Chapter Seventeen: No rest for a soldier

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West and Amber sat across from Seven their hope low as they passed threw the ruined city. Seven held onto Jorge's dog tags tightly in his hand. The silence gave them time to morn the lost of a friend and hero. Jorge gave his life for them and it was Seven's fault he was dead, it was his knife that messed up the timer and he didn't fight hard enough he felt. Amber looked up her helmet by her side and her brown hair with blue strains covered her left eye," alright Seven?" Amber finally gathered the courage to ask how Seven was feeling. But all Seven did was nod his head yes. West chuckled a cigar in his mouth the only source of light in the pelican they had,"he's lying...No one could be alright if they just saw a friend die their home being destroyed and that they couldn't do anything a..." Seven interrupts West,"Shut up!...alright..... I've had enough of this bloody war to last three lifetimes..... You probably think I'm being over dramatic but I'm not!...Just wish faith would claim me sooner.." Seven'S words only made things worse. West was shocked ,"I'm....sorry Seven.. I didn't upset you.." West threw his cigar off the pelican. Seven just shrugged and put his dog tags into his tactical hard case. his hands moved swiftly and rapidly without making a mistake. Amber sighed and stud up seeing as they were getting close to their destination. Seven stud up and put a DMR on his back liberating his hands. West picked up his dusty helmet and slid it into place,"Alright let's rest" As the pelican slowed down over a tall building where Carter and Hunt stud Two falcons behind them. The three spartans jumped down onto the roof meeting Carter and Hunt. West sighed "why do I have a bad feeling we don't get to rest yet" Carter looked over at Hunt the scene was anything but hopeful,"sorry but Kats got an Op for you guys... Won't lie to you we all understand you're performance won't be at hundred percent but it's a pretty simple mission. " West sighed as he pulled out a cigar and pulled off his helmet. A golden plates flip lighter had appeared in his hands since no one was paying attention. He lit his cigar and puffed it,"that's alright Carter we'll do are damned best..."
Carter nodded and looked over at Hunt and nodded before leaving. Hunt rubbed the back of his neck "sorry guys.. Who's I could have been up their..."
Seven sighed and stretched his body.
West cleaned off his visor from the constant rain fall,"well will split into two teams... Me and West and Amber go's along with Seven... We need to destroy these covenant radio scramblers. I've updated you're guys map to the locations... After that we head over to that building." West pointed to a far off building. The three other Spartans nodded to depressed and mournful to even slip out any words. Amber walked her way to the nearest Pelican where Seven was already sitting in a gunner seat. Their pilot was an ODST which Seven had meet before in new Alexandria. Amber sat in the wet gunner seat her dark green armour and gold visor trickled off water as they began to lift from the platform.

