Chapter fourteen: What do you fight for?

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The cave was an orange coloured stone, outside was as bright as a candle in the dark. The sandstorm ranged outside like furious god's. Seven sat in the dimmed cave the only light he shared with Emile even if there wasn't enough. Emile's presence gave off a phantomish felling of lost hope and despair. Seven sat there as he held in all his physical and mental pain. Seven had only felt like this once after a mission. The pain of losing everything because of his mistakes. Seven held his wounded chest which the bio-foam did next to nothing as he had moved to much and been shot too much. Emile sharpened his knife strictly downwards on his arm plate. Seven pulled a shotgun shell out off his arm armour. Seven pulled out his combat knife and carved five letters into the shotgun shell. Jorge stomped into the cave and threw a briefcase towards Emile's feet. Jun looked defeated as he removed his helmet," forty-eight hours that's imminent...Uhoh who's you're money on this time?" Jun asked Jorge as he brushed off some dust from Jorge's shoulder pad. Jorge removed his helmet in frustration," Her" Jorge answered. Amber walked up to Emile and laid down on the hard rock ground," you always pick her" Jun stated. Kat stud in front of Carter who was leaned against the entrance of the cave," forty-eight hours they'll be backing up a graveyard" Kat said exasperatedly. Carter took off his helmet and placed it on the nearby soil. Kat's helmet was already off and beside her feet, "I know that look Kat you're preaching out to the converted" Carter replied. Kat quickly turned her head with a curious look on her face, "how converted?" Kat asked with curiosity. Carter gave her a stern look and quickly replied" No" Kat puffed a bit and lifted her shoulders, "you don't even want to hear it?" Kat teased Carter. Carter took a deep breath, "Fine I'll hear it" Carter gave in. Kat smiled with her familiar curious smile," remember Novalia slip space rupture accident a few years back" Kat asked. Carter obviously was aware of what had happened or so he thought, "Yeah slip space router malfunctioned ten thousand dea..." Before Carter finished Kat corrected his phrase" actually the slip space router worked fine, it was hauled improperly after a service check" Kat corrected. Carter remembered that Kat read every classified file about everything and was usually right about everything, "And this is relevant how?" Carter patronized. Kat looked it unimpressed," well a certain covenant carrier with some assistance could suffer the same unfortunate accident" Kat declared as she smiled. Carter looked a bit impressed," even for you Kat that's..." Kat cut Carter off again" Inspired," Kat said confidently. Carter smiled, "not the word I would use but" Carter finished. The rest of the team walked up to the entrance, "so what's going on?" West asked as he puffed away at a cigar in his mouth. Carter looked towards Kat, "go ahead explain" Carter said softly. Kat reached for Emile's Kukuri knife as she had no knife. Emile blocked her had from pulling down, "may I" Kat asked as she expected for Emile to replied yes. Emile didn't want to piss Kat off. Emile removed his hand from Kat's pull, "Don't cut yourself" Emile remarked unhappily. Kat knelt down and started carving stuff into the ground," our mission destroy covenant carrier above orbit, we fly up and mount a slip space router on a Corvette." Kat explained. Jorge looked over to Carter confused, "this sanction sir?" Jorge asked Carter quietly. Carter looked towards Jorge, "What do you think" Carter replied with sarcasm in his voice."oh" Jorge softy said. Kat continued," delivery system us, solvable getting us up there and getting our hand on a slip space rupture" Kat stud up and tossed the knife lightly in the air catching it by its blade," thank you for sharing " Kat thanked Emile as she passed his knife back. Emile viciously grabbed his knife back and flicked it to the side getting the dirt off. Carter only saw two problems," so the only problem is we need orbital capable transport, and the single most expensive thing made by man" Carter stated out. Kat seemed to already know something again," being a soldier in the field I couldn't possibly have access to these materials. However a good place to look might be I don't know maybe a none existant Saber project, in a none existant launch site, dismissed by three administrations preposterous rumour. All we need is a green light from Holland" Kat finished with a cocky voice. Carter impressed again by Kat's knowledge," good luck with that" Carter said out. Kat pulled out a pad swiftly, "you're the one asking him"Kat replied. Carter took the pad not believing this would work, "oh theirs no way in hell his going to go for this"

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