Chapter 6

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HEEEEYYYYY everyone! So about 2 days ago I was at ma cousins and now she's READING MA BOOK AND ACTUALLY COMMENTED A NICE THING ON IT!!!! I was so proud. But anyway shearer user is Miarosegarlin and off she comments DONT U DARE B MEAN!

Danny: coming from u thats kinda ironic.

Me: really are u STILL MAD?

Danny: Yes. And there is nothing u can do to make me unmad.

Me: unmad using a word genius. No WONDER ur failing.

Danny: no I'm failing cuz I ghost fight ALL DA TIME

Me: shure we'll go with dat

Danny: I will-


Danny: I hate you...


Danny: I don't ca-


Danny POV

"So let's get this thing started shall we?" 

Everyone stared at me


Dipper spoke up

"This is him..." 

Mabel spoke next

"Whoa! So like when did you die?"

I flinched at that question. I wasn't really dead... Was I?

"Uh about a year ago."


Ackward silence yet again.

It broke when Dipper spoke up.

"So you said you would show me your powers...?"

"Oh uh yah uh follow me" I said and started floating torward an opening I came across when training. When we finally got there it was late at night. I didn't know I flew that far. 

"Alright everyone sit down over there." I instructed. Everyone walked over and took their seats. I got ready in front of them but not to close to hurt them. 

"Ok so what do you want to see first?"

Soos spoke up 

"Your weakest power and move up to your strongest power dude!"


My weakest power... I had no idea what my weakest power was... Oh I got it!

I turned invisible. While I was invisible I walked up behind Dipper and then turned visible and, while he was still looking around, I grabbed his shoulders and yelled "BOO!" At the same time. His reaction was hilarious! He jumped about 3 feet in the air (while still sitting down) and screamed the most girliest scream in the world! I couldent help it, I fell on my back laughing while Dipper tried to glare at me but couldn't help but laugh a little too. Everyone else was rolling on the floor laughing (Exept for Wendy she was just laughing while sitting up) Dipper finally found his voice and said "Next Power."  

"F-fine" I said between laughs. I took a deep breath and calmed down. My next power... Oh alright.

I went intangible and stuck my hand through a tree trunk. Then I turned the rest of my body intangible and walked right through. I walked back through the tree and went in the ground. I went back up in the center of the clearing. I smirked at their faces. All of their mouths were dropped to the floor. I decided I would need to get used to that. I bowed dramatically. Third weakest was probably... Overshadowing. I would need someone to do it on. I think Mabel has a pig...

Uhh... Boo?? (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now