Chapter 34 (i really dont know what chapter im on...)

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Let's just go...
No one's POV
"I want to make a deal."
To be honest, talking to a floating Dorito with one eye, a bow tie, and a top hat wasn't really your typical Friday afternoon... Well it isn't Friday.
"What kind of deal?"
The dorito- Bill- seemed to get a sparkle in its eye.
"Well... I understand that Pine Tree has passed away and I am willing to get him back!"
Danny liked the idea... No he loved the idea. But then he realized something...
"What's the catch?"
Bill seemed to smile... If an eye can smile.
"A puppet!"
Danny frowned. He wasn't really sure he saw any puppets... And that price was VERY small for bringing Dipper back to life.
"I'll tell you what, Spook. If you give me a puppet, not only will I bring back Pine Tree, but I'll also defeat Super- Spook out there. I mean this is a one in a life time offer. All that for just a puppet..."
Danny thought about it. It was awfully suspicious. He really didn't want to take that risk...
"I don't know Bill... It sounds really weird. You said it yourself. All that for just one puppet. That's a little suspicious. Why do you even need a puppet?"
"Well..." Bill said "It gets very boring where I am and it's fun to play with puppets!" He responded.
"But why not something better than just a puppet?"
"I really like the puppets Pine Tree has in store. They are the best!"
"But why-"
A boom interrupted Danny's sentence.
"C'mon Spook! You're running out of time!"
Danny still looked nervous. He thought about it before another boom shook him out of his thoughts. He looked out the window and saw a canon. Being loaded and prepared to fire for the THIRD time. Danny looked at Bill then back at the canon. Bill had his hand stuck out and it was lit with Blue Fire, waiting for Danny to shake his hand.

And guess what.

Danny shook it.
Danny do u know how many ppl have commented on the last chapter?
Danny: No...
Me: a lot. Do u know what they all said?
Danny: no...
Danny: oh...
Danny: HEY! U were the one writing the story of my life!
Me: oh yah...
Me: ...
Danny: UGH! *leaves*
Me: oh well...
I don't own anything but the storyline.
I forgot to do this...
Question Of The Week!
Fave Percy Jackson Line from HoO or PJO? Mine is
"I said hello to the Poodle now you say hello to the Poodle." The poodle growled. I said hello to the Poodle."

Uhh... Boo?? (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now