The city was in ruins. The buildings up in flames crumbling beside them as they passed by in their falcon. Seven didn't even know if they could turn this battle around anymore. Amber never new what it was like to have a home. She was born in space on an unknown vessel. Her parents came from Harvest so that was the closet thing to home for her. She knew very well that her and Hint both shared this unfortunate passed of not having a home planet. Seven aimed the turret to their target location. The landing area lit up like a Christmas tree full of blue and green plasma shots trying to ground the falcon. The pilot turned the pelican so that Seven would have a good area of which to fire in. Seven pressed down on the trigger and the shell casings of the bullets went falling to the misty bellow. Seven didn't stop holding down the trigger and aiming at different spots until the turret overheated. Even then Seven held down the trigger and Amber and the pilot could hear the rattling noise of the barrel spinning but nothing coming out. The pilot carefully landed the Falcon letting the two Spartans disembark. Amber cracked her knuckles slightly pissed at the covenant and slightly confused. Seven kneeled down and picked up a shotgun from a dead Marine. He checked if it was loaded and pumped the gun causing an empty shell to fall out. Seven smiles brightly. They make their way to the door ambers sniper directly aimed at the front of the door and Seven at the side ready for her mark to open it. She steadied her breathing and nodded. Seven pressed a button near the plaza door causing it to open up. An brute leaps out from the door firing his spiker everywhere trying to hit them. Amber quickly presses down on her trigger. The bullet at the speed our light leaves the gun and hits the Brute in the head. Seven kicked it's body once it hit the floor."Alright let's move Seven " Amber directed Seven. They continues forwards quietly taking out the few guards without being detected. As they reached the bomb Seven turned around making a three sixty,"I don't like the looks of this place " Seven said coldly. The room had a waterfall and all the walls and floors where made out of wood. Their where holes everywhere in the walls trying to make this place look modern. Amber set a charge in the scrambler and ducked into cover along with Seven. She flipped over the rusty switch and pressed down in the bright red button. The charge exploded and destroyed the Scrambler. Amber smiled and yelled "hora!"
Seven and Amber both looked back at the sound of buzzing wings"shit... Think I spoke to Soon.." Amber declared as a swarm of Drones flew across the corner and then towards them. Seven pulled up his shotgun and fired it towards the swarm killing off a few." Run and call the elevator I'll keep them here!" Seven ordered. Amber without thinking ran towards the elevator and rapidly tapped on the button. Amber could hear the sound of Seven continually firing his shotgun at the swarm of drones, but as she heard the last she'll hit the floor it was dead silent. She say Seven turn the corner reloading the shotgun quickly almost dropping the shells. As he got closer to the elevator a swarm of drones flooded the hallway. Amber closed her eyes thinking they had met their death. The sound of a drop shield hitting the floor caused her to open her eyes. Seven had deployed a drop shield protecting them from the hors of drones. Seven loaded his shotgun quickly knowing the shield wouldn't last this long for all the fire power the drones were putting down. Amber aimed her rifle just as the shield shattered into a crystals of ice (Metaphor). Amber and Seven held the swarm at bay for a few seconds making the back away slightly. Seven pumped his shotgun and fired the last slug into one of the drones. The sound of the elevator arriving at the top floor made both Spartans fall back into it. The drones quickly rushed towards the elevator trying to pin them down. Seven quickly kicked the panel making the doors close at the last minute as if it where a horror movie. Amber was at the verge of hyperventilating. She pulled off her helmet and leaned against the elevator wall. Seven pumped the empty sheep casing out and started loading the gun once more,"you alright Amber ?" Seven asked quietly. Amber looked up surprised he asked,"uhm... Yea.. Seen betters days though... " She tried to laugh it off as she stretched her arms out. Seven loaded the last shell in and smirked. Amber could tell by Seven's posture and actions he wasn't exactly on task,"you alright Seven... And I mean like why you fading?" Amber had a weird way of asking questions. Seven looked at her slightly confused. After a second or two Seven pieced it together,"oh.... Yea... It's nothing"

West looked over at Hunt as they had arrived at the scrambler,"when's the last time you and me were on a mission ?" West asked chuckling slightly as he started mounting the detonator. Hunt shrugged his shoulder and rubbed his neck,"mhm... Well... Not since our first mission... " west sighed and stud up,"a damn shame... We should hang out more and talk... You know battle brother to battle brother" West said as he handed the trigger to Hunt,"whoa what's going on West.. Last time I remembered you were always busy now what's gotten into you?" Hunt was slightly confused to why West was being so friendly to him instead of his smart ass self,"well to be honest with ya... After Jorge's death I realized that I should make the most of it with the people who matter to me... And well I hung out with Seven,Amber, Kat, Carter,Emile and myself already enough thought I should get to know you better "
West explained as the started to walk to a safe distance for the detonators range. Hunt smiles and nods,"that would be nice to talk to some one other then Kat and Carter and Emile And Amber.... I know improper English " The two Spartans ducked down and Hunt flipped a metal safety case off of the trigger. He pressed down and closed his eyes waiting for an explosion. After a few seconds both Spartans Stud up and looked the the device,"damn this trigger it's not working " Hint continuously pressed the button as West started to analyze the bomb. He had forgotten that he had set a timer and before he could do anything the timer counted down to zero and the blast sent the two Spartans flying back. As the most of the explosion started to fade Hunt started to stand up covered in water and fish. Their was glass everywhere around him as he stud up the water trickling off him. West stud up his head stuck in a painting. The two Spartans looked at each other and laughed hard about the situation. West pulled his head out of the painting and walked over to Hunt. " think it's time we return to base don't you"
Hunt was still slightly laughing "yea... Yea it is.... I'll miss these moments when stupid stuff happens"

Hey guys! Well that's that... Funny thing is is that I wrote what happened to Amber and Seven after something that actually happened when I was playing with a friend. Good times good times.

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