God help us all" Seven fallows the rest of the team outside the relay outpost. As the exit they saw Amber and Jun waiting in a falcon for them." what took you so long, we ended up killing the rest of the Covenant" Amber says jokingly.

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