Chapter twenty three: A Final goodbye

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The flaming blaze and wrecked the scarab before the four Spartans Seven's head loosened up and his mind went blank. Amber was on her knees her hands covering her eyes trying to unsee what had just happened. ".....Come on we've got a mission to finish let's not make his sacrifice be in vain. " Emile managed to speak in the heat of the moment. Kat helped Amber back up her inability to walk was causing their trip to take longer than expected the covenant was sending everything they had at them didn't help much either. As the Spartans made there way out of the tunnels they were greeted by a desperate last stand by the UNSC trying to hold off the Covenant forces as long as possible. Seven pulled out his assault rifle all of them low on ammunition this fight was going to be one of the hardest they've been through probably. "We're Spartans nothing was ever easy and it won't be different today so let's show them what we've got. " Kat's voice boomed through the coms as our boots touched the dusty surface below Seven's white armour wasn't getting any cleaner anyway he thought as he brushed off some of the dirt that had accumulated on his gun. One of the marines spotted them and waved off to the group " HEY Spartans we could sure use a hand here" Emile nodded," You go I'll help down here I'll see you topside soon" Emile pumped his shotgun and Seven gripped Emile's empty hand to give him a final handshake. Emile chuckled, "Now go kick some ass".

After a few minutes of climbing towards the main base, Amber's wounds were getting worse. "Damn...I can't go much further please lie me down. " Amber grunt holding her wound. Kat softly laid her down against a rusty wall. Seven scanned the nearby area making sure no one had followed them. "How .....much further till we reach the MAC canon " she whispered in pain her body getting weaker and pail. Kat looked down at her hud checking the distance. "Not too far will get there in hundred meters. " Kat extended her hand helping up the dying Amber. Kat looked over at Seven quickly, "let's go we don't have time to waist " Seven wasn't fully paying attention his hands tightly holding his gun on edge. Amber coughed hard the edge of her lips covered in blood,"" Amber whispered whipping the blood away. Kat patted Seven's shoulder to grab his attention. " Seven did a rapid turn his hand over his knife, "so....sorry you got me off the edge" Kat just gave him a quick glare that was useless under her helmet. The Spartans made their way towards the MAC cannon a few dead bodies from both sides laid against the floor their blood mixing together as they died so close. "MOVE!!" Amber pushed Kat off her feet causing the two to fall together. Seven reacted to the danger as quickly as he could his right hand letting go of the handle of the gun, and in a blur of motions, his knife was out of its holster and in his bloodied hands. The elite had rapidly recovered from his lunge and had already changed targets towards Seven. The elite sprinted towards Seven in a blaze of moments. It felt like time slowed or something Seven felt his knife leaving his hand before he even wanted it too. The knife landed between the two eyes of the elite sending him tumbling to the floor. "well he didn't put up much of a fight" Seven chuckled. Kat and Amber stud up Kat had fallen on her prosthetic arm causing it to short circuit and freeze."Shit....damn...arm..... well as much as I'd like to stay and cover the extraction I can't. " Kat said trying to fix her arm. Amber sighed and chuckled taking off her dog tags, "well hell Seven you have the package leaving the job to me... its best this way anyway... probably would've bled out before we got anywhere" she handed the dog tags to Seven who gripped them tightly putting them into his tactical hard case. "Well remember you," Seven said reassuringly. Amber smiled and climbed up into the MAC cannon, "Good luck Kat and Seven see ya on the other side.

As seven and Kat made they're way to the Pelican LZ Emile was already there."What took you so long thought id have to get off this hell hole alone" he chuckled hugging both Kat and Seven tightly almost crying." wheres Amber?" he asked having not been briefed on the most of the plan. "Amber is giving us covering fire from the MAC cannon...she.....i. " Kat was to upset for words in the past few hours they had lost mostly the entirety of Noble Team. Their reunion was cut short by a pelican coming down for decent."All right Colonel Holland is here and ready to receive the package and get you guys the hell outta here" A young pilots voice boomed through their mics. The ramp for the Pelican dropped open not even landing time was running short Seven knew there wasn't time for formalities. As the Colonel stepped out a dozen marines flooded the area and secured the landing zone. "You must be Seven didn't expect to see more of Noble team still breathing its a relief through," Holland said stepping off. Seven pulled out the blue lantern and handed it to Holland. "Here you go," Seven said as Holland accepted the package. Seven was just about to step into the Pelican before a phantom drove overhead destroying the escort pelican. "Shit!" Emile yelled ducking down while quickly reloading his shotgun up with his reserve shots on his wrist. Seven quickly went on his mic yelling"Amber we need that thing destroyed!!" but before he could finish the phantom had circled around dropping some troops down onto Amber's position. The phantoms gunner pinned down the marines and Spartans by shooting an array of plasma shots towards them. Amber froze up she was dead anyways she wasn't going to try an save her skin any longer. The elites closed in on her position as she aligned one last shot onto the covenant corvette over top blocking their exit. She waited for the phantom to get right into position killing two birds with one stone. As the lock on system beeped like crazy the elites closed in until one of them was even right in front of her trying to destroy the glass protecting her. "come on.....come...on....jus..argh" The plasma shots pierced through the glass hitting amber directly in the lungs. She felt her entire body clench together as she fired off the MAC cannon. The shot flung right through the Phantom and into the reactor core of the corvette causing it to slowly crash. Seven couldn't feel the ground beneath his back. His snowy white armour bruised up and covered in blood now. He could feel his vision blurring up the phantom gunner had placed a lucky shot into his shoulders chest almost everywhere. "no Seven not like this...."Kat pulled his body into the pelican as quickly as she could with the help of Emile. They set him against the back of the Pelican as it took off Seven could make out Kat pulling off his helmet and Emile beside him saying something he couldn't make out. Kat pulled off her helmet letting it roll to the side as her head fell against his chest sobbing. Emile patted her back to try and comfort her. "Im...sorry...Kat..."

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