Chapter twelve: The spire

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Seven sat in the passenger seat of a warthog. Kat was driving her left hand is on a trigger. West was on the gunner seat although you have to stand to use the gun. Seven loads his DMR and looks up to see Carter looking down at them. Amber and Jun got the day off cause they had been up all day yesterday. The flat dessert witch a hole UNSC army drove on with warthogs and scorpions. In the sky their was a handful of Falcons and Pelicans. Kat quickly looks over to the tower hoping the charges will still work, "activating the bomb on the pylon, in three, two one" Kat pressed down on the trigger and in the distance, an orange flaming explosion in the background rumbled the nearby surface. Just as the explosion stopped banshee could be seen flying towards the UNSC. A blue plasma shot had hit the warthog beside Kat, Seven and West, the sounds of pain and agony where everywhere. Kat had almost drove to the beginning of a bridge when an explosion hitting the middle of the bridge. Causing it to collapse. Kat pulled back on the leaver in the middle switching the gears of the vehicle. " might want to hold onto something!" Kat shouted trying to make sure Seven and West herd her voice over the battle. West looked at the bridge in terror," this is where I'm gonna die!" West exclaimed loudly. Seven looked around for something to hold onto. The warthog made the jump barley. Kat and Seven were tossed about like rag dolls. Seven's vision had gone blurry just like in his dream, * shit! I died * Seven thought to himself. Although a voice broke his cloudy vision," Seven! You alright" Kat's voice was a rush of words. Seven then felt a burst of pain in his chest. He looked down onto his chest where stuck in him was a piece of the warthog. West had managed to have jumped off at the last minute, West was just beside their downed warthog. Seven-stud himself up as Kat asked," Seven if you're able we could use the assist. Seven looked for a nearby weapon and found a DMR laying right beside him. Seven grabbed the DMR as rapidly as he could with a piece of metal sticking out of him. West looked back at Seven and tossed him a grenade launcher," you alright Seven? That looks bad" West pointed out. Seven cached the grenade launcher with one hand and put his DMR on his back, his movements were so swift that is were as if he had lived this moment before. Seven just shook his head to West's question. Seven's attention was then caught by two banshee about to fly over them. Seven aimed his grenade launcher between the two banshees and fired an EMP shot, the two banshees where hit and one crashed into a nearby mountainside, and the other crashed behind Seven into the bridge. West looked back at Seven astonished "lucky shot Seven" West commented. Seven ran up to where Kat and West who were being pinned down by anti-air turrets. one of the two was close by the stream of green and blue beams flew over their heads like fireworks being shot at them. West loaded up a rocket launcher with the letters on it reading out-GPR- Seven looked confused at what that stud for until West fired it. The rocket hit the turret right in the middle the pilot flew out from the explosion and the cannon popped out of its base.their was only one turret left now Seven rushed up behind a pillar and loaded hi grenade launcher. on the other side of the rock was the turret and something Seven wouldn't expect. Seven turned around the rock to face the turret and he felt as if he had been struck by thunder a white ultra elite stud on the other side a needle rifle in his right hand ready for combat. Seven had a flashback to his dream it looked just like the elite in his dreams. but before the elite realized he was their a hand pulled him back behind the rock just in time. it was Kats she looked at Seven and said in an aggravated voice," Seven, what where you doing you where going to get yourself killed" Seven couldn't just shake his head or move his shoulders', " sorry...I " Seven stopped and heard an explosion just behind them. West popped his head out from where Seven and Kat stud," hey guys did you just see that explosion?!" Seven shook his head no and Kat gave a stern look at West through her helmet which no one could see, " No West we didn't see it, although i bet it was a good shot" West laughed and walked towards the destroyed turret. Kat looked back at Seven who was waiting to get her attention, " thanks Kat for what you did back their" Sevens words where as clear as crystal. Kat was surprised that Seven even said anything and she was a bit delighted to know Seven knew when to talk. But Kat felt three emotions at once, she was still some reason mad at Seven was on their team, she felt a bit guilty for not thanking him when Seven saved her at sword base and Kat was happy to have Seven on their team. Kat replied a little late, " guess that makes us even now. Don't get urself killed I don't want to be the one filling out all the paperwork" Seven a bit astonished that Kat didn't hate his guts, he just shook his head in approval. West was already perched on the turret of an warthog which had been dropped down form a pelican," you guys are so slow. Now let's go blow up some covenant technology" West exclaimed loudly. Kat smiled," I'll agree with that" Kat replied. Kat enters