Chapter thirteen : Operation Desert Sword

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Sniper clips laid all over the dirt ground, the shells of the bullets were still hot not have been long since they left the gun. A dirt brown bush raised from the ground like a symbol of hope for this dessert. A marine laid on the ground his body leaned against a few sandbags to cover him or so was his plan. A falcon soared over his head he breathed heavily in relief trying to gather the courage to continue the fight. Carter looked over at Amber who was to busy to notice him staring although it seemed that Emile had had a bad sleep and some covenant where going to pay for it. Emile slow sharpened his knife on his armour his attention had been directed towards Carter," so Carter whats the mission today?" Emile asked impatiently. Carter changed his attention over to Emile's question," Theirs a UNSC outpost close by, we need to evacuate the miners and hold that outpost till reinforcements arrive " Carter replied quickly and commanding tone. Hunt looked off towards the outpost which they were seconds away from. As the falcon landed on a landing pad Carter, Emile, Amber and Hunt stepped off on the silver pad. Two marines walked up towards Carter," I'm sergeant Wilcox and this is sergeant Knox's are squads are at your command Spartan" Wilcox declared. Wilcox's was the type of sergeant how looked like they had seen a lot of action, his face was full of scares one of the most noticeable ones started from his forehead all the way down to his bottom lip," Amber I need you to get up on that tower and snipe enemies. Emile you'll lead a squad of marines to evacuate the miners. Hunt tend to the wounded then fallow sergeant Wilcox. I'm taking a squad of marines and sergeant Knox's to defend the main entrance, you've got you to order know to go!" Carter ordered and everybody followed what he or she had to do.

