Chapter twenty one: The truth about the ghost

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As Noble team made they're way deeper into ONI sword base only to come across what they all agreed looked like hell. Amber stopped and patted Carter on the shoulder," uhm... Captain... Can we talk... Privately " Amber asked subtly and quietly." Keep pushing forwards Noble team Emile lead the way" Carter orders seemed to be getting less demanding in tone."All right boss" Emile replied pushing forwards into the dark stairs. The only light they had was a red emerging light that kept flashing on and off." Look these past few days have gotten me wondering..." Amber said softly her eyes lowered along with her head," what if we spend our last few days left walking around in the dark into our graves.." She finished holding her tears back. Carter rested a hand on her shoulder," there is something else bothering you..." Carter knew that wasn't the real reason she was about to cry. Amber looked up at him," I just don't want to regret my last few moments... So I'll say it plainly... I love you..." Her voice sharpened at the end of her sentence. Carter stopped his Comando helmet reflected her brown hair and blue eyes. Her pale skin slightly beat up from the fight with the elite when they crashed. "So you two just gonna stand there and look at each other all day or are you gonna kiss her " West said playing with his lighter. The two of them couldn't stop and chuckle. Carter pulled his helmet off revealing his black hair and dark blue eyes. West turned away pulling off his helmet and lighting up a cigar. Amber pulled out her magnum and shot the flashing red light so the only light was the ambers from West's cigar which you couldn't see anything with. Jun pulled open an old door that leads into an office. "Hey, guys you might wanna see this..." Jun gestured his hand waving it towards him. Emile, Kat and seven walked up to him entering a room full of computers. "Think any of them work ?" Emile asked smashing the monitor of one for fun. Seven looked around shaking his head, "this room... It's familiar...." Seven held his head in pain. A voice seemed to be whistling around his head like the wind. Kat walked up to him concerned, "you all right Seven ?" Her voice seems to fade away as Seven started to see the room not destroyed. The monitors filled with life and people buzzing around here like ants. Seven walked passed Kat not even paying attention to her. He entered a room where a surgical table was. The room was pale white and a locker still locked tight was at the end of the room in the corner. The room was dimly lit making it look like something straight from a horror movie. Emile pulled up his shotgun scanning the room," this place gives me the creeps... Like a ghost..." His voice was serious and slightly on edge. Kat followed Seven in stopping. He was bent over the operating table three document folders open each with Classified in red on it. "Seven you probably should burn those not read them." Her voice seemed to have snapped Seven back to reality,"... I'm....not even...." His voice stopped as he stepped back from the table. Kat walked up to the documents and quickly read through them.

-operation Seven-

-Date:2532, June 4-

-Subject: 0007-

-Objective: Creating a hyper-lethal Spartan thanks to AI help/

-Warning: if treatment continues subject will die... Warning severe brain damaged has been caused-

-Results: Subject has become hyper lethal at the cost of severe breakdowns and flashbacks from previous subjects the AI was implanted into. -

-Final notes: Subject 0007 is being tasked to Noble team now. His skills will defiantly be needed. Also, Subject 0007 has lost pigmentation in hair and his eyes turn grey because of blindness. Subject 0007 somehow sees fine even if his eyes are pale. This is due to AI cooperation -

-Off the record: Subject 0007 is only half human his body is human, yes but his mind and will are both AI. He no longer has the chance to make a decision for the worst or the best it's left to be found out-

Kat stopped and her eyes flickered slightly.

Seven didn't know what to say his life was a complete lie he was made to be this way he was never on a mission before he joined Noble team. He had no name or age. No home world, he felt alone and scared for the first time. He finally understood what the alien AI was talking about.

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