the driver sear and Seven enters the passenger seat and aims his grenade launcher in the front, " alright Kat out the petal to the metal" West yells out as he takes a hold of the turret. Kats driving was surprisingly better then Seven remembered. Carters voice came through the mic loud and as clear as if he were right beside them," Kat theirs an AA gun that needs taking down so we can have air support take it out at all cost" Carters orders were strict and fast. Kat turned a corner violently, dirt flew into the Spring breeze, " we're on it! " Kat replied as she shifted gears swiftly. West fired a round of rockets into a group of unlucky enemies, their bodies flew into the air like toys being thrown about. Seven shot his grenade launcher towards a Revenant. Seven waited to let go of the trigger. The revenant was closing in on their position with remarkable speed. Seven took one big breath and released his finger from the trigger, the revenant shut down still moving forwards a bit from all the momentum it had gained. Seven leaped out of the passenger seat and landed on the passing revenant. The elite looked up at him and shouted at him in fear. Seven kicked the elite in the neck full force taking its breath away. The elite struggled to breath and started suffocating. Seven pulled out his DMR and landed a shot right between its eyes. The elite sat their now motionless, Seven kicked the elite out of the driver seat and sat down. Seven grabbed the strange steering wheel and started it back up. Kat looked over to Seven, " Seven what are you doing we got a mission" Kat said aggravated again. Seven drove up a slope towards the AA gun, " I've got a plan just trust me " Seven said into the mic. West turned the turret towards the AA gun. Whatever you have planned better have a lot of goddamn firepowers, cause that thing won't gown easily" Seven fired a shot from the canon of the revenant into the remaining final enemies. Seven jumped off the revenant and walked inside the giant towering AA gun. A shield covered the core of this dreaded machine. Seven hit the shield with the stock of his gun as hard as he could. The shield shattered in a red plasma, Seven unhooked an grenade from his side. Seven pulled out the pin but held the trigger until he was ready to blow it. West turned the turret to the side to get a better view of the AA gun," Seven whatever you're doing do it fast" West demanded on the comms. Seven let go of the trigger and threw it into the the generator just as the shield recharged. Seven started to sprint out,"Kat i need you guys to drive away about now!" Seven yelled into the mic as he jumped of the slope where the AA gun was placed on top of. Kat steps down onto the petal, " Seven what happened ?!" Kat yelled into the mic. The AA gun burst into flames, the raging fires pulverized the nearby plants. The cannon of the AA gun fell into its base creating a loud crashing sound. before Kat could talk the tower fiercely explodes pieces tossed around the area. West pulls himself up from Kats harsh driving, " woo that was the best explosion I've ever seen, Dust would have loved to seen that a shame he's not here" West cried out in joy. Kat jumped out of the driver seat as she spoke into the mic," Seven... come in Seven. Noble Seven are you their ?" Kats worried voice carried over the mic. Seven arose from the ashes of the destroyed AA gun. His armour more scratched up now," not dead yet could use a lift though" Sevens voice scratched through the mic as his helmet had been damaged. Kat jumped back into the driver seat,"good to hear missions not over yet" Kat said in relief. Seven picked up his grenade launcher and loaded it back up. Kat stopped beside Seven so he could get in. Seven jumped aboard and looked down to a bio-foam container. Seven then looked down at the piece of metal still stuck in him. He laid his grenade launcher onto the bottom of the seat and picked up the bio-foam container. He put one hand on the piece of metal and quickly pulled it out. Seven grunted in pain a bit, Kat looked over to Seven to see what he was up too," What the Hell are you doing" Kat exclaimed. Seven applied the bio-foam onto his chest where had the metal piece had stuck out," concentrate on driving pleas" Seven remarked in pain. West fired another round of rockets into a nearby phantom, " looks like we have company!" West said loudly. Seven readied himself and tried to forget about the pain. Kat turns up a hill where a pelican dropped down a movable bridge. A wraith fired a shot near their warthog. pieces of dirt flew into their vision. Kat drifted the warthog to the left West fired a round of rockets at the wraith, it seemed as if it had barely scratched it. Seven fired an EMP shot and the wraith before it had reloaded its cannon. West pulled out his rocket launcher off his back, he pushed the turret to get a good aim," boom" West yelled as he shot his rocket. the wraith blew up into a blue fire its cannon fell back into the body and the jets at the bottom gave up making it fall. Kat started driving again. Carters voice broke their awkward silence,"good job, but are missions not finished yet. Their are a few a few marines being pinned down at a nearby bridge. Lend them a hand and report in" The warthog drove into a clearing where their the bridge was and what looked like a mining building. Kat