Danny Fenton and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Shower

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Ok so I was taking a shower and I thought about what would happen if someone had the WORST shower EVER and then I thought 'Hey y not make it my very favorite pawn!'(lol I sound like a frootloop...) so because I like to torture danny (Danny: I KNEW IT!!!) I decided to make him have a HORRIBLE shower. Plz enjoy but I don't own Danny phantom as much as I want to but that job is claimed by Butch Hartman.... ENJOY!



Danny's POV

It was a good day. No ghost attacks (except for the box ghost once) I have decided to NOT ask about my parents inventions and they didn't go off when I'm around! Also it was the weekend so NO SCHOOL! I was getting ready to take a shower and I got my pajamas and walked into the bathroom and I was even in the bathroom before Jazz! I was about to take off my shirt when I got stuck. I was struggling and struggling and I guess Jazz heard from her room and came in. When she saw me she burst out laughing and rolling on the floor. When she finally came over her laughter she said "Danny why don't you turn intangible?" I mentally facepalmed and went intangible. "Thanks Jazz..." I muttered. That wasn't going away soon. I could still hear Jazz laughing from her room. I was just about to get in the shower when I tripped and ripped down the shower curtain. I hit my knee on the handle. I groaned and stood up. I put up the curtain again and started the shower. I turned the water up but ther was NO HOT WATER (DUN DUN DUUUUUN). I tried to take a quick shower but there was no shampoo. So I got out of the shower into the closet (pantry whateves) and got a full shampoo. I opened it and it just about spilled everywhere. I quickly turned it so the top was facing torward the celing. Then I dumped a little onto my hand and applied it to my messy black hair. I was scrubbing it in ma hair and I slipped. I don't know how I just did. Than I brought my hand up to hold my head but I got shampoo in my eyes. I waved my hands around like a mad man and jumped out of the shower. I didn't have a towel to I grabbed my clothes and put them on while I was still wet. I ran out of the bathroom down the stairs and into the kitchen. I didn't even notice mom dad sam and tucker sitting at the table and staring at me while I grabbed what I thought was a paper towel and wiped my face. Then Tucker said "Dude why are you wiping your face with a jelly sand which?" I opened my eyes and looked down. I then looked in a spoon and saw my face was smeared with jelly. I groaned and stomped back up to the shower. I took off my clothes (not getting stuck) and got back into the shower. I was putting on soap when I somehow got it in my mouth. I groaned and having no other choice drank the water coming from the shower. I spit it all back out onto the shower floor. "This is the WORST shower EVER." I muttered. I washed off all the soap and that's when I noticed that the drain was clogged. I groaned and got out of the shower. I got into my pajamas (which were soaked because I had no towel...) and told my parents that the drain was clogged. They said it would be unclogged by the time I was fast asleep. I guess Sam and tuck had to leave. My parents said I was in the shower for about an hour. I got into bed and fell asleep. I had this weird dream where I was falling.....




So there you have it! All the terrible things that can go wrong in the shower and they all happened to the one and only Danny Fenton/Phantom. 

Danny: I hate you SO much

Me: noooo Everyone LOVES MEH -3-

Danny: uh no-.-

Me: uh yesh. Anyway I REALLY had fun writing this-

Danny: sure ya did=-= 

Me: and plz vote COMMENT(I love comments) And follow ALSO THIS WASNT THE CHAPTER FOR THE WEEK I WILL PROBS B UPDATING AGAIN SHORTLY!!! But until then...


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