Chapter fifteen: long Night

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The launch facility didn't seem so abandoned when Noble team arrived. Green and blue plasma shots ran through the afternoon sky like rain on a cloudy day. The beach that surrounded the facility with high rocks and water as blue as the sapphire. The falcon dropped the six Spartans down undetected at least a hundred feet away from the facility. Carter, Kat, Jorge, Seven, West and Amber dropped down behind a huddle of giant rocks, "damn remind me never to fly (first class) again" West complained as he stretched his back,"He's right they could have at least dropped us off at the front door" Amber added knowing what West complained about. Carter nodded his head "All right let's double time it before they blow up our rides" Carter ordered as he signed them to walk up. AS they walked up against the beach and three unexpected drop pods landed in front of them. Seven pulled back on is assault rifle bolt, making sure it wasn't jammed. Before Seven aimed down the rifle, a hand pushed down his assault rifle. It was Jorge as he lifted his heavy machine gun up to his chest," Let the big man do his job" Jorge said and smiled under his helmet. The doors of the drop pod burst open letting the three Elite ultras out. Two of them immediately started to fire their plasma guns towards the tall spartan. The last Elite pulled an energy sword out and walked backwards disappearing in an active camo. Jorge let out a burst of rounds onto the Elites tearing through their armour and flesh obliterating their shields. " Good job now let's get to the facility " Carter commanded his team. Seven covered their backs looking for the Elite that had disappeared earlier. The Spartans bunkered them self down in front of the facility doors. A large group of Jackles We're trying to break through the front door, "Why don't we give our guest a nice housewarming gift" West suggested as he pulled out his rocket launcher. Carter loaded his rifle and signalled his team to get ready. Seven lowered to ground level keeping his eye out for the mysterious Elite. West stud up the grenade launcher ammo on his chest piece jumped up a bit along with him."Hey, dodo bird you've passed you're extinction date" West yelled out at the middles Jackles and fired a rocket towards the middle of them. The Jackles bodies flew into the air like birds and returned to the surface almost instantly." Nice now let's go" Carter complimented West. Seven-stud himself up covering their back as they ran to the entrance."West, Seven Jorge get to the Sabers we'll deal with the rest of the covenant. as Seven finally got to the entrance he pulled his DMR to the control panel to the door. He pulled the trigger once and the door started to shut close. Carter looked at him and signalled him to move to the other Saber. Seven ran up the upscaling catwalks filled with rust, blood and bullet shells. As Seven got to the top of the mountain of catwalks Kat was looking over the sabre making sure it was fully functional, "WellSeven this sabre is fully functional and full of fuel... Good luck" Kat silently wished him luck as she started walking back down. Seven blushed under his silent helmet "eh...Thanks stay safe " Seven turned his head towards the Saber much bigger then he thought it would be. The cockpit opened suddenly and violently as it shifted down leaving the pilot seat completely accessible. Seven gripped a bar as it helped him climb into the cockpit. Seven rapidly did a systems check as he could hear the countdown starting to fade from the sound of the engines coming to life. He held onto his dog tags tightly as the Saber started to lift itself from the ground. Seven looked over of his shoulder and spotted Jorge and West's Saber matching his own speed. Amber giggled slightly as she poked Seven's shoulder, "Uhm... I'm still on this mission Seven... You almost forgot me " She smiled slightly as she buckled in. Seven felt embarrassed that he had forgotten about Amber being his partner on this mission. "Yay sorry, Amber my thoughts weren't one hundred percent on the mission " Seven excused himself to Amber. Amber smiled under her helmet as she saw the deep vastness of spacer only a few stars in the distance light the sky up, "Don't worry Seven happens to the best of us". The Saber almost felt like it was flying in a calm stream of water with nothing pulling it back. The covenant Corvette sat in the middle of the empty space watching over the planet ready at any moment to strike. For a demolitions expert West was one hell of a pilot also. He maneuvered the Saber with ease as they flew towards the dreadful Corvette. Seven landed the Saber safely inside at the same time as West did. luckily for them, Kat had been