parked the warthog at the beginning of the bridge. Seven leaped out of the passenger seat, his wound still healing. West jumped out of the turret and grabbed his dusty RPG," a damn shame I'm not gonna use that anymore. Well, let's go kill these stupid overgrown crocodiles" West said loudly trying to be heard over the gunfire in the background. Seven looked over to West in confusion as he tilted his head. Kat hit West over the head," lets just save these marines and discuss this latter" Kat exclaimed. Seven put away his grenade launcher and pulled out his DMR for this tight space. West fired a rocket towards an covenant infantry turret. It was as if had just jumped out of its base and turned into an asteroid. Kat and Seven ran up to the last enemies as they fired their weapons. The none stop bullet cases fell to the floor creating a path. The marines gathered what courage they could and joined the Seven and Kats push. The bodies of Jackals and Grunts hit the floor like snowfall. Seven stopped at the begging of a stairway he reloaded his gun with intense speed. Kat arrived a few seconds behind him and finally West arrived stumbling around,"who decided to make this gun so heavy" West complained. Kat smacked her head from West stupidity. Seven lead the way up the stairs his DMR at the ready for whatever enemy would come around the corner. Seven's senses where being put on a test now, with Kat watching his every move to see if he deserved to be in Noble team. Seven crouched down at a open hall, he reached for his knife and peaked over the corner . Seven caught two Jackles off the corner of his eye, he pulled out his knife and moved his left hand to hold his knife while also lifting the gun. Seven turned the corner quickly in a blur of motion. Two gunshots muted the hole war going on for West and Kat. West climbed up the stairs dragging his weight behind him. Kat jogged past West with her assault rifle and magnum,"Its alright princess I don't need any help but thanks for asking"West's rude remark got him hit over the head again,"I swear, I'm either going to have a head injury or I'm going to need a smoke, all that hitting on my head actually feelings" West starts to laugh at his own joke before he gets smacked over the head once again." Six I'm going to really hurt you next time if you don't stop" Kat's voice was as clear as day. Kat and West finally got to the top of the stairs where Seven stud their waiting. The afternoon sun over his head made his armour vibrant white. Seven loaded his rifle with his left hand while holding it up with his right. Kat led them towards a broken structure a part of the roof they where walking on had collapsed. The inside was to dark compared to inside the outside sunlight. Kat tried to use her night vision but it was still to dark, she could barely even see the ground below her. West pulled out a flare gun out of his belt which neither of them had noticed," before you guys go signing happy birthday I'm not going to even try to blow this out" West's comical remark comforted both Seven and Kat. West slammed down on the barrel to open the loading piece, he grabbed a loaded shell. West slid it into the loading area and flicked the gun up, it made a click sound and West aimed it down into the collapsed roof. West squeezed the trigger and the flare lit the building up like a candle. Seven took a few steps back and sprinted into the broken roof building. West looked down at Seven his armour flashed off the red, " I have a bad feeling about this" West said in a unsure voice. Kat pushed West lightly into the building, " we don't have all day six" Kat said aggravated. West before falling to the ground steadied himself so he wouldn't break his legs. Seven looked back at the sound of a thump," i think i broke both of my kidneys " West said as he stud up trying to walk off the pain. Seven just shook his head as he looked down at West. soon after Kat jumped down her landing perfect," before you push someone down a building at least tell them" West's voice echoed through the empty building. Kat pulled up a device which Seven assumed she used to communicate to the rest of Noble team if their coms didn't work. West pulled out a cigar out of his belt and removed his helmet," Kat can I request something of you if you don't mind" West unusual kind voice asked. Kat turned her head from the little green screen," if its another of your stupid jokes your going to get more than the palm of my hand on your head" Kat's answer was rough. West tried not to make a smart *** remark," don't call me six it sounds like I'm just another number, and I hate that some people think Spartans are just numbers" West's words effected Seven more than Kat. Kat just nodded her head yes as West picked up the flare using it to light up his cigar. Kat moved her head back to the small screen tapping away at it. West walked over to Seven who had wandered away from them a bit. Seven sat on a broken window seal looking out into the battle. Seven wasn't stupid he knew their was something to easy about this mission. Before he could ponder more on it a hand patted him on his shoulder. West sat beside him smoking away at his cigar, the smoke rose into the air like steam the sun desperately tried to beam through the clouds of battle smoke," something on your mind Seven?" West asked as he removed his cigar from