Chapter nine: New place old problems

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July-23 05:30

Seven's vision was blurry as an explosion went off. He quickly looked for his weapon to only find his knife, as he pulled out his knife three elites dropped down. The elites pulled out each their own energy sword trying to make it seem like a fair fight. Although it wasn't a fair fight for them. Seven-stud they're taking out his Kukri knife. The elites charged at him with fury in their eyes. Seven took his knife in his right hand and threw it in the air to catch it by its blade. He took a deep breath and chucked the knife towards the three elites. The knife landed between the eyes of the elite in the middle. The elite drops his energy sword to the floor and he followed it making a thump sound as he hit the floor. Seven ran at the two other charging elites with his Kukri knife in his left hand. The first Elite goes to stab him. Seven slid underneath the elite, the gravel and snow flicked into the air. Seven looked around for the two elites but they were gone like a ghost. The body of the first elite gone as well. The snow fell like confetti in a parade, the branches were covered in frost almost too perfect. Seven looked around lost to why he was there again. He could see Carter to his left as stiff as a statue. He jogs over to Carter," Sir!" Seven yells out. Carter turned around just as Seven gets close enough to hear the whispers, "only if you where stronger" Carters voice sounded shady his face had a few scars on it and his chest piece had a few holes in it where blood was dripping out. Before Seven got to react Carter disappeared into smoke. Seven could hear whispers around him but nothing that sounded like words. Seven looked around confused as hell. Seven saw a piece of light blue armour behind a tree. Seven sprinted over as fast as he could. Kat studs their a bullet through her head," only if you could have been faster" Kat's voice was a silent whisper. Before Seven comprehended what just happened she disappeared into smoke, the smoke rose like the smoke of a campfire. Seven was getting more confused with each passing second. A hand went over his shoulder, it felt as if it were under his armour. Seven quickly turned around to see who it was. No one stud around him. A voice says around him like if he was in a scary movie in a haunted house. The whispers said-why... Weren't you stronger... Faster... More accurate...-

