Chapter twenty two - Fading Sun

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Seven sat in the mostly empty Pelican. The endless sand dessert rose above and created strange mountains of orange structures. Emile sat on the edge of the pelican a grenade launcher in his hand. Amber seemed to be slowly breaking down she hadn't got used to the idea that her friends were dead. Her hands in a tight fist her eyes a rosy red from the tears she was holding back. Kat sat beside Seven her head hung low her silver visor reflected a blueish tint. Before Seven knew it plasma burns covered the back of Carter's chair. The Pelican slightly rocked from side to side from the damage. Emile fired off a grenade towards the Ghosts fallowing them the explosion rocked the Pelican even more. Seven almost fell out of his seat as he made his way towards Carter," Captain you Okay ?" He asked out seeing that Carter took no severe damage. Carter removed his helmet small portion of blood slipped from his right lip. " I'm fine but you guys need to get off this plane now. And that's an order you need to get that package to the Piller of Autumn as quickly as possible" Carter explained as quickly as he could. Seven nodded and headed to the back of the plane explaining what was going on Amber was about to burst into tears. Seven knew he was going to have to push her out of the Pelican. The four Spartans stayed near the rear of the Pelican waiting on Carter's mark. Carter gave the mark and it seemed that Seven was making another leap of fate he was hoping that this leap wasn't going to be like the last one. The four Spartans jumped off they're bodies slid down the slanted cliff like rag dolls. Seven hit the bottom of the hill his DMR almost snapping in two from the fall. After a while, the Spartans stud up with difficulty each of them covered in dust. Seven quickly checked the Lantern making sure it wasn't damaged, luckily Holsey made things to last the artifact was intact. However, they still had a while before they reached the journey's end. Emile picked up his shotgun and dusted it off, "Seven gives us covering fire from the hills and will take care of the rest" Emile's voice was still solid which came to a surprise for all of them. Amber was having difficulty's to stand up she had broken her leg in the fall. Kat helped her up. "We won't be able to move very quickly Amber has a broken leg. " Kat pointed out whipping the blood off of her mouth and looking over at Seven and Emile. Seven simply looked down his scope and spotted a Mongoose a little bit away from where they stud. The only thing blocking they're path was a bunch of covenant. Seven aimed out of his weapon and pointed towards the end of the road from where they could see," down there there's a Mongoose if we can get that far we should be able to follow the road down towards the Pillar of Autumn". Emile nodded softly as he moved his head towards the end of the road,"All right Seven give us covering fore from this position Kat stay behind me and cover my six. Amber where gonna count on you for reloading our guns and giving us grenades " Emile knew he had to lead them Kat was lost, Seven wasn't a leader and Amber was too emotional right now. As the three Spartans moved down the hill Seven kneeled down giving himself a better aim. He scooped in on a Jackal with a needle rifle he knew there were more dangerous targets but he also knew that a sniper could be more deadly than a hundred troops. As he heard the sound of Emile's shotgun go off his finger did not hesitate to press down. The Jackal dropped off the ledge of the Orange cliff behind a few grunts scaring them off. Seven didn't know why but he always felt bad when killing a Grunt he knew they were dangerous but there was a part of him that hated pulling the trigger on them. A violent smack through Emile onto the dusty ground and his shotgun flung off the nearby ledge. A brute stud over him a spiker in his hand. Kat fired off a few magnum rounds into his chest but the beast couldn't be stopped he roared and in a blink of an eye he charged Kat and Amber making them stubble onto the ground. Amber with a pain induced body managed to pick up a plasma rifle beside her, the massive creature roared once more as he was about to finish them off. A knife went through his throat and pulled back Emile kicked the lifeless body to the floor pulling out his knife. His gaze moved to Amber who had the plasma rifle pointed towards him. For a moment he thought that he was going to be killed by a friendly but the plasma shots hit a target behind him. The elite who had stalked up behind them now laid waist beside his brothers. The path was cleared now and the Spartans moved up to the Mongoose. They carefully loaded Amber onto the back of the ride and Emile went on the driver seat. I'll be back with another Ride for you guys don't worry" Emile said as he drove off leaving Seven and Kat behind. Seven looked over at Kat as Emile passed into a turning tunnel. "Kat... Look... I don't know if we're gonna make it out of this alive or no.." Kat pulled off her helmet and moved her robotic finger over his visor. "Shu..... I know...... Seven... Delta... I... Just wish." To Kats surprise Seven took off his helmet and moved his finger over her lips, "Shu... " he breathed heavily under the hot sun " I know maybe in another life we might have had more... All I know is that we're here now and we're together until the end " Kat blushed softly and smiled her hand tightened around the rim of her helmet," just... Kiss me already" she demanded with a whisper. Seven moved his head in closer the two of them locking lips. The two Spartans stud there on a dying planet sharing they're live for each other. Kat had a feeling this might be her last moments with the man she fell in love with. Her hand moved next to Seven's and they're hands connected tightly. The sun that had warmed them disappeared and the two pulled away and Seven looked up hoping it was just a cloud. Unfortunately, it was a Covenant frigate above them blocking out the sun. Seven cussed under his breath getting tired of the Covenants attempts to stop them. As the two Spartans stud there looking up in shock the sound of a Car horn alerted them, "Well you two going to stand there or kick some covenant Ass?" Amber asked. She was driving a Warthog with difficulties but she was managing. Seven quickly ran over Kat helped Amber out of the driver seat and into the passenger side. Seven made his way to the turret of the gun where he fired off a few rounds making sure it wasn't jammed or broken. Kat finally made her way to the driver seat before they set out. "The bigger they are the harder they fall" Emile whispered to himself as he pulled out the mag out of his pistol. The pile of the boy's in front of him mostly consisted of brutes and grunts. As he reacher over to grab a magazine, he found nothing left. A giant Plasma burst hit beside him throwing him across the floor. A red wraith drove out of the shadows on the turret an Elite Ultra holding the turret on the top of the covenant tank. Emile stud up seeming as he just shrugged off the damage chuckling at the attempt to kill him. His hand instinctively reaching for his Kukuri knife his hand only clenched together the knife stuck in the skull of a dead brute. The Elite Fired off the turret towards the undying Spartan. Emile quickly barrel rolled to the side pulling his knife out of the dead corps as he stud up. The tank fired off its main cannon towards Emile but he ran towards the tank causing it to miss again. As the elites turret tried to take him off the hull he simply kicked the gun to the side. The elite roared and pulled out its energy knife but Emile continued to kick the elite until its neck snapped."That's was Jorge." Emile stated aggressively. The tank driver quickly tried to open the hatch and escape he only made it three feet away before a warthog crushed him under its wheels, "I think I hit something " Kat said as she jumped down from the driver seat. Emile chuckled and leaped off the Wraiths hull putting away his knife," We're close now only 10 Miles to the entrance of the launch site" Kat nodded, "Only one problem the Warthog only fits three people and there's four of us". Emile nodded, "don't worry I've already taken that accounted for there's a mongoose a few feet away from us. " Seven looked over at Kat not sure what he should tell her or should do he just wished that they had fallen in love a long time ago but he'd do for five hours with her.

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