Emile grabbed four marines by the shoulder, "all right marines you're going to help me evacuate the miners" Emile said taking control over these marines," hey Jester seems like you're going to have another day where you'll be buying" one of the marines laughed out. Jester just shook his head," all right boys let's show this spartan our training " a softer voice said as," hey Debra think we'll win this fight?" a marine asked," yea we will win Nick" the soft voice of Debra replied. Emile leads them towards the front of a large door. Emile could hear knocks from inside and knew it was the miners. A control panel was attached to the side of the door although it was broken. One of the marines jogged over to the control panel and started fixing it sparks flew out of it like fireworks. Nick looked up to the sky where he had herd buzzing," hey! Anyone hear that buzzing?" Nick commented, Emile reached for his shotgun," get ready we got company, protect Jester while he repairs the door" Emile commanded. The marines pulled out their weapons and aimed down their sighs, sweat dripped from their face as they stud cornered against the door. A drone appeared from nowhere and fired it's green plasma shots towards the defending marines. A bullet from Emile's shotgun sent the drone crashing to the ground like a rock. Emile pumped the empty shell out of his shotgun furiously," Yeah that's what you get!" Emile yelled out in joy. Ten more drones appeared out of the mist of war, their green plasma shots rained down on the marines like rain. The marines startled a bit rapidly returned fire, "oh... led " One of the marines yelled out. The bodies of the drones fell to the floor quickly with multiple holes in them," argh.....I've been hit" the marine who hadn't said his name yet screamed in pain," Nick patch Utah up now" Debra ordered even if Emile was the leader of this mission. Nick knelt downwards patching up Utah's wounded arm," more coming let's give a show," Emile said as he loaded his shotgun. About a dozen drones appeared out of the mist of war. Their purple needles pierced the nearby ground. Emile lifted his shotgun and fired towards the drones. Emile pumped his shotgun as one of the drones hits the floor, he fired again sending another to the ground quickly. Even with Emile's skill the marines would die, there was just too many drones and too few marines, "Jester open that bloody door quickly" Emile shouted. A needle flew past Emile's head hitting Jester in the chest. Emile turned around and ran towards the control panel he didn't have time to deal with Jester. Emile fired his shotgun in the control panel causing it to open the large metal doors," doors open to get inside!" Emile yelled at the other marines. Emile grabbed Jester by the shoulder and started dragging him inside. The three other Marines started backing into the mining facility returning fire still. Emile once inside placed Jester against a wall and ran towards the door again," run inside now I've got you covered " Emile shouted. The three marines turned around and sprinted as fast as they could into the facility. Emile shoot down a few drones as the marines fell back into the building. Emile hit a button to close the giant metal door. The miners had cowered in the back some praying for their lives as the doors close. Jester pulled his magnum out of his holster and fired at the drones. The empty shell casings bounced as they hit the floor. Another purple shard flew into Jesters' chest killing him," NOoooo! you bastards " Debra yelled as she unloaded a whole clip into a drone overkilling it. The doors slammed shut and everybody stayed quite as Utah walked over to Jester's lifeless body. Utah grabbed his dog tags and unhooked them from his neck. Utah walked over to Debra and placed them into her hand. Emile reloaded his shotgun," should've just stayed put and he'd probably still be alive" Emile commented. The marines look at him furiously as the prepared them self for the next fight. Emile devised a plane since he knew the drone would still be waiting for the outside," Debra you'll lead the miners to the evac ship while Utah, Nick and I hold them off" Emile ordered. Debra put the dog tags of Jester in a pocket of her's " yeah I'll go tell the miner" Debra replied as she walked over to the miners. Utah pulled out a clear bottle and pulled the top off with his hand," bottoms up " Utah lifted the bottle up to his mouth and chugged a big sip down his throat," might as well drink now since it may be my last" Utah laughed as he whipped his lips and put away the bottle. Emile stud ready at the door with his shotgun locked and loaded. Utah held his assault rifle at the ready as he waited. Nick held his DMR ready at any moment to fire towards the drones. Debra pressed the button to open the door and looked back at the miners to make sure they'd fallow her. The large door opened slightly letting in the sunlight and a green plasma shot. Emile, Utah and Nick stepped out first to protect the miners from any more damage. Debra leads the miners out and towards the evac shuttle waiting for them. Emile pumped out his one-hundredth shell that day. The drones desperately fought back as their numbers crumbled. A large green plasma shot hit Utah is his shoulder knocking him to the floor. Nick looked back quickly and turned towards the drone and fires his DMR in rage at them. Utah pulled himself to grab his assault rifle with one hand and fired towards the drones knocking a few down," I'M not done this fight just yet" Utah groaned in pain. Emile turned his head towards Utah who wasn't fatly wounded. Debra reached the evac shuttle and started loading the miners in. Three drones try and kill the few last miners who were trying to enter the shuttle. Debra turned towards the drone and unloads her assault rifle clip into them. A green plasma shot hits her in the leg causing her to kneel down still firing back at the drones. A purple needle shot pierces Bebra's lower torso. She fell to the floor with her last breaths she kills off the last three drones endangering the miners. Debra lays her head down her vision starts to give away and her breathing slows. She could see the evac shuttle starting to depart. Nick lifted Utah over his shoulder to walk him over to the base. Emile pulled one of the drones to the ground and stomped on its face. Utah looked over to Nick," leave me here I'll cover your backs as you get to the base... Before you deny it I wouldn't make it anyways" Utah coughed out," let my last moments be those of a hero" Utah finished. Nick set Utah down and sprinted to the base with Emile. Utah looked at the few last drones firing towards him. He aimed his assault rifle towards them and fired it. he manages to kill a handful of drones before his assault rifle ran out of ammo. Utah chucked his assault rifle away as the drones close in. Utah reaches for a frag grenade he had on his chest piece on it was carved - TRY THIS *****- Utah pulled the pin but held down on the hammer. Utah with his dying breath said," you're coming with me to Hell" Utah's hand released the hammer and in five short seconds the grenade exploded taking out a dozen drones. Emile rested himself against a wall and looked over to Nick," good job kid " Emile commented. Nick just looked down in despair. Emile looked at his trusty shotgun," Carter the miners got out safe mission accomplished"

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