The voice sounded dying in pain. Seven turned in a circle and was stopped by an elite ultra. The elite picked him up by the thought like he weighed nothing. Seven tried to break free of his hand. The elite brought him up to his eyes. Seven stared into death itself. All he could see was Noble team dying slowly because of his mistakes. The elite said nothing as if the elite knew what he was seeing. Before Seven ran out of breath he saw Reach being glassed. Seven woke up breathing heavily. Seven had sat up as he had woken from this horrible dream. Seven looked down in disappointment. He had had dreams like this before when they first started he thought it was a bunch of BS. Although his dreams usually were half real. Noble team had no set mission for today meaning they had a day off. Seven slowly put his feet on the ground now placing him in a sitting position. He looked over to the other bunk to see West sound asleep. West had a black hair which was in a buzz cut. His face was rigid and thinner, he also had an unshaved face but no beard or moustache nor sideburns, his skin was caucasian. Seven then looked up at Hunt. Hunt had black curly hair. His skin was a bit darker and hade a smooth face. He had no facial hair at all.Hunt also had no facial scares probably cause he's pretty new. Seven-stud up swiftly and quietly. He walked over to the door. He opened the door quietly not trying to wake them. Seven left the room without a noise. He closed the door on his way out and headed for the cafeteria. Seven had had a long time to think about this new team. But before he began to fade out into his thought a voice broke his thought, " Good morning Seven!" Amber said in an awakened voice. Seven quickly turned and saw Amber standing in the corridor. Her forest green recon helmet was in her left hand. Her hair was short brown but there was something different this time about her. She had dyed the ends of her hair blue. Her face was soft and pale. Seven waved at her," not much for talking aren't you?" She declared almost as a question and a fact. Seven just shook his head. She walked over to the cafeteria with him. When they were seated with their food at a booth against the wall similar to two couches facing each other with a table in the middle. There was a clear view of the mountains in the window of the wall which the booth was against. Amber slid beside the wall Seven sitting across from her. Seven wasn't hungry but decided to sit down and talk, although he would not be doing much talking. Amber said something Seven would want to kill her for," so you got a thing for Kat Hun.." Seven tilted his head to symbolize he didn't understand Amber then continued her thought," what don't you think it's not obvious that you have a thing for her" Seven had pretended to have not have understood what she said " what?" Seven replied in shock. Amber didn't buy it and sarcastically stated," yea sure " Seven looked over to the greenish coloured mountains. It took a while before Amber arose with another question" so what will you be doing today?" Amber asked not really that interested. Seven was now regretting having sat down. Seven just moved his shoulders up as if he didn't know, but he just wanted this conversation to end. Amber couldn't see how annoyed he was cause he didn't say anything. Seven was about to leave but Amber started another question," so I was talking to Kat last night will I was dying my hair and she said the strangest thing, although I didn't read her file cause I assumed we'd be sharing a room, so I thought I'd get to know her that way. Point being she said apparently you were the only Spartan on this team that shouldn't be here. Apparently, you're only here because a Spartan named Thomas died and they needed someone to replace him with. And apparently Hunt, West and I were still going to join the team if Thomas hadn't died" Ambers voice almost sounded like the one in his dream. Seven wasn't shocked by this piece of information seeing his record file. What didn't make sense was why would Amber tell him this. Amber wasn't trying to be mean but just wanted him to talk to find out what he was thinking," wow I don't understand how you do it Seven" Amber exclaimed. Seven replied in a soft light unusual voice he hadn't ever before," what do you mean?" Amber not expecting he'd give an answer was surprising. She just needed him to say a few more words," how someone with your skills and blacked out history has so little to say" Seven without thinking almost yelled out at her," It's blacked out for a reason" Amber was frozen she finally understood why Seven didn't talk much although she didn't know the story. She knew Seven was mad, hopeless, lost, frustrated and scared? Amber was shocked to find out he was scared of something. Seven sat their petrified that he had gotten mad and almost yelled at Amber. Amber now recognized how he felt," uh...why are you scared ?" Seven mortified that someone knew how he felt like someone went into his mind and read his thoughts. Amber really not understanding why would Seven be scared of anything. But before she could get an answer. Hunt, Emile and West entered the cafeteria. " you guys started eating without us how rude" West exclaimed jokingly. They were all in a short sleeve shirt that had the words UNSC, their grey cargo pants were an all similar. Seven slid out of the booth and stud up stretching his back. Seven just wanted to leave now not wanting any part of this. Emile, Hunt and West hade already seated before Seven left. Emile didn't have much to eat except a bright red apple. Hunt commented on what Emile hade" if you think that's all your going to need this morning your far from it" Hunt almost always said things in a nervousness voice. Emile just laughed and swiftly cut the apple in two with his knife. It was like a hot knife through butter no forced implied at all. West was sitting beside Amber who was just about finished her food. West pulled out a lighter from a pocket he had on the side of his leg. Emile shook his head in disapproval not to. " damn!" West commented in a disappointed tone. " so how much of Seven's file did you read?" Emile asked the other Spartans.West replied in a monotone voice," not much " Emile looked over to Hunt who replied, "erhm... Honestly i... Didn't even know that he had a file.." Emile chuckled a bit," true seeing as 99% of it is covered in black ink" Emile then turned his attention to Amber," I'll be honest with you guys, when I heard about this guy I couldn't care less" Amber said lying, she had a thing where she needed to know her team before going on missions. Emile wasn't impressed with her answer. Carter, Jorge and Jun all walked in the cafeteria still not completely awake. Jorge was always the one to move tables together so they could sit together. Jorge walked over to the nearest movable table and slid it across the floor like it was a toy, next to the table Amber and the rest where sitting. He then brought out four chairs two on one side and two on the other. Jorge sat down heavily next to Hunt and put a deck of cards on the table. Carter came over with both his and Jorge's breakfast. Carter placed Jorge's tray of food in front of him and his beside Jorge's. Carter sat down strictly. Jun then walked over four cups of coffee and two trays. He laid one of the trays out in front of Emile and the other beside West. Jun distributed the coffee between Emile, Jorge, Carter and himself. Seven had already left the cafeteria and entered the training hall. Seven went over to an old style punching bag, the bag was worn out and had a few scratches on it from all the Spartan