his lips. Seven looked down and just shook his head," oh come on Seven whats with this tough guy act?" West asked angrily. Seven chuckled a bit and turned his head to West," no bull**** i known only one guy like you who actually, well meant it. And I'm pretty damn sure you weren't always like this" West pointed out. Seven looked back straight outside,"I don't need this crap, I didn't ask for a friend so please leave, I don't need someone telling me how to live my life" Seven responded frustrated. West laughed hysterically," well that's good because that's not what said, i didn't tell you how to live you're life i asked why you so inclosed in" West remarked as he puffed at his giant cigar. Seven didn't trust West enough to tell him anything yet. Seven jumped back in to the building feet first, dust lifted into the air and West flicked his shortened cigar out the window. " Lord please watch over that cursed man's soul" West whispers to himself before he jumped back into the building. Kat waited for them downstairs her hand resting on her hip. Seven walked outside securing the perimeter. Outside stud two grunts an elite ultra and three ghosts. Seven froze again, he pulled the sight of his DMR up to his eye. Seven's breath steadied as he aimed for the elites head,"not this time" Seven whispered to himself before he could pull the trigger a green plasma shot scraped the left side of his helmet. The elite turned around and spotted Seven like a red apple in snow. The two grunts fired towards Seven their shots missed almost every time.The three aliens rushed over to their ghost to try and escape Seven, before one of the grunts could leave Seven sprinted up to it pulling out his knife just in time to slit it's throat. The elite and other grunt had already started up their ghost. Seven followed them down an orange coloured canyon, "Seven!!! what are you doing we have a mission to complete fall back now that's an order" Kat demanded harshly. Seven pulled the ghost to a stop,"affirmative heading back now" Seven answered aggravated. Kat finally got a reason to get ride of Seven. Seven arrived back to the underneath garage they had come out of. West and Kat already had a warthog up and running," Let's goi just want this mission over" West said from being tired of having to wait for Seven. Seven hopped on the gunner seat and Kat pressed down hard on the petal. Before reaching the clearing of the canyons Carters voice echoed thru their mics," Theirs one last AA gun left to take out, this is mission priority" The warthog reached the bottom of a slop which the AA gun was perched on. Two green explosions hit the rocks beside them making them crumble down on the vehicle. Kat, West and Seven managed to escape the tumbling rocks. West got unlucky and a boulder fell on his left leg," damn....just what i needed" West screamed in pain as he struggled to get free. A pair of hands lifted the boulder for a top his leg helping him get out. West used the bottom of his palms to clear him of the rock. As west tried to stand a helping hand appeared in front of him offering assistance. West grabbed the hand that helped him pull himself up, the helping hand was from Seven his armour was so covered of blood and dust it was hard to see the white snow coloured armour, "maybe I was wrong about you Seven, although it doesn't change the fact I think Spartans should all have a name" West thanked Seven," alright now let's go ruin the day of some covenant mechanic" West said happily. Two hunters towered over the three pinned Spartans. Kat tried to inflict a partial amount of damage to the two giant earthworms," alright I got a plan but we got to act fast. Seven and me will stay here and distract the hunters while West flanks the destroying the AA gun while killing the two hunters" Kat demanded. West and Seven looked at each other for a seconded," as long as I get a blow alien technology up I'm a happy man" West replied with enthusiasm in his voice. Seven and Kat unloaded a whole clip on the hunter's shields just even to grab their attention. The hunters waisted their time firing back destroying the rock Seven and Kat where using for cover," damn! I'm not dying here in a bloody desert" Kats Russian accent whispered towards Seven, it seemed like she was talking to him. Seven and Kat where down to the last pebbles as the hunters fired their deadly canons. West panted trying to save his breath for when he'd have to run down the hill with GPR. West fired a rocket at the shield pulverizing it. West immediately fired away another rocket as soon as the last broke the shield. West started to sprint down to the hill screaming, "Repent! repent !" West dived under an old ridged tree, to protect him from the blast. Kat looked over to Seven trying to go down at least with a fight,"Seven! look it's not going to do any damage, look if... we don't make.."before Kat could finish her sentence she was cut off by Seven," you're making it out ok" Seven said as he looked back at Kat. The hunter's turned around curious to the loud screeching sound that emitted behind them. the explosion pulverized the two hunters into ashes as the blue fire scorched across the land. Kat stud up by Seven who was looking over at West," whoooo hell of an explosion although missing something, oh yeah 'the missions over' prays, since that's not coming up guessing