Chapter whatever

978 46 34

Sry its late blah blah blah I don't own anything
Dippers POV (AN- cuz I got hate mail...)
Dipper was in pain. His chest hurt like CRAZY. He didn't really know where he was and he didn't care. He needed to get back to Mabel. Where he was looked like a glowing green endless... thing. He also didn't care that he was floating. His vest was gone and his once orange shirt was bow stained blood red. His hat was cut up and burned and it has some blood on it too. He floated around for a bit. This place did look a bit familiar. He continued to float when he saw a palace. That's when he realized it. He was in the place he met Princess Dora. He continued to float for the castle when an arose tried to shoot at him. He jumped and covered his head with his hands....

Only to see it go right through him. He looked down and saw that he was fine. He put his hands up and said "I am here to see Princess Dora" some of the guards seemed to recognize him and lowered their bows/spheres. One of the guards called something to the rest and they did the same. He than walked into the crowd and came back with none other than the Princess.

"Sir Dipper!" She said cheerfully and said something in a different language to the rest of the guards. But Dipper actually understood it! She said
"Lower your weapons! This is no foe!" Before turning back to Dipper. She noticed all the blood and immediately called for him to come down. Dipper obeyed.

"What happened?" She asked. Dipper opened his mouth and then realized he really didn't know what happened. He remembered taking on a huge black and purple dragon before he was on the floor and...
That happened.

Dipper moaned and Dora looked at him worriedly. He looked at Dora and said

"I think I'm dead."

Dora frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I think I died fighting a giant black ghost dragon..."
Dora frowned then looked at Dipper and smiled. "You know... Being a ghost isn't that bad." Dipper frowned. "What about my parents! And my sister!" Dora frowned "I can send you back but you would have to keep being a ghost a secret unless you want your parents to know. I would bring you back to life however, I don't know any spells or potions that will. However, I DO know how to get you back to your own dimension. Would you want to go back?" Dipper immediately nodded and said "yes." Dora nodded and said "I can bring you to the nearest portal. But you and Sir Phantom would need to train. Otherwise... You wouldn't really want to be going invisible in front of your parents now would you?" Dipper shook his head "No mam'e." (AN: idk how to spell mam'e...) Dora laughed a little. "Ok then. Follow me." She stood up and jumped out the window. Dipper followed and tried not to look at the endless fall he would take if he couldn't float. He jumped and he fell a little before getting balance and following Princess Dora
They flew.
And flew.
And flew some more.
And flew even more.
Until Princess Dorothea finally stopped. Dipper stopped too and looked at why they did stop. Dora was looking at a swirling, brighter neon green. Dipper looked at her. Dora said "This is your way home. Take it and remember what I said." Dipper nodded and didn't really hear the "I hope it brings you home..." Dipper looked into the seemingly endless portal and looked back at Dorothea. He looked back at the portal. "This will take me home right?" Dora nodded.  "And Phantom will train me?" Dora nodded once more. Dipper looked back at the portal before Dora said "Sir Dipper there is something you must know about Phantom. Him and Daniel Fenton... They are one in the same." Dipper looked at her. "What?"
"Sir Daniel Fenton and Sir Daniel Phantom are the same person. He is half ghost and he can change into a normal kid at will. He would never hurt anyone unless he was being controlled. Otherwise he would never hurt ANYONE. Except a ghost. He will protect people and he would never hurt an innocent person by will. NEVER. Please... TRY to trust him..."
Dipper was shocked before regaining his senses and nodding. "I will."
"Good luck Sir Dipper."
"Thank you."
And with that he entered the portal.
He came out through the Mystery Shack vending machine. He looked around and realized he was on the floor instead of floating. He walked around for a bit before he looked into a mirror. He gasped.
His shirt was still in blood and his hat was still messed up but they were slowly coming together. His shirt had less blood on it and his hat looked like it was stitching itself back together. But his eyes.
His eyes were neon yellow.
Well at least his Iris's were. He looked closely into the mirror when he heard crying. He looked around and saw Mabel. In the other room by the kitchen table. She was crying hard. He looked closer and noticed whatever was on the table was disappearing. It was dissolving into a yellow dust. He looked closer and noticed himself before he finally disappeared completely. The yellow dust stayed their for a minute before it exploded. Each one made a small explosion and was gone. Dipper watched in awe before he came to his senses and looked at Mabel.
Who was now staring at him.
Dipper looked at Mabel who was now looking at him. She looked Kirk she didn't really know weather or not to run up and hug him or run away. Dipper hated seeing her like this. Her hair was messed up and her sweater was torn. But he guessed he really shouldn't say anything, considering how he looked but still.
"D-Dipper?" Dipper looked at her and put up his hands. "Hi Mabel... It's still me. I promise." Mabel looked him and slowly stood up. She sprinted forward him.

Only to fall right through him. Mabel looked at her hands and back at dipper, who was now looking apologetic. "Sorry... Try again." He said. Mabel looked confused and poked his hand. It didn't go through so she hugged him.
Really tight.
"Ow... Mabel..." Dipper said. She let go and said "I'm sorry I'm sorry." Dipper smiled. He loved Mabel. Then she asked "H-How are you alive? I just saw you..." She started crying. Dipper hugged her again."I'm so so sorry Mabel. It won't ever happen again." Mabel smiled and then Dipper realized something. "Oh yah and Phantom isn't overshadowing Danny. They're the same. He's half ghost." Mabel looked confused. Then she made an 'o' with her mouth. Dipper nodded "yah..." They walked around looking for Danny and came into the living room. They saw Danny. He was facing away from them. Dipper spoke up. "Hi Danny..." Danny turned around but his eyes weren't quite... His own. They had slit pupils and they were glowing an eerie yellow. Then he smiled a crooked, creepy smile and said "Hiya Pine tree! How's it goin?"
ALIVE! I think this story is getting too long and I feel like it should end soon and that's why I made this so long! Oh and Danny couldn't join us today.... *evil smile*

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