who used it. Seven thought to himself * damn wish there was a mission for us toady* Seven didn't mind getting shot at because he knew what to do. Although when on break he was completely lost. He started punching the speed bag, the bag went back and then flew forward as it flew forward Seven lunged another punch into it knocking right back. Seven could hear a voice in his head like the one in his dream,* only if..... You were stronger... Faster...Honourable....sacrificing .. Courage.... Liable... Helpful..but you're nothing....* Seven hurled his fist one last time into the bag as in fell off the chain and sand flew everywhere like a sandstorm. Seven wanted off Noble team and now. Seven frustratedly over to the cafeteria. As he entered he saw Jorge, Emile, Amber and West playing cards. Emile turned over his green eyes fixed on Seven," Hey Seven! What are you doing here?" Emile's voice has loud and lively. " you know where Carter is? I need to talk to him" Amber could hear the anger in Seven's response. Emile played his cards on the table and greedily grabbed all the chips in the middle," yeah, he's in his office talking to Kat about something" Seven nodded his head and darted for Carters office. The hallways were a cold silver that was sorrow. Seven finally arrived at the doorway of Carter's office. Seven could hear Kat complaining about something as he knocked forcefully on the door. It went silent as if everyone had dropped dead. Carter opened the door rapidly to see Seven," Sir we need to talk" Seven looks back at Kat behind him," In private" Carter just looked back at Kat and she nudged her way out the door," come in Seven" Carter invited Seven as they both step into the office. Carter sat down sternly at his desk and looked over at Seven," how can I help you Seven?" Seven didn't know exactly how to word this so he just went for it," Sir I would like to be dismissed from Noble team" Seven's words were striking. Carter had never heard a spartan ask to leave a team especially Noble team," what are you're reasons for wanting to leave may I ask" Carter wasn't asking but more demanding. Seven rubbed the side of his helmet," I work better alone and I rather not be...." Seven's words stopped. Carter knew how to deal with this," Seven let me tell you something, the reason you're on Noble team. ONI and the UNSC picked Amber, Hunt and West. They let me pick the last spartan. And I've chosen you, want to know why?" Seven really didn't care," because of three things; one there is only one other Spartan with the rating of hyper lethal, two you where a lone wolf spartan and you and me both know lone wolf Spartans don't last long, three I read your profile and you shocked me. Most Spartans, if they were in you, 're position would have given up" Seven stud their motionless. He thought all the evidence of those missions had been erased. Carter knew Seven didn't want to resign from Noble for now anyway. Seven left the office quietly now. Kat entered just as she left as if she had listened to their conversation. Hours past and now the day was almost over it was now 18:00. All of noble team was already eating when Seven walked in. " well for being hyper lethal you sure don't know what time it is" Jun commented. They all laughed a bit even Seven did. Seven was saved Kat was sitting by the window next to Amber talking about who knows what. Seven grabbed his tray of food and placed it down next to Carter. Carter was listening to one of Emile's stories' that were great just never believable even if they were true. Seven looked down into his hand where he had picked up and apple Carter looked over at Seven " alright Seven it's bugging me now. What is your name?" Seven himself almost forgot his name as he never used it." Spartan -225 " Seven replied. Carter laughed a bit with Emile," we meant like your first name" Carter insisted. Seven really saw no point in giving his name," I'm fine with being called Seven " Seven said quietly. Carter got to know that asking Seven a question twice your not going to get the answer you want," alright then Seven it is" Carter said giving up. Emile just laughed lightly will finishing dinner. Carter stud up quickly and started briefing them on what they were doing in two days," alright ONI and UNSC have us doing airings tomorrow. So I want everybody ready and by the HQ at 05:30 so I want you guys rested cause where waking up early" All of noble team stud up and brought their trays back. Except Seven he waited for everyone to leave to remove his helmet. He felt actually he didn't know how he felt. The night sky fills the orange and pink coloured skies. The stars where shimmering bright as all lights were out.

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