able to cloak their Sabers leaving them undetected. Seven opened the cockpit quickly as he jumped out even before the cockpit finished opening. West climbed out of his Saber with a cigar lit in his mouth,"All right work time " West said smiling as he tossed the butt of the cigar on the floor and smothered in with his heal of his boot. Seven nodded his head and pulled his assault rifle from his back out. Jorge stepped out his heavy machine gun somehow managed to fit in the Saber along with West's rocket launcher.Jorge looked at them"What? Never leave home without it" Jorge said chuckling. Amber tossed her sniper out of the Saber and fallowed landing face first, "owww.... stupid cockpit" Amber said rubbing her head in slight pain. West laughed slightly " Nice one... All right here's the plane. I'll be setting up the bomb in the dock while Jorge covers me... Seven and Amber theirs a high valued target here I need you guys to take him out" West explained sliding his helmet on. Seven nodded his head, yes and Amber smirked slightly " Yea cause that's really descriptive West what is this high valued target" Amber exclaimed with a bit of sass in her voice. West looked over at her a bit ridiculously. " Really Amber.... erg...... the target is an Elite Zealot in black armour... lucky for you he's right behind you" West quickly pulled his grenade launcher up as the elite slashes down at Ambers back cutting through the armour, "agh....." Amber screamed in pain as she hit the floor. Seven turned around quickly pulling out his combat knife out going to stab the elite in the throat. The elite with lightning reflexes hits Seven's Combat knife out of his hand and tries to slash Seven upwards. West ran over to Amber checking if she was still alive." she alive but she's badly injured... she needs medical attention now!!" West yelled not exactly knowing what to do. Jorge still couldn't take a shot the elite and seven were to close. Jorge instead pulls his attention towards Amber. Seven lunged his Kukuri knife towards the elites eye trying to finish the fight fast. The elite with faster reflexes hits Seven in the face making the white armoured spartan fallback. Seven quickly took his ground again and glared at the taunting elite. The Elite stud his ground not flinching both stud face to face. Seven wasn't going to let this Elite get away in one piece. The elite roared as it activated it's energy sword once again. Seven took a deep breath as he ran towards the elite. The elite both surprised and frightened took a quick swing towards Seven as if the elite was a baseball player trying to hit a ball that was thrown at him to fast. Seven felt a bit of pain in his right shoulder as his knife had dug itself deep inside the elite's chest. The Elite fell to its knees dropping its red covered energy sword. Seven pulled the knife out of the elite's chest and quickly stabbed down into its head finishing it off for good. West patched up Amber the best he could but all of them it wouldn't do much good. Amber grunted in pain and looked up at Seven his shoulder pad mostly destroyed and his armour now a bright red colour. Jorge looked over at West."go start the bomb I'll look after these two " he tried to make things seem all right. West walked up to the bomb and he started tinkering with it. seven sighed and leaned against the sabre his head leaned back in pain as he held his shoulder tightly blood leaking out of it slightly. West walked around his head down as he sighs"uhm...... I've got good news and bad news... Thrusters are toast so the only way down is gravity...." Seven chuckled In pain"great.....What's the good news then?" he struggled to speak. West sighed " That was the good news...... bad news is.... you're combat knife stuck itself into the counter...... and now one of us will have to detonate it manually...." The room went dead silent as if the grim reaper walked in front of them taunting them with death. West shook his head " It's my job to make things blow up and it's my bomb it would only be fair if I got the front row seat..." Jorge stud up and shook his head no " They'll need you six... plus it's my home..." West saluted Jorge and helped amber to the edge. Seven lifted himself up and started walking to the edge. Before Seven got two steps into walking Jorge grabbed his arm and looked into his visor. Jorge pulled his dog tags from his neck and handed them to Seven, "Tell 'em to make it count.." Seven took Jorge's hands holding tightly the dog tags falling into his hand." Give'm hell, Jorge..."As Jorge let go Seven turned away preparing to jump. Jorge pulled his helmet off and turned towards him," Seven... Well, can I at least know you're name before I walk into hell?".

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