missions not over" West declared enthusiastically. A falcon landed out in the opening of an area to pick up Seven for the next part of his mission. Kat looked over at Seven," not a word to the others got me lieutenant " Kat said to Seven. Seven just shook his head and looked over towards one of the marines walking towards them. " ehm... Spartan 225 they need you in the falcon quickly" the marines voice sounded familiar it was sergeant Knox's. Seven walked over to the falcon with the sergeant,"good to see you sergeant" Seven declared. "good to see you too" Knox's replied. seven entered a seat opposite from Jorge," Seven good to see you now let's destroy this spire" Jorge declared loudly. The falcon passed through the air smoothly. The air was quite calm despite the constant battles being fought everywhere. When they reached the spire it was covered by a blue dome encasing it inside so nothing could get out or leave. Jorge looked over to the pilot seat,"take us in!" Jorge yelled knowing this was risky move. The pilot hesitated for a moment then drove into the crystal blue dome. As soon as the Falcon passed through the blue dome it started losing control," lock your armour Spartan!!!" Jorge yelled out sounding like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Seven held onto some dog tags he had tightly as he locked his armour. Seven's body flung around viciously as the falcon hit the ground. As soon as Seven regained his conscious he looked up at Jorge," two great landings today perfect" Seven said. Jorge did not find this funny though," crew's....." Jorge's comment was stopped by, "I'm still not dead just yet" Knox's cried out holding his right side of his lower chest. Seven could tell Jorge had a smile under his helmet," so are we just going to stand here with poles up are ***'* or are we going to doing something " Knox's tried to laugh out. Jorge shook his head," we better start moving. Seven, once you get to the tower, don't wait for us just go up and lower the tower and the battle is one, me and the sergeant will hold off the covenant until they got it" Jorge commanded. Seven turned towards the spire and loaded his DMR and sprinted towards the tower at full speed. When Seven reached the spire he looked and marvelled up at the spires greatness. Seven sneaked past the guards who were to busy anyway trying to kill Jorge and Knox's. Seven stepped in the lifts, it lifted Seven upwards quickly but delicately placing him at the top of the tower. Seven knew at this point stealth would have to be his ally here as he placed his DMR on his back. He pulled out his combat knife and kukri knife in the other. Two Grunts patrolled the top of the spire along with three elites. As the two grunts passed by him he quickly inserted his knife into their heads. both bodies fell easily to the floor. Seven herd the footsteps of an elite and he carefully hides himself behind a wall. The elite investigated the corps of the two dead grunts. Before the elite could warn his brother's his throat was slit by Seven's combat knife. The elites body hit the floor roughly making any noise compared to the noise outside. Two elites remained and Seven's missions was completed. Another minor elite walked through the halls talking to himself it seemed as if he were praying. Seven grabbed the tip of his combat knife and hurled it towards the elites head. The tip of the Knife landed right between it's eyes causing the elite to fall. Seven grabbed his combat knife back and holstered it by his shoulder. The elite major attempted to stab Seven from the back but only managed to glance him. Seven viciously tried and stab the elite with his kukri knife. The elite dodged it and whispered," why do you escape you're destiny, all that awaits you is death,we both know you should have died instead of them, we shall meet again " The elite vanished from Seven's sight. Seven had to stay on task or kill the elite that took so much away from him. Seven activated the button to disrupt the shields turning them off. Seven ran outside not knowing exactly how he was going to get off the spire. A falcon a rose from Seven's sigh, Seven made a run for it. Seven jumped as far as he could to reach the falcon to even just grab a hold of it. As his body landed in the belly of the falcon he started to slip. Seven struggled trying to grab onto anything. Sevens falling hand was caught by Kat trying to help lift him up. Kat managed to lift him into the falcon safe and sound. Seven sat in his seat taking deep breaths," thanks Kats" Seven thanked Kat softly. Carter smiled and said," this is Noble one you have permission to engage have a nice day!" Seven was stunned to see a frigate in orbit and so close'" mac rounds in the atmosphere ? is that even safe" Kat asked curiously. Carter looked over to her," guess will find out " Carter replied. The frigate fired one round into the spire destroying it. The Three Spartans cheered a little too soon. almost as quickly victory came so did defeat. A glazing beam went right through the ship rumbling the falcon Seven turned back and looked, he couldn't believe his eyes a victory was so close," what? how? this isn't happening " Kats sad voice made things seem even worse than Seven thought, "get us out of here Raftone's dust" Carter yelled into